chapter 16

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3 months later.
"Hello ma'am what can I get you?" I ask smiling.
"Hello. May I please just have a coffee. Make it to go please." She asked obviously in a rush.
"One coffee to go please!" I shouted. Hinami ran out with the coffee.
I handed the coffee to the woman and she gave me the money.
"Hello T. Where's my idiotic brother. I need to talk to you both."
"Raiden!" I shout. He runs over smiling.
"I need you two to go out and do me a job. This time don't bring the person with you. Just tail them. If they go for a human or another ghoul kill them."
I grabbed the picture out of Itori's hand and nodded.
"When?" I asked.
"Four. They'll be around the warehouse near the docks. Hang around there for a bit and you'll see them. Be careful. The girl is strong, she won't let you kill her brother without a fight."
"Her brother?" I ask sadly.
"He's drawing attention to us. We can't have it." She walked out.
I turned to Raiden and sighed. "Cheer up. Ayato's back today." He said comforting me.
"Oh yeah. He gets to see my new hair."
"It's just a wig."
"But still." I smiled just as Touka and Soji walked in, hand in hand, smiling and laughing.
"Hello Taiga." Soji said smiling.
Touka looked at me nervously. "Hello you two. Can I get you anything."
"No. Were gonna go upstairs." She said smiling. Soji walked off and she ran over to me. "Thank you." She whispered hugging me. She ran off after soji and I sighed.
"I'm done playing nice."
"Hey." Raiden said smiling. "You did good."
"No. She's fell hard for him and you saw how he is with me."
"I did. You're making her happy."
"Yeah. Until he turns her into one of his experiments."
"If you're still upset about Aoi-"
"I am. He died because of soji."
"He died because he tried to kill me. Itori doesn't take shit. Especially not when it comes to me."
I smile. "So. What time do we need to be at the docks for?"
"Were you not listening?"
"I tuned out."
"She said four. At the docks."
"Ah. Prepare to kill someone's brother."
"If he's good we won't have to kill him."
"Let's just hope he changed his ways and he's just going to the docks to see the dirty water and rusty boats."
He laughed. "The docks are dodgy but come on. We might not have to do anything."
"Ayato is going to be pissed when he finds out i haven't left."
"He'll get over it."
"I doubt it. Not since we've been really getting closer."
"Today's gonna be tough for him."
"Do you not think it's tough for me? It's Kanekis birthday and I can't do anything for it. I don't know if he's dead or alive."
"He'll be fine. He's resilient."

A car door slammed shut and my attention went straight to the window. Ayato had his fringe swept back as he walked toward the café. I jumped over the counter and ran to him, wrapping my arms and legs around him
"New wig?" He asked confused.
"Since this place is crawling with ccg I figured it's better to be safer then sorry."
He hugged me before putting me down. "It looks good. Black hair suits you."
" was it?"
He sighed and sat down at the counter. I ran around to the other said and leant over the counter in front of him. "Well, it was okay. I just missed you."
"You went away with your friends. You got away from all this madness. Two weeks without me? It couldn't have just been okay."
"You're right. It was awful. I missed you so much."
"That's cute, I missed you too." I kissed the end of his nose and smiled.
"Things round here have gotten hectic. I have an assignment later and then I'm free."
"Taiga." He said angrily.
"I know you don't like me working for the clowns but it gives me something to do. I love it. You still work for the aogiri."
"Fine. As long as you don't get yourself killed."
"I won't."

Eventually, I got changed into some other clothes and out my clown mask on. I took my black wig off and tucked all of my natural hair into a black hoodie.
We stood on top of the ware house waiting for the boy and girl.
"What's supposed to be happening tonight? Why are we scouting?" I asked.
"Itori said there's a possible trade and the boy is planning on killing everyone involved. If that happens, he's again drawing attention to the area. She'll want us to terminate him."
"Ah. So he messes up, we kill him."
I sat down and sighed. "I wish they'd hurry up so I can go." I said taking the mask off.
He sat down in front of me and took his mask off. "Were too lazy. How about after this mission, we quit."
I gasped sarcastically. "You quit? No. That can't be right." We both laughed.
"I'm serious. Were both old enough to know what we want. I want to settle down, have a family."
"I forgot to tell you!" I said smiling. "Ayato wants a kid. Now that nobody's really after me now, he says it's the perfect time."
"Aren't you a bit young?" He asked.
"Yeah. But I have loads of money from the café and still some left from Akio. I'm secure enough for a family, but I'm still young. I want to go out and live my life you know. There's still so much to do."
"Like what? I know he wants to pop the question soon. Mrs Taiga kirishima."
I giggled. "Oh god. Stop."
"It doesn't sound too bad though does it."
"No. It's better then some names."
"Let's just leave the deal!" Someone shouted. We put our masks back on and stood up.
"No! Were doing this."
"I have a bad feeling about this though!" The girl shouted.
"Come on!" He shouted dragging his sister.
"Oh my God." I said standing up.
"What is it?"
"I know him." I said confused.
"Where from?"
"His dad. His dad died not so long. He inherited all the fortune. Gosh. I didn't know he was a ghoul."
"And a strong one at that. Yeah. You don't say." He said shaking his head. He gasped and pulled me down.

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