chapter 28

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I pushed him away.
"You're disgusting soji."
"Sojiro. That's my real name."
"I don't care." I hissed.
His eyes flickered before he pushed me to the ground. I looked up as blood splattered all over my face. he pulled the quinque out of himself before turning into full kakuja again.
"Let's go!" Yasuna said picking me up by putting her hands under my armpits.
I looked at the small blood spatter on the ground and stood up. Raiden ran over and grabbed my arm.
"Let's go." He said.
"No. I have to get sojiro!" I said running off. Yasuna grabbed me and stopped me.
"Remember when Rizes friend protected her. You know the one we called cherry, well she knew that sometimes you just have to leave them!"
"Rize was a selfish bitch!"
"Sometimes you just have to be selfish Taiga now please come on!" She screamed.
Soji stumbled around the corner covered in blood with blood coming out of his mouth. I pushed yasuna away and picked him up. Just as I helped him up I turned around and saw haise. He saw my face, my eyes and stood there in shock.
I helped soji to a van and raiden and yasuna got in the back with him.
Taiga i don't think he's gonna make it." Raiden said sadly.
"If we get him to his mansion he will." I said hot wiring the car. The engine started amd I sped off towards his house. I pulled up outside and ran inside.
"Sojiro is hurt!" I shouted. Nobody answered. I turned around and yasuna and raiden stood behind me carrying him.
"The basement!" I shouted running down. I pulled out a gurney and began looking around for the stuff he injected Aoi with.
"What are you looking for?" Raiden asked as he helped soji sit down.
"His experiment." I came across a drawer with 'experiments' written on it. I pulled out three different jars and injected him with all three, hoping one would have an effect.
"Taiga." Raiden said putting his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry."
"Don't you dare act like you care that someone else had died because of me."
"This guy obviously cared about you, or else he wouldn't have done it, and for him to have done it, he understood the risks, he obviously thought saving you was more important."
I walked over to his cold dead body and grabbed his hand.
"I'm sorry for being such a corrupt bitch and not giving you a chance. You were an ass hole but you cared about me. You've saved me twice now in two days and I genuinely owe you my life. It's sad that there's no way to repay your debt." I said sadly. I began crying when his hand twitched.
"Fuck! Is that suppose to happen?"
I howled obviously in shock.
He let out a soft groan. I looked down at his wounds to see if they healed but he was too bloody so I grabbed a scalpel and cut his tshirt off.
"If you wanted me naked you could have just said." He said sarcastically.
I jumped on him hugging him. He slowly hugged me in shock. I moved away and he sat up. I hit his across the face before hugging him.
"What the fuck?" He said confused.
"You're a fucking idiot for being such a prick to me but thank you for practically dying for me."
"How did you save me?"
"I just injected you with a bunch of stuff."
"You what?"
"Well I remembered how strong Aoi was so I did it to you and you're alive."
"But I'm not psychotic? Hit me again." He said wafting his hands about.
"Uhm?" I said before punching him.
He smiled and began clapping.
"I'm not psychotic!" He stood up and hugged me. "I'm strong but not crazy."
He pulled away alive and looked at me.
"I'm gonna need the order of things you used and what you used. Oh and how much was used."
"I'm don't know! I just threw it all together! I was trying to save your life. A 'thank you taiga' would go a long way you know."
"Thanks but I need to know the order. I could have just revolutionised the ghoul race."
"Actually, I could have." I said smiling.
"No. We could have. We did! But I need to know the measurements and order and stuff."
"Well you're rich. Don't you have cameras in here? You could zoom in and stuff."
He grabbed my head and pulled he toward him. Our lips crashed.
"Dude!" Raiden shouted. Soji pulled away and smiled.
"I love you so much right now." He ran off amd I stood there in shock, confusion and drenched in blood.
I turned around to look at raiden.
"You believe me now when I say he doesn't love Touka."
"I'm so sorry." He said as his eyes widened. "I can't believe I didn't believe you."
"It's okay. Just believe me next time."
"Ohhhh! Pour Touka. How we gonna tell her."
I began patting him on the back as I shook my head. "Were not." I walked away and began looking for the security room.
"Hey."I said walking in, closing the door behind me.
"I'll be right with you." He said writing things down as he went.
"Sojiro, I-"
"-Taiga wait!" He snapped.
I nodded before laughing to myself.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked confused.
"I actually felt an ounce of gratitude for you. I almost convinced myself that you were troubled, that you just lost your way, but you're psychotic and you're an ass."
"Look." He said swivelling around on his chair. "I like you, I think you are swell. I have definite feelings for you, but I don't want you? I don't want Touka either. Just because I don't want you, doesn't mean I don't love you, and just because I love you doesn't mean that I want you? I protect you because I want you alive not because I want you to be mine? Don't miss-interprate my feelings for a chance that we could be together? I would much rather have you from afar then up close. I can be like your guardian angel, except I'm evil and not kind?" He stood up and opened the door. "You can take your friends and go home. I shall not bother you for a while. I'll be busy working on my experiments. Tell Touka that I love her and I'll be around soon."
"I'm not going to lie to her?"
"Then I guess Ayato will have to learn the truth of your whereabouts the other night when you told him you were working?"
"What are you talking about?"
He smirked. "I'm a very rich scientist and doctor. I'm very smart and intuitive and I know that was you getting into the car with haise or kaneki. Whatever name he goes by these days. You tell my secret, I'll tell yours. It's as simple as that Taiga. Keep your mouth shut, and I'll do the same."
I walked toward the door and got in his face. "Try and save me again, and I'll let you die." I hissed.
"I'll look forward to it." He said before slamming the door.

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