chapter 34

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I turned around and kuraidesu stood there. I put Yuki down and let him go to his brother. "The people that got mum and dad are gone." He said hugging his brother. "I must go also. Not forever, I will be soon. It may feel like a while but I'll be around."
"You're going?" Yuki asked sadly.
"Yes. Ill give you a choice. Stay here with the very pretty lady or come with me."
"I'm staying." He said crying.
"That's fine." His brother pulled away and wiped Yukis tears. "Look after him." He said standing up. I walked over and hugged him.
I moved away and he looked at Itori.
"What you want done, think of it completed."
"And you're still with us?" She asked.
"Always." He said looking at me.
"Call me when you're single." He said smiling.
"Taiga!" Someone shouted. I looked past kuraidesu and saw Hinami running towards me. I smiled and hugged her.
"I'm okay."
"I knew you would be." She said smiling. She moved away and held Yukis hand and stood by me.
"I won't forget you." He said smiling at me.
"I'm unforgettable."
"Yes you are." He walked towards me and kissed me. It was a quick kiss, so I didn't have time to react, as I was in shock.
"I'll see you soon." He said smiling. He then walked off. Touka ran out and stood by me as well. "Ayato was worried." She said smiling. "He's at the library. I'll walk you there now. Hinami, stay with Yuki." She grabbed my arm and led me to the library.
"Stop." She said smiling awkwardly.
"Just trust me. Stop and don't move." She said hitting the window.
"Come on touka move." I said sighing. I pushed her out of the way and Ayato was there with a girl. They were holding hands and then he kissed her.
"I didn't expect that to sting." I said holding my chest.
"I Will kill him taiga, don't worry!" She shouted angrily.
"I wanted to end things. This just makes it easier. Things haven't been working out. Were on different paths."
"He loves you."
"Obviously not." We both looked at them again but this time he saw us both and stood up.
He ran out and held my hand. "I'm so sorry."
"No. I'm so sorry I took so long to break up with you. We both haven't been happy."
"I'm am happy. She kissed me."
"And she forcefully held your hand too?"
"No, she's having a hard time at the minute."
"Aren't we all?" I smiled amd waved at her through the window. She smiled and waved back. "Enjoy your date Ayato. You're single, were both single."
I went to walk off and he grabbed my hand.
"I love you."
"Not enough." I smiled and pulled his hand off me. "It's okay though. I don't mind." I smiled and hugged him. I moved away and sighed. "We grew apart. We can both be friends now." I smiled and began to walk away. "I don't want to be friends." He whispered.
"Then we'll just be two people that live in the same building." I nodded and walked back to the café just as Soji's car pulled up. Raiden got out and hugged me, no questions asked.
"I missed you so much." He whispered.
I looked at yasuna and smiled. "I missed you too." I hugged him back and moved away.
"I want to talk." Soji said holding his hand out. I took it and followed his lead.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I broke up with ayato because he was cheating on me but I've been seeing kaneki so I'm not that bothered. I'm just shocked."
"That he'd do the same thing to you?"
"Yeah. Which makes me sound evil. But I'm okay with it. It makes me feel less guilty."
"Soji!" Touka shouted walking over. He rolled his eyes and turned around to look at her.
"Yes?" He asked angrily.
"What's wrong?" She asked thrown off by his attitude.
"Nothing. What do you want?"
"I wanted to know if we could go out and do something?"
He groaned. "Yes." He turned around amd hugged me. "I want you." He whispered. He moved away and grabbed her hand. He turned around as they were walking around and sent me a cold smile.
"Hey!" Raiden shouted.
He ran over and went to hug me.
"I'm single." I said looking up at him.
"You're what?"
"Single. And I'm not sad?"
"Why did you break up?"
"Were just different."
"Please let me talk!" Ayato said walking over.
"Don't." I said moving away.
"Please let me explain. She wasn't anything. It was an accident."
"Did he cheat on you?" Raiden asked angrily.
"Yes but I'm okay."
"You cheated on her?" Raiden asked angrily.
"It was an accident."
"How long have you been seeing her for?" Raiden asked.
"I don't need to know that." I said laughing.
"A month. But as a friend!" Ayato held his hands out nervously.
"A month!" me and raiden shouted in sync.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine. I forgive you. But we're not getting back together."
He looked at me as if he just discovered something.
"You're not angry? Have you found someone else?" He asked.
"Have you?" Raiden asked looking at me.
"It's someone old."I said looking down. "Seen him this week. That's it. Not a month. But still wrong. I'm calling it off soon anyway."
"Who is it? Can't be kaneki because he hates ghouls again." Ayato shook his head.
I looked up feeling guilty. "I pretend to be someone I'm not to him. I can't lie. Even though it's him. The old kaneki is back. The one that isn't damaged or broken. But I'm kidding myself."
I look up at ayato's horrified expression.
"You can't judge me." I said angrily.
"Kaneki? Really?"
"A month? Really?" I sighed and grabbed his hands. "You don't want everyone here knowing you're a cheat, and I don't want everyone knowing I was seeing kaneki so we'll say that girl kissed you, she was your friend and she took advantage of your kindness and we didn't end things because of that, we just don't click anymore."
"We don't click as friends either." He then stormed off.
"Kaneki? Really?" Raiden asked angrily.
"Oh come on not you too."
"Taiga!" Kimi shouted.
"Can I not get a minutes peace." I said groaning. I walked over to see her standing there happily with nishiki.
I walked over and past the café when I saw it all set up.
"What's going on?" I asked confused.

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