chapter 10.

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Unknown POV.
We threw Taiga into the observation room with that blue friend of hers and put then against eachother.

He walked towards her, not chained up and they began talking. I turned around to look at my staff, not surprised by my failing experiment.
"Taiga, kill that blue guy, now." I said through the microphone.
She looked at Aoi and shook her head. "You're sick bastard. I'm not going to kill him!" She screamed.
"What if it meant you could see a dead friend again?" I said looking at my staff. They all smiled.
"What? Who?" She asked.
"Think of the list. We are testing you. He was right, were not ccg and we don't want you dead. We want to see how strong you are. We've been following you for a while now and we know who has left you and who is still alive. Now kill him."
"You want me to kill him?"
"Technically we want you to fight. Any minute now, the fluid we injected him with will kick in, and he will rampage, probably kill you. Now fight."
She looked at Aoi nervously. She walked to the wall where all of the chains were attached to and began pulling at them, trying to pull them off.
She began pulling at them when her friend began twitching. "There we go." I whispered. He turned full ghoul and that's when my staff began laughing.
"No!" She shouted. He grabbed her by the back of her neck and crushed her into the wall. She did dangle around like a ragdoll, in a strange way, she was really cute, like a small child, being brutally smashed into a steel enforced wall. He pulled her away and threw her onto the ground on her back. She rolled out of the way of his kagune. She jumped up and wrapped the chains around his kagune and threw him against the wall. She continued to pull at the chains but nothing worked. We all chuckled at how much she was strugling. He grabbed her again and said something to her. She kicked him in the face angrily and jumped to the ground. He went to stab her but she dodged out of the way. He cut both of her hands off leaving her bleeding everywhere.
"No!" I shouted. My experiment was to prove how powerful she was and now she's going to lose. I told all of my staff I had seen her fight. She can jump around gracefully, like a small doll, she could be stabbed and heal, she could be torn apart and heal and then I remembered when she was cut in half and healed. I smiled as my staff began standing up, ready to walk out. "Ahem." I coughed looking out of the small window smiling. They all looked and saw as she got on her knees near her hands and all gasped as the hands were reattached.
"I told you." I said smiling at her. She was now out of the chains. She jumped onto her back and slid under his legs before flinging herself up and putting her fist through his chest.
I pressed another button, releasing three more ghouls, injected with the same substance as Aoi. She began smiling. She took a chunk out of her friend and ripped the blade from his body, using it to defeat every other ghoul in that room.
"Do you think she's worth it all now?" I ask. All of their eyes had shifted into ghoul form as they nodded.

Taiga's POV
I put Aoi's kagune down and looked at him. I got on the ground next to him and rolled him onto his back.
"Sorry, kid." I said smiling.
He grabbed my wrist and smiled. "If i wasn't programmed to kill you right now, I could kiss you."
"And you're dying."
"And that."
"Do you want me to end you now?" I asked.
He shook his head.
"Leave him!" Some people shouted. The grabbed him and carried him away.
"Where are they taking him?" I asked the boy with black hair.
"Follow me." He said walking off.
"No." I said standing there.
He turned around and his face was.....psychotic. he was smiling, yet he looked angry. "Do not cross me." He grabbed me and pulled me towards his office. He sat down at his desk and smiled. " killed your friend."
"No. When I left he was alive."
"Well I have my best people trying to save him."
"Why would you go to all of this trouble to sit me in your office for small talk."
"Nobody believed how strong you were. To them, you were just a girl that lost her way. They didn't believe your unique abilities, they couldn't. I've been following you for a while now. Watching how you deal with things, watching how you heal,fight, act, snap and bend." He began fiddling with a knife.
"Why am I here." I asked.
"I need you. Were getting rid of the ccg and we need the most powerful ghouls. I do hope you heard if the ripper." He said pointing at the chair in front of him.
I sat down. "Of course. He was like fourteen when he killed over fifty humans In the space of a month?"
He smiled and waved a little. "You're the ripper." I asked confused.
"Yeah. I prefer to be called soji."
"Okay fine. But seriously, what happened to you. You were in the news all the time."
"I could say the same to you."
"Touchè." I sat quietly when he stood up and walked to the front of his desk, sitting down in front of me.
"Look, I'm gonna say it straight. You're one of the most psychotic ghouls out there, you're also close to ayato."
"I thought you said you've been following me. He left me."
"He left you to make out like he didn't love you because he knows I'm trailing you."
"Do you two not get along?"
"He left me for dead. How you and Rize were, is how me and Ayato were. You two always hung around. Defended eachother."
"Until I left her before my sister died, before rize died."
"Why did you leave her?"
"Honestly. She set us up on a double date with two young, handsome boys and she made them walk us home, before eating both of them. I had no money, no car and I was untraceable, yet my sister found me and had someone at the ready to alert me if she dies. So I walked to the 20th ward. I was weak, hadn't eaten or drank or slept in a good few days, so I was attacked and that's when kaneki and touka saved me. I tried my hardest to act as though I wasn't a binge eater or a cannibal and it worked." I looked up and smiled. "Now I'm rambling. I'm sorry. What was it you wanted."
He smiled. "Just to talk."
I nodded. "What happened with you and Ayato."
"He used his big mouth again before throwing me under the bus. Got himself in trouble and left me to pick up the pieces. The word family means nothing to some people."
"Family?" I repeated confused.
"Well, I say family but we're not related. After he left that pretty sister of his, he lived with me, here. I fed him, clothed him, trained him. Molded him into the person he is today."
"And he left you to die?"
"Yes. If you're on my team, it will shake him."
"You're not going to kill him are you? I still love him."
"That would make me as bad as him. I may be powerful and violent but I still have morals taiga, as I'm sure you do too."
"So he's safe, physically, you just want to play with his emotions?"
"Bingo."He said clapping. "Eventually, you'll fall for me and that will be the big golden trophy, but you don't know that you have a thing for me just yet."
"No I won't."
"You seem to fall in love with big strong men. That's probably why you haven't been with Raiden yet. I was shocked you were with Hide to be honest."
"Akio, Ayato, Takasu and kaneki were all horrible to you at some point. Hide wasn't ever really horrible."
"So you plan on being horrible to me?"
He smiled. "Don't read too much into it sweetie."
"Don't patronise me." I stood up and raised my eyebrow. His phone started ringing so he held a finger up to me, signalling me to wait.
"Yeah....okay.....thanks." He then hung up.
"Aoi is fine. So come on." He said standing up.

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