chapter 44

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Finally found a pic of what Taiga's kagune would look like^^^

I walked into the auction room with Hinami.
"Stay here and don't move." I said placing her down at a seat. "People are coming in now, so just remember that it's gonna get busy."
"I feel like something bads gonna happen taiga."
"Just chill out. We'll all be fine. You still have your tracer?" I asked. She pulled out a small sim like card, attached to a necklace and nodded before tucking it back under her top. I smiled and ruffled her hair. (Miza gave us all one incase someone was taken or something.)
Torso walked in with soji, Ayato and Naki.
"Theyre coming in now."Ayato whispered. The room filled up fast but I could see madam straight away. Ayato nodded and sat next to her. I walked around the corner so I had clear view on Hinami and Ayato as the lights dimmed.
"Hello. Tonight, I shall be auctioning off two people, and I have a very special surprise." Karin shouted.
"Eto and doctor kanou are in an observatory room with a secret weapon." Soji whispered.
"A secret weapon?" I asked crossing my arms.
"I don't know what it is either."
"Hey." Torso said asking over with Naki.
"Where's miza?" I whispered.
"I don't know, some where." Naki shrugged.
Madam and another rich ghoul were biding on a very famous rich actor and torso seemed to be shocked at the rates of which this potential human pet was to be sold for.
"What's up?" I whispered.
"Compared to this, my taxi driving job makes nothing."
"The ghouls here are all very rich." Soji said smiling.
The actor was sold to the man so my eyes went straight to madam, who didnt look too happy. Then, karin announced that now is the time for the special item. She ran off and dragged tooru on to the stage.
"Oh my God." I whispered.
"What is it?"
"That's tooru mitsuki! Part of the quinx squad!"
"This here is a one eyed ghoul." Karin said smiling. "Shall we start the bidding off at ten thousand yen?"
I looked at torso as he began to panic.
"How do I join in!" He asked shaking my arm.
"I honestly don't know but he's an investigator."
I ran over to madam to warn her as she bids 200 million yen on tooru.
"No." I said looking at the stage.
"Going once, going twice, sold!" Nutcracker shouted.
Karin is now nearly crying with happiness as she drags him off the stage back to the holding area.
"Ayato!" I shout. "Get Hinami out! he's an investigator they're about to raid here!" I shouted.
"What?" He asked confused.
"The guy on stage was an investigator." I put my mask on and Hinami proceeded to do the same, along with ayato, Soji and torso.
"Taiga!" Hinami screamed as the doors burst open. Ccg swarmed in like flies and ghouls ran off every which way.
"No!" I screamed looking for Hinami. I tried to swim through the sea of terrified ghouls. I finally saw her with ayato.
"Go!" He shouted pointing at madam trying to run away. I nodded and tried to run through the crowd of screaming ghouls, it actually took longer then you think. I ran to the stage and round the back to see karin screaming on the ground.
"My 200 million yen is escaping!" She squealed on the floor.
"Get up! We have to go now!" I shouted.
"No! I need that money!" She shouted pushing me and running away. I grunted and looked. Ghouls were running up a flight of stairs so i ran up them which led me to the roof where Hinami had managed to re-group people.
I ran over to her and hugged her. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Where's miza?" I asked confused.
"She's down there with Naki fighting the spine user." A ghoul that Hinami had saved said.
I looked at Hinami. She was about to cry, about to shatter but she regained her composure and took charge. It's not nice to find out a piece of your father is being used to kill off your kind.
"I'll go help." I said sadly.
"Try and take dad off her please taiga. He shouldn't be used like this." She said sadly.
"I'll try." I said running back down stairs.
I see Naki and he's wounded. I run over and grab him.
"I need him. Him dying is a problem." Miza said.
"I'll just kill him right now." Akira said angrily.
"Take him and go." I begged looking at her. She didn't hesitate. She picked him up and left.
"Why do you think you can fight me? I'm stronger then you." She asked arrogantly.
"I'm the tiger." I said activating my kagune and start shooting her. It wounds her badly but she pulls through. She stands up and before she can try to defend herself, I punch her, knocking her straight out. I waft my sore fist about and laugh. "Take that bitch!" I could hear someone screaming, but with joy so I turn around. I looked on the stage to see juuzou killing ghouls. He looked up and and ran away so I followed him, and I was led to a set of stairs. i opened the door and watched as big madam picked up haise's friend, urie and swallowed him whole.
"Oh god." I whispered. I watched as she stood there in pain. I ran over past juuzou.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Do i look okay to you!" She screamed.
"I'm your body guard I've come to ensure your safety."
"I am not okay! You're a shit body guard too!" She screamed. She went to grab me when her stomach exploded. I fell to the ground covered in her blood and watched as urie climbed out of her by using his kagune to rip her inside out. He then tried to fight her. He can't handle whatever transition he is undergoing so I tackle him out of the way just as juuzou attacks her with the squad.
"It's me, Shiori! Be quiet and stay down." I whisper. I can feel his body shake and tremble with anxiety and anger, but I'm not letting haise's friend die.
"Juuzou please!" She begs. "Rei. Don't do this. You don't hate me to you?" She pleaded sitting up.
"I don't hate you." He said putting his hand on her face. "I never have. I love you. " He moved away and held his 'jason' at the ready. "But I have to do my job." He said sadly. She looked completely dumbfounded by this revelation.
"I never liked you anyway!" She shouted. "I hated you. You were and always will be pathetic!" She shouted. I watched as the squad moved in to kill her so got up off of urie and I ran over to juuzou and covered his eyes.
"It's me taiga." I whispered.
"Goodbye father." Juuzou said crying.
When she was dead I turned him around and hugged him.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"You have to go or they'll kill you!" He said meaning the squad.
Someone's screaming was broadcasted throughout the building on the p.a system. I looked around and covered my ears, every single person or ghoul in this room was doing the same.
"Who is that?" I shouted.
"Haise!" Urie shouted.
"No! Where is he!"
"Go to the Tower or control room!" Juuzou said.
I nodded and ran to the Tower. I opened the door and Saiko and shirazu are fighting nutcracker with her detachable bikaku...she can set traps with it by taking it off, and putting them about the place. I watch shirazu's face twinge as he figures out the traps. He knows where they are and how they work?
I go to shout karin, to warn her but someone grabs me from behind.
"Don't be stupid. They'll kill you." Ayato whispers. I just watch as they set her up in her own trap. She is attacked by Saiko and is now lying on the ground. Shirazu pulls her kagune out of her and looks down. I try to pull away from Ayato, just so I can help her! I can't watch her die, but I cant just close my eyes and wait it out either.
"I just wanted to be beautiful." She whispered as blood ran out of her mouth. "When I was a little girl, I had no money. I was poor. Nobody thinks I'm beautiful, except for taiga." I moved away from Ayato but he held me back. I began to cry and scream trying to pull away but he just held me back.
"I just wanted to be a pretty girl." She said crying. "I didn't want to die ugly." She began sobbing. He stabbed her again and she calmed down. "No!" I screamed. It was muffled and near on silent because Ayato knew they couldn't hear or see us.
"I missed out on 200 million yen because you set me up with an undercover investigator." She silently cried before looking up.
"You're not ugly." He whispered feeling guilty.
She smiled, but her happiness was short lived. Her head rolled to the side. She wasnt dead just yet. She saw how distraught and upset i was that i couldnt help her. She smiled, revealing her black teeth, and I could finally see past the desperate beauty remarks. We live in a world where we judge people entirely, but that's the issue with nowadays society. Judging and having to live up to a standard that people create, drove this beautifully blessed girl to the point of psychosis. Her heart seemed tainted but was really tainted was her Deception on the mould we try so desperately to fill. Her eyes looked at peace for just that moment before her demise. After that, she looked blank and her eyes were glazed over like newly cut glass.
"No!" I cried, muffled by ayato's hand.
"Go." He whispered. The screams echoed around again, but he let go of me and I took a minute to gather my thoughts. "She just wanted to be beautiful. That's all." I said sadly. Saiko and shirazu turned around to see me and Ayato, luckily both of us were wearing masks. "You need to go. Help out. I'll hold them off." Ayato said so I did as he said ran to the control room. I opened the door to find haise on the verge of dying, and Hinami stood in front of him. The ghoul attacking both of them is missing a hand so I look down to see it on the ground. He picks it up and re-attaches it. He then turns kakuja, it loos like Mr yoshimaura's armour, that clads to his body, but it's not complete like yoshimara's is.
"The secret weapon." I say to myself. I look around and try to piece together my scattered brain when I realise that Hinami is almost sacrificing herself for haise?
"What are you doing!" I shouted at Hinami.
"I can't let him die taiga!" She said crying. "He's still my big brother." The ghoul turned around and laughed.
"Takizawa?" I ask as I have a flash back to the investigator killed the night hide died, during the anteiku raid.
"The binge eating tiger." He smiled. "Don't worry, I don't want you anymore. I want kaneki but this girl won't move!"
"He can be useful to the aogiri! Go and provide back up for Ayato or miza! I'll sort him out!"
"I can make my own choices. Why don't you help them out!" He shouted going to attack her. I jumped in the way and kicked him in the stomach sending him flying. He stands up and began laughing then crying, laughing then crying, like he's in and out of emotions, like he's going psychotic.
"He's an incomplete kakuja." I whisper to myself.
"What?" Hinami asks.
"When you take up a certain amount of rc cells but not enough, youre not complete. If you activate your kakuja when youre incomplete, it sends you mad."
"But arent you one of those? Why does yours look so different?"
"Im complete and mine is a defensive armour. His isnt." He turns around and begins to repeatedly smash his head against the wall.
I turn around to haise and Hinami moves out of the way.
"Hey." I say happily.
I pull the mask off and smile at him.
"Your eyes." He says confused.
"I saved urie. He's fine."
His eyes widen in shock. "Shiori."
"I'm sorry I lied, but I had to see if kaneki was still there, and he is!"
"No." He said shaking his head.
"No. You have to look at me! Remember me please! We were engaged! We had a life together! Please kaneki."
"That's not my name!" He shouted.
"It is, that's you! Please believe me!"
He grabs my hand and shakes his head. "I'm not him...not anymore at least, now go! Before they come." He said shaking his head.
"Taiga." Someone says. I turn around and it's the man after Yuki.
I turn back around to face haise.
"Hold her for me." I whispered. I pushed Hinami into his arms and walked towards the man.
"Come with me or give me Yuki."
"I'm not doing either." I said angrily.
"Taiga." Hinami whispered.
"Death it is." He said grabbing me.
"No!" Hinami screamed trying to reach out for me.
"Please get her out of here!" I shouted to haise.
He held her and watched as i handed myself over, willingly, for a boy he tried to kill, as he watched something he thinks is pure evil, become a hero.
The man pulled me out of the room and downstairs. He climbed out of a window and threw me into the back of a black van.
"You're okay." Someone said hugging me.
"Soji." I said hugging him. "Nutcracker and madam are dead."
"Is miza?"
I moved away, still covered in madam's blood and shook my head. "I honestly have no idea."
He nodded and sat back.
"I'm so sorry you were dragged into this."
"No!" I said holding his hand. "I chose to be here, so it's fine."
"We gonna die?"
"I think so." I said hugging him.
"I'm sorry I'm such a dick."
"You saved my life."
"And now we're gonna die."
"I've lived long enough. If i know Hinami is in good hands I can go in peace."
"Will it hurt?"
"Wait?" I said smiling.
"Why are you happy?"
I pulled my tracer out and smiled.
"Were both important to miza. We need to swallow these so they don't take them and that way we can still be tracked down." I pulled it off the necklace and swallowed it. He did the same.
Maybe there was hope for us both?...who knows?

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