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"He comes to my room sometimes"

Sunny looked at me worriedly. "He waits until nobody is around then he locks the door and then he touches me. I get scared. I always tell him, I am scared but then he takes my name while caressing my face. When I refuse, he says he will get me out of this place, he knows the way out. He says he likes me" she said.

"Bloody hell" Sunny murmured under his breath. She was helpless. Psychiatric patient and someone was taking advantage of it.

"How often does this happen?" I asked this time she spoke to me.

"Once In a week or twice"

Sunny sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Do you know which one it was? Was it any of them here?" Sunny asked her no doubt suspecting Kunaal as a culprit. She looked through the guards standing against the wall.

"No I don't see him here" she said. Kunaal was standing there that means Kunaal is not the one.

"Can you do me a favor Riya? If you see him or find out his name come and tell me ok?" he said gently.

"Okay" she nodded. I really felt bad about Riya. What she was going through was hell but what if that guard really like her and want to take her out of this place but still he should not touch her against her will.

"I am going to get some food. And you are going to eat ok Laddoo?" Sunny said breaking the silence.

He quickly got up and walked towards the food table leaving me and Riya alone. Normally I would have been fine with it but she didn't like me as much as she likes Sunny.

"I like your friend" she said as if to prove my point. "He is. He is different" she smiled

"Yeah" I smiled back looking at him from far

"He really understand people and care for them" she said.

"Yeah it is true-" I began to say but stopped when Riya pulled her hand over her ear and began shaking her head rapidly as if she couldn't get rid of whatever piercings noise was bouncing in her head. My eyes desperately searched for Sunny but he was yet to fill our plates with food. My eyes shifted back to the table and I jumped slightly as someone slide into the chair beside Riya.

It was the girl I had noticed few days back. The new girl the one who seemed much more normal than others. She was pretty with dark hair and dark eyes.

"Hi" she spoke curtly.

"Hi" I replied my voice was weak compare to her. "Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Aditi. And you?"

"I am Tejasswi"

"What are you-"

Who is this?" Sunny's voice interrupted as he stood behind me and I looked up. He was eying a strange girl.

"Her name is Aditi" I answered as he sat next to me. He slides the plate in front of me and kisses my tample.

"What are you doing here?" Sunny asked her while shoving food in my mouth.

"Same as her" Aditi said pointing towards Riya. She still hand her hands on her ear but she looked more relaxed. "I just wanna talk" Aditi said. Sunny nodded slowly.

"About what?" Sunny pressed on.

"Anything really. you two are the only people here that seemed to able carry a normal conversation plus you seem at least slightly normal and you know this place better than I do. so I thought it will be good to talk to youu guys" she said.

"So you really just want to talk then? you just want some buddies to chat with?" Sunny asked in slightly mocking tone as if he didn't believe her.

she nodded but she was smart. i could tell by the confidence in her voice. there was something she wanted or may be she just want to make friends and who knows she might be able to help us out later.

"So who runs this place?" she asked

"Mrs D’Souza" I replied but Aditi's expressions asked for an elaboration.

"you will know her when you will see her. she is the in charge and she will make you well aware of it"  i said.

Riya was silent but her eyes were engaged in conversation.

"Okey. and what's the deal with the guards?" Aditi pressed on.

"They are pricks"  Sunny said a little harshly.

"Yeah I got that part but they are good I guess. i mean at least they are not bossy” she said.

"That's Mrs D’Souza's job to be bossy" Sunny said and I couldn't help but laughed.

"This D’Souza lady sounds like a bitch"  Aditi said and we nodded

"what happened to that guard over there?" Aditi asked.

Kunaal. we both knew whom she was talking about even though we couldn't see him from our place. He still wore a neck brace and white bandage on his nose. we didn't respond. i don't think Sunny was ready to tell that story neither did I. 

"I am not sure" Karan answered.

"Huh? I don't believe that. You guys surely know something"

I looked at Sunny and he shrugged.

"Oh come on. tell me. I will probably find out anyway”

"Ok fine he did it" i said pointing to Sunny. surely I am not going to tell her whole story.

"Woah did you do that to him?" she questioned.

Sunny nodded. his expressions natural. Aditi looked at us in confusion and Concentration. she was silent for a while.

"Who the hell are you guys?" she finally spoke. 

"They are Karan and Tejasswi" Riya said finally joining the conversation. our expressions turned amused at Riya's childlike contribution.

"Good" Aditi said. Riya nodded slowly. smiling. she was really cute and someone was taking advantage of her innocence.

"I think I will sit here from now on. you guys are interesting" Aditi said. so there gone the precious privacy that Sunny and I had but what we were supposed to do? tell her not to sit with us? No that would be rude and she can help us too. but it was still slightly disappointing and only thing to distracted me from this disappointment was Riya's shocking gasps.

"That's him" she harshly whispered Aditi was unaware of what she was talking about. but Sunny and I knows very well. both of head moved in the direction of her worried stare and we found the guard that she was mentioning. He was all too familiar that made my skin crawl. he wasn't just any guard but he was the one that took me to my room everyday. My guard Aman. everyone was silent for a while. Riya was scared and I was filled with worry but it was Sunny who finally spoke. "You have got to be fucking kidding me"


I have stopped asking for votes and comments and I can clearly see it's effect. Except few people no one take intrest to vote and share their opinion. It is really disappointing as I take so much time to write. I know story is going really slow, I am sorry for that.

Please share your honest opinion so I can write further or stop writing this one or end it in few chapters

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