Chapter two.

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I got up and dressed and outside by eight. I made myself a coffee to go before I left and made my way to my little secret meeting. I sat down in a circle in a basement when everyone gathered around. They all shared their stories of how they killed maybe ten innocent people or took a rigid bite from an unsuspecting ghoul, and the whole time I was laughing inside taking small judgemental sips of coffee as I sat uncomfortably in a fold away steel chair. The time to share a story finally fell upon yours truly, and in honesty I was nervous to admit to the treacherous crimes I had committed but at the same time I was also weirdly excited to almost brag about my experiences seeing as though my experiences made all of there's microscopic in comparison.
"Hello...My name is Taiga. I'm 19 and I'm a cannibal and a binge eating ghoul. Not only that but I am a kakuja and a double kagune user. I'm pretty kick ass. I don't mean to toot my own horn but, toot." I said followed by an outburst of awkward laughter. I coughed to break off my chain of laughter before looking around at everyone as they tried to piece together who I was. "I've been in the news as a triple s rated ghoul that is probably the most wanted ghoul to date. You were all ashamed to admit how many lives you have taken wether they be human or ghoul and most of you hadn't even gotten past ten which makes me even more ashamed to admit that I lost count after my thirtieth kill, if that. I guess it becomes sorta routine....but I have gone sixty-seven days without a kill and I know it isn't a lot especially to those of you who have gone a whole year, but to me, it's an achievement and a huge accomplishment. I needed to get my act together for my niece as I am her official guardian now for a few years until she turns 18 because my sister, her mother, was killed nearly three years ago. I now own a café , hogo-sha which is a café that helps ghouls like us get back on our feet again. Were surrounded by people just like us that support us and care for us. I can't say there's a better place for ghouls like in our position." I took a sip of coffee and sighed. "We also make the best coffee in the world." I said smiling. I sat down and crossed my legs as everyone else stood up and began clapping. They were proud of me...for what I could only assume was for picking my life up, but it felt nice to be in the same boat as fifteen different strangers and have them applaud me for admitting I have a problem and trying to over come it....or maybe they were all scared because I just told them I was a kakuja and a double kagune user...either way I had a new found mount of respect from these people wether this respect has been fueled off fear or accomplishing something we all thought was impossible. I have to say, getting a standing ovation from people I didn't really know was a great boost for my ego and my confidence. I definitely walked out of that shady basement with a spring in my step. My phone started ringing so I picked it up.
"Hello." I said happily.
"Someone sure sounds chipper." Raiden said with a thick smile in his voice.
"I am very happy." I said walking into a book store. "The meeting went very well, got a standing ovation." I said speaking quietly, looking around for book for Hinami. "How's the café this morning."
"It is thriving. It's really busy. It's. Good we've got some special helpers." He said giggling. "I have some news."
"Good or bad?" I asked nervously.
"Good and bad. Irimi and Koma are here. Irimi said she's fine with what happened to Annoura because Ann was a psychopath but she seems a bit fishy. She and Koma are both in uniform working along with Hinami, Touka and Mr yoshimaura."
"Where's Ayato?"
"Aogiri business to attend to but we finally found tenants for the spare apartment upstairs."
"You did?"
"Yeah just hurry up and get home."
"I'm in the bookstore now but there's nothing Hinami would like."
"Then just leave it and come home."
"Right I'll be home soon." I hung up the phone and ealked put of the book shop instantly bumping into someone as I did. They dropped their bag and everything fell out of it.
"I'm so sorry. Here let me help." I said helping him put his things back into the bag. I came across a name tag and looked up. "Juuzou?" I asked smiling. He looked at me and sighed with relief.
"You're here...alive."
"Yeah. I'm really sorry for knocking into you. Seems like you're all better now though. " I said helping him up.
"I am, thanks to you and you don't have to worry I won't tell anybody you're here...not a soul, but eyepatch-"
"-isn't here. He left ages ago, haven't seen him since."
"Oh. Thanks anyway."
"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked walking alongside him.
"The CCG don't like it here because they know ghouls live here but there's no evidence because no humans are reported dead or injured due to ghouls so they can't patrol the streets with CCG like they are with the 20th ward but they like to send in people from time to time to check up on everything"
"How are you holding up?" I asked sympathetically.
"What do you mean?"
"Shinohara saved you from the ghoul restaurant so he's all you've known since then and now he's gone."
"I'll be honest taiga it's hard but I'm being helped. Look, I'm still that crazy investigator that loves to hack up ghouls now and again but you really did open my eyes. Not all ghouls are bad, i just wish everybody could see it that way."
"So do I." I said smiling. "Anyway this is me." I said pointing down a street.
"Well I wish you all the best and I hope I see you soon."
"And vice versa. Safe travels Juuzou. "
He waved as he walked away.

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