chapter 54

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Ai's POV
"Arima is coming, he needs to talk to you now!" Saiko shouted running in. I had my back turned to the door so I sighed and swivelled my chair around.
"Arima." I smiled just as he walked in.
"I get that you're a ghoul in the quinx squad but it's only been a month! Don't get too tied down because one more stunt like that and you're outtie."
"Stunt like what? You're just angry because you didn't get to do it." I stood up and walked over. I ran his tie through my fingers and laughed. "I saved this place with my quick thinking. Running out, to the stairs, assembling any and all guards I found on my way to the elevator on the next floor, jumping down, saving haise and well, the day."
He grabbed my wrist tightly and looked down on me.
"I get you dislike the quinx squad for being what we are, but I just secured the bloody artist and the kakuja that fought this squad before I got here and won. I did well wether you want to admit it or not. I don't care for your empty threats."
"Empty threats." He growled.
"There's no way, I'll ever be 'outtie'." I mocked his choice of words and turned my back to him. I walked over to my desk and smiled. I pulled out a file and handed it to him.
"I've already written a full report on what happened and who the attackers were. I also managed to link them to your beloved taiga." I pressed the file against his chest. "You're welcome."
"Good work." Akira walked in.
"Finally, someone that can pick up on good work." I laughed and sat back in my chair. Arima handed the file to Akira and walked off.
"Ai, I can't have this for much longer. I won't kick you out, but I'm getting the heat for this!" She shouted.
"I saved the place?"
"No, not the ghoul thing, people are raving about that. Im talking about the pure disrespect with your elders, you're superiors. My superiors! It has to stop."
"Consider your request fulfilled."
"Really?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
"If that creepy bastard shows up telling me off for something amazing I will have to put him down again, but I'll do it in more of a polite way."
"Ai!" She shouted.
"I'll do it in a kind but sassy way?"
"Ai!" She shouted a bit louder.
"I won't do it at all?" I said confused.
"Good girl. Haise, stick a leash on your friend. Other then that, good work. You're all free to go for today."
"I'm going to check on 745 and the two I brought in today."
I walked past haise and to the desk.
"Where are the two new ghouls I brought in today?" I asked.
"Ai!" Juuzou shouted. I turned around and smiled.
"Hello. Do you know where the two ghouls that I brought in today are?"
"Yeah follow me!" He shouted.
I nodded and followed him.
"Theyre being questioned." He said pointing at the interrogation room in which they were both sat.
I scanned my card and walked in.
"I'll take over." I said nodding at the investigator sat down. "Stay for back up." He stood up, allowing me to sit down. I pulled open the file and skimmed through it.
"Yasuna. No family, no group attendance, until today." I began to annotate her file, changing things like 'not in a group' or the fact she's no longer an s rated ghoul.
"Ah. Okay. Get the boring parts out of the way and we can just have a nice chat okay?" I closed her file and grabbed my recorder. I pressed the button and looked at her.
"What's your buisness with this new squad?"
She stared blankly at me. "Why?"
"I need to know. It's my job to make sure there aren't any other groups like the aogiri."
"Were not destructive like they are. Did you realise the only people hurt today were me and my comrades. We came in peace. We just wanted to save someone."
"And who might that be?"
"Yasuna." Soji snapped.
"Just wait it'll be your turn next." I winked and looked at yasuna. "Who are you trying to save?"
"You'll find out soon. If you think we'll rot in this place then you're wrong! Taiga will get us out."
I began laughing. "I highly doubt that." I began clicking my pen. "You want 745 don't you." I lent in towards her. She lent back nervously.
"I have no idea who that is." She shook her head.
"Fuegechi." I slouched in my chair and grinned.
"Hinami." She whispered wide eyed.
"I knew it." I sat down smiling. "Taiga was smart enough to give up on her. You should all do the same."
"She'd never give up on Hinami. She was her world."
"You're right. But, can dead people still try to help their loved ones? I guess that's just a question best left unanswered."
"What do you mean dead people?" Soji asked.
"Oh. You're right, excuse me..." I smiled. "Dead ghouls."
"She wouldn't die at the hands of you." Yasuna said angrily.
"You seem very certain. Why is that."
"She was strong."
"She was, and I'd know. I took her out."
"You what?"
"And it wasn't easy. But, it got me here."
"What do you mean it got you here?" She asked sadly.
"She was my interview and admission all served up in a nice ball of justice."
"Killing innocent ghouls is not justice!" She shouted. I began laughing.
"She wasn't exactly innocent was she? She has thousands of deaths to her name, deaths of her own kind too because she didn't discriminate with her victims. Black, white, ghoul, human. She loved it all."
"You don't know her!"
"I feel like I know her better then you, because I watched the vulnerability in her eyes as she died. That moment as they verge death, you learn the person they were even behind the mask she'd tend to wear day in and day out. I knew more about who she really was as I felt her soul escape her body. She cried out for you." I pointed at the boy. "Sojiro right? She said whenever she was to die, you'd swoop in and save her. Guess not all hero's are as heroic as we think they are." I looked at the guard. "Inject them, and lock them back up in solitary please." I picked up the files and the recorder. I stopped recording and made my way to the door.
"Is she really dead?" Yasuna asked as I grabbed the door handle. I pulled the door open and stopped it with my foot.
"The question you should ask is what reason do I have to lie?" I smirked and walked out. I walked to my own office and sat down in front of my computer. I took the key from around my neck and unlocked my desk drawer. I pulled it open and threw Soji and yasuna's files in. I closed it and locked it. I put the key back around my neck and grabbed the plastic back on my floor. I made it to 745's room and walked inside.
"Mimi." I whispered.
She sat up and smiled the minute she saw me.

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