Chapter six.

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"What the hell was that?" Ayato shouted. I took a deep breath knowing I could snap again.
"What was what?" Raiden asked holding me.
"Kaneki told her he loved her and she asked him to stay? what am I then?" He shouted.
"Ayato stop." Raiden said.
I could feel myself slipping again. I grabbed Raidens arm.
"Taiga please don't. " He said sadly.
"What? " Ayato asked sounding worried.
I groaned before standing up. I turned around and I could hear pulses of people in a tower not so far from here.
"can you smell that?" I asked.
"No. taiga." Raiden went to grab me so I grabbed his hand.
"touch me again." I said angrily bending his arm back.
"stop" Ayato said walking over. I held my leg out stopping him with my foot. still holding Raidens arm I looked at Ayato.
"You think you can help the situation?" I asked letting raiden go. I moved my foot and walked over to Ayato.
"You should have pulled me out. of course, you don't really know me. I mean everyone knows immense pain is my trigger but you. and raiden tried to stop it as soon as I regained conciousness but you had no clue." I picked a stick up and smiled. "I'll call this Ayato because your both useless." I said smiling.
he grabbed my wrist angrily.
"This isn't you." He said angrily.
"This has always been me. I've just pushed her down." I said kicking him in the face. he obviously let go of me and stood up angrily. he activated his kagune and walked over grabbing me by my throat. I laughed and looked at him in the eyes. "this is that Ayato I like." I said smiling.
"Shut up before I break your neck like a toothpick."
"try it."
"put her down!" Raiden shouted.
"She hurt you as well." Ayato said not taking his eyes off of me.
"She's troubled. she nearly killed me before. I can help her. I know how to help her. just put her down." He shouted.
"I suggest you listen to him." I said angrily.
"Shut the fuck up" he said squeezing my throat. I activated my koukaku then stabbed him right in the chest. he let go of me and fell backwards. I de-activated my kagune and got on top of him. I brushed my finger over his wound and licked it.
I put my face next to his ear and giggled. "You taste as good as you" I said before standing up.
I looked at Raiden. "tend to him or he will die."
"Don't be stupid." He said sadly.
"whatever" I said before running off.

I got to a huge building and began climbing up the side of it until I got to a floor with a person. I smashed the window through and jumped inside.
"g-g-g-g" he stuttered. I slid over to him and smiled.
"ghoul." He tried to run away so I grabbed him. I threw him against the wall and bit into his shoulder. he screamed out in pain as I held him against the wall.
"You taste so good." I said liking the blood the splattered up his face. I turned him around and held him against the wall so he was facing me.
"Don't cry. you died providing a great service to me" I said smiling. "it's a shame that you're going to die because you're cute." I said smiling. I went to bite him again and as I did someone came in through the window.
I looked at the boy and sighed. "I'm sorry." I said before snapping his neck.
I licked the blood off my fingers and walked over to whoever was at the window.
"What are you doing here?" I asked smiling.
"Kaneki paid us a visit. come on Taiga stop." Nishiki said walking over. Touka and aoi stood behind him.
"seriously? you guys? what do you think you could do? I'm too far gone. consumed by darkness."
"we understand your at the end of your tether but think of how well you've been doing. We've cut all the feeds so nobody knows you're here but I suggest you cut this shit out Taiga. your orphan niece is sat at home terrified that your gonna leave her again. grow up." Touka said.
"You think a bit of tough love will work? You're here trying to convince me to stop when my beloved boyfriend is dying in the middle of the street."
"What? " Touka asked scared.
"Oh yeah. I might have stabbed him." Nishiki held her back and aoi walked over.
"When Akio said your were ruthless I didn't think you were this badass." He said smiling.
"That's sweet. I won't kill you." I said smiling. he walked over and stroked my face gently.
"What I'm gonna do is out of love."
"What? " I asked confused. Touka and Nishiki ran over and grabbed me. they held me down whilst Aoi injected something into my eye.
"We all love you." He said moving away....they all moved away.
I tried to get up...but I couldn't. then everything went black.

I opened my eyes and tried to move but I was chained to a chair. I looked up and began laughing. "You gonna leave me here?" I shouted.
"that was the plan." Aoi said walking over. I tried to get out of the chair and get him but i couldn't.
"No use. it's full proof." He said grabbing a chair and sitting in front of me. "I owe takasu so I'm gonna help you."
"Just stop it Aoi. let me out please."
"not until you are out of this trance. think of everyone you're hurting!"
"your boring me now."
"I know your hurting. You've gone through more shit then a toilet but Taiga that doesn't change anything. You've had a hard life but you have to care for Hinami now. there isn't room for you to fuck up like this. you suck it up and move on."
"I'm not a fan of the tough love Aoi." I said pulling one of my arms free.
"now!" He shouted. Touka ran in with hinami.
"seriously? what are you trying to achieve here?" I asked pulling my other arm free.
"You know what. I'm not putting Hinami at risk because Taiga lost it again."
Touka shouted. Aoi pulled her away.
Hinami slowly walked over and unchained me. I stood up and smiled.
"You're a good kid." I said patting her on the head. she handed me an envelope and sighed.
"Hide said to give you this when you break. he knew he was going to die soon. so he wrote you this."
I snatched the envelope off of her and began to read the letter.

"Taiga if you're reading this then I'm dead and you're broken, but as we know, everything can be fixed....even this. I need you to be strong for everyone especially Kaneki, he really does love you but I'm his family, he won't know how to cope and that's up to you to help him. when you snap again, look at this picture and read this letter because I may not be there physically but I'm always there with you."

I looked at the little drawing of a cat with an arrow pointing to it labelling it 'Taiga' and a few stick people with a ghost floating above us labeling it 'hide'.
under the picture was a quote from a book he and kaneki were obsessed with.
"I'm not dead! I'm wounded, but not slain. ill just lie here a bleed a while, before I rise again."
I handed the letter to Hinami and walked past her and upstairs into the café. Raiden, Ayato, Nishiki, Kimi, Itori and everyone that works at the café were sat waiting. when I walked put Raiden stood up.
"Don't bother." I said walking off.
"still a bitch then." Ayato whispered.
I growled and went for him but Raiden held me back. he slung me over his shoulder and walked out behind the café. he put me down on a bench and hugged me. I pushed him away before standing up. he grabbed my arm and looked up.
"What? " I asked irratibly.
"Come back. please." He begged.
"You know even when I was like this hide still found the best in me." I said sitting down slowly. "He saw the best In everyone." I looked at Raiden as a tear rolled down my cheek. he wiped my face and held my hand.
"it's okay to break." He said smiling.
"You know, hide wrote a letter and gave it to Hinami and he drew me as a cute cat." I said smiling.
"That's because you are. you just flipped. you were crushed by a bridge, it's okay to turn off your humanity for a bit. you came back." He said hugging me. I hugged him back and began sobbing. "I'm so sorry." I said crying into his hoody.
"Hey."He said moving away, taking his hoody off and putting it around me. "it's fine. You're okay now right?"
"I'm overwhelmed by guilt and disappointment. I killed a person and a ghoul today. I attempted to kill my boyfriend and I nearly got myself killed." I looked at him and wiped my cheek.
"What about kaneki? where is he?"
"well he got out from under the bridge but he must have left again."
I sighed and nodded.
"welcome back." Someone said. I looked up and smiled at Aoi. I ran over to him and hugged him.
"Thank you for not giving up on me." I said happily.
"I'd never give up on you. just like you'd never give up on me."
I looked at the café and everyone was stood at the window watching me.
"I'm fine but I just want to be alone. I'm gonna go for a walk." I said walking off.

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