chapter 59

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I pulled up outside of the house and sighed.
"I'll fill out all the nessecary paperwork tomorrow."
"I don't think so." He said leaning over me and opening the car door. "Take the day off. Explore. You earned it and you need it. You had a pretty hectic day."
"Thank you for everything today, even though you hate ghouls, you're really sweet to me."
"I hate the kind of ghouls that don't control themselves and buzz around killing people. You're good. You eat human food and you killed the most wanted ghoul title holder."
He sent me a kind smile and gestured me to get out of the car.
"Thank you for everything today."
"You've been through a lot today. I'm really happy that you told me about your conspiracy with the ghouls instead of organising everything yourself."
"It's okay." I smiled and got out of the car. I closed the door and waved to his as he drove away. When his car was gone, I walked towards the door and saw everyone sitting around.
"Shit." I muttered, knowing I was to be told off the minute they caught me walking into the house. I tip toed to the side of the house and tried to open a window, but it was locked. I tried another and it slid up. I pulled myself onto the window sil and inside. I stood up and closed the window when the light turned on.
"What are you doing?" Urie asked.
I turned around slowly and haise ran over.
"Where the hell have you been?" He pushed past urie and walked inside.
"Oh my God!" He shouted grabbing my hand. "What happened?"
"I was in an accident but it paid off."
"Why? Because you like broken bones?" He asked angrily.
"Eh, no. Because I got promoted." I clapped slightly and slowly punched the air with my bandaged arm. "Yay me?" I said nervously.
"Congratulations." Ginshi smiled. Haise elbowed him and he grunted. "You're being an idiot Ai. Why would you do something like that." He added winded by haise's blow.
"I'm alive and here and promoted so just calm down. Things were hectic and I could have died. I would have if tooru and juuzou weren't there but it's part of the job. Were not together haise were friends. You cannot control what I do so just stop." I walked out of the room and ran upstairs. I locked my bedroom door and sighed. "I guess I avoided being roasted." I shrugged my shoulders and walked to my bed when someone began knocking on my door.
"Hello?" I shouted.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
"That wouldn't be good. I'm just gonna go sleep."
"Ai. Please."
I groaned, rolling my eyes and walked to the door. I unlocked it and opened it.
He budged past me and walked inside.
I shut the door and put my head against it. My arms dangled by my side and I let out a sigh.
"You were right." He said.
"About." I answered still with my head against the door.
"That we're just friends, I can't control what you do but I don't want to control you, or be just friends."
"Okay. Bye." I said not even processing what he said. "Hold on." I moved me head away and turned around.
"Congratulations on your promotion."
"Erm thanks." I said awkwardly.
"I need you Ai. I really do. I can't go on any longer. The fact you could have died today made me realise that life is short and I can't risk missing out on a single thing because I felt too self concious or nervous to take what is rightfully mine."
I seized up instantly. I could feel myself begin to blush. I began to shake with nerves. I guess dying had changed me. I was an awkward tsundere now.
"Stop!" I shouted angrily. "Don't do anything."
As he captured me in his heated gaze he took my hand.
"If i have you, I won't need anything else." He kissed my hand with a sweet sound. The sound from his lips to my hand melted my heart. My leaping pulse stole my breath and my fight away. As those feelings wrapped around me, we stared at eachother, he let out a pleased chuckle. Despite that, I could tell how passionate he was from his eyes.
"Eh haise." It escaped my mouth as a soft whisper wrapped in nerves.
"Just... Shh." He moved towards me and kissed me.
He's kissed me so many times before, but everytime he did, felt like my first ever kiss, not just with him but ever. My heart didn't race in a bad way, like intense anxiety, but in a good way, like it was continuously nodding in approval, telling me the decision I was making was a good one. He moved away and stroked my cheek. His hands were so full of emotion and love that with every stroke, or every touch his skin had on mine, it felt like he was writing a story all over me. He grabbed the hand wrapped in bandages and put it to his chest. I could feel his heartbeat with my finger tips. I could feel his vulnerability and his nerves just through his heartbeat. When someone is so intimate and their heart doesn't feel like it's about to explode, then they're not the one.
The fact he's telling me about all of this, the fact he's letting me feel how weak he really is, behind the extensive control over his blushing and the confident smile on his face, shows he wants to be involved with me. He wants me to know all of his weaknesses and strengths.
I try to break the contact but I can't, it's like he has me in sort of a trance or trap. I'm encased by all of 'his' emotions. There are so many I should literally be drowning in them, but if I even start to get in over my head he pulls me up. Keeps me afloat like a rubber ring or something.
"Haise!" Saiko shouted. I pulled away awkwardly and sidestepped away from him. He walked out and I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth and put some pyjamas on. I took out my contact lenses and injected my eyes again. I sat down on the bed and the door opened. He walked in and locked the door behind him.
"I want to sleep."
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"What!" I asked as my cheeks reddened again.
"I am taking that as a yes." He was in his pyjamas and walked over to the other sid of the double bed.
"What are you doing?" I asked nervously.
"I'm sleeping with you."
"What!" I shouted as my face grew even redder.
"Not sex, just sleep... together. I want to leave this plane and enter a subconscious one with you. I just want to be with you, I want to cuddle you until you fall asleep in my arms, until you're a fragile tiny girl, snoring away. I'll open the window so it's cold and then you'll reflexively turn to me for warmth. I'll feel like I can provide something for you, even if it's something as simple as warmth. I want to be there, starting now. You're so closed off, and cold, let me be your warmth."
I didn't answer him I just climbed into bed. He got in next to me, and despite my deepest efforts to keep to my side, he pulled me into his arms. I wanted to pull away, but I felt warm and happy in his arms. I felt safe. I felt like nothing mattered and I could just stay like this forever.

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