chapter 19

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I walked home feeling useless, worthless. Once again, kaneki had left me, but this time, it didn't feel real. I didn't think it was sincere. The look he had plastered on his face when he told me to burn the letters wasn't anger, it was disappointment. Like he was disappointed to have fallen in love with such a vile beast.
"Taiga!" Someone shouted. I looked up and Yuki ran towards me. He jumped up at me and hugged me. I smiled. "Oneesan." He said hugging me. I held him as I walked inside.
"You're okay." Tsukiyama said walking over. "He refused to come inside without knowing you were okay."
"Come on Yuki. You need a shower." I smiled at Tsukiyama and walked upstairs with Yuki. I put him down in my apartment and showed him to the shower.
"I have a jersey that won't fit you, but it'll do until I get you some clothes tomorrow won't it? It's a boys jersey don't worry."
"Yeah. That's fine." He said smiling. I ran and grabbed him Takasu's old Jersey. I gave it to him and left him to have a shower.
"Taiga!" Hinami shouted. "I refuse you to fall in love with this boy that you've brought back." She said storming in angrily.
"Ayato is pissed because you've got another boy here!"
"Yuki, you done?" I shouted smiling.
Hinami crossed her arms but when Yuki walked out she unfolded her arms and raised an eyebrow. "This is him?"
"Yes. This is Yuki, an 11 year old boy kaneki was after."
"Oh. Right."
"Yuki this is hinami."
"Hello. Would you excuse me for one moment." She smiled awkwardly amd ran off.
"Come on. You can have my bed tonight." I said holding my hand out. He grabbed it and I picked him up and tucked him into my bed.
"Why are you being so nice?" He asked confused.
"You're a child. Think of everyone here as family okay?"
"Okay Oneesan."
I smiled and stood up. "Wait!" He shouted.
"What is it?"
"Where are you going to sleep?"
"Upstairs, on the couch."
"Please don't leave me here alone."
"Well then I'll sleep out there." He shook his head. "Do you want me to sleep in here on the floor?" He nodded and I giggled. "Okay. Let me go upstairs and grab a cover. You can come with me if you want. Have some food. Should have some fresh today."
He climbed out of bed and I put him on my back. He laughed as I carried him upstairs. "Hold on tight." I said as I grabbed the packet of flesh out of the cupboard. I handed it to him and began to make a coffee for him. He clung to me holding the packet. I grabbed his coffee and carried it downstairs with him on my back. I sat on the bed and he got off. I handed him the coffee and he climbed into bed.
"I have a TV in here too. Want me to turn it on?" He nodded innocently so I walked over to the TV and turned it on. I gave him the remote and walked out.
"I'm really sorry I spoke to you with such disrespect." Hinami said swaying stood in the doorway with a duvet a pillow. "I heard you talking so I brought these down."
I smiled. "Thanks." I grabbed them off her and closed the half open door with my foot. "Go and say hello. He's really cute."
"He looks it." She said smiling. We both walked in to see him eating, drinking and watching TV in bed. I put the duvet down on the ground and Hinami climbed on to the bed. "Whatcha watching." She sat next to him and winked at me. He smiled and handed her the remote.
"You can pick."
I put my hand on my chest and stuck my lower lip out. Hinami giggled so I walked out. Seemed like he was fitting in well.
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you." I turned around and Raiden stood in the doorway.
"If you told me, I wouldn't have met Yuki and I wouldn't have been able to have helped him anyway. Thank you for trying to protect me. Your intentions were pure and now that I've calmed down i see that." I hugged him and sighed. "Go introduce yourself to Yuki please. Hinamis in there already, I'm gonna clear things up with Ayato."
"Okie dokie." Raiden walked into my bedroom so I walked upstairs. "Ayato?" I shouted.
He walked in front of me nervously. "I'm really sorry I didn't tell you. Just don't get angry at raiden because it wasn't his fault. I told him to keep it a secret."
"I'm not mad. Like i told raiden, I wouldn't have met Yuki if you told me, and I couldn't have helped him anyway. He's too far gone."
"She's right." Tsukiyama said walking over. "I thought the torture changed him but jeez. He's not even kaneki anymore."
"No because he's 'haise'" I said sarcastically. "The guy is messed up but I still feel sorry for him."
"Why?" Ayato asked.
"Well, for starters, he has no idea who he was or who any of use are, he doesn't even remember hide. His whole life is a blank canvas and he's chosen to became and investigator."
"Maybe he didn't have a choice." Ayato said sighing.
"Everyone always has a choice. He chose to kill innocent ghouls. An eleven year old fucking boy! Or kill that eleven year olds parents in front of him! Any morals he had are fucking gone. After how Ryouko died and how angry he got, for him to completely go against everything, and join their ranks is disgusting. If i see him ever again I'll kill him myself."
"Oh god." Touka said from behind me. I turned around and hugged her.
"Is he completely gone?" She asked sadly.
"Yeah. He is." I rubbed her back and moved away. "I'm sorry."
"He's an investigator now?"
"He has is own squad of ghouls like him. With one Kakugan." Tsukiyama added.
"There's other ghouls in the race to obliterate their own kind."
"They've obviously been manipulated into thinking this is right. Itori said ghouls with a certain rc balance are considered dangerous and they've all been 'altered' so their limit doesn't exceed that bar. They can't even fully engage with the kagune. They're just robots. Moral less robots." I said angrily.
"And they tried to kill a small boy?"
"He's in my room. He's gonna live here for a bit now."
"Can I go see him?"
"Sure." I said smiling.

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