Chapter four.

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I sat up in bed holding a small red velvet box staring out of the window. I convinced myself that kaneki wouldn't be coming but a part of me just kept saying "He's coming. He'll be here." I opened the box and looked at my ring.
"You kept it?"
I looked up and kaneki stood there.
"This is the first time I've seen you in months." I said putting the box down and walking over to him.
"You look well." He said climbing in.
"I go jogging a fair bit. Excersice." I nod awkwardly. "What are you doing here Kaneki. " I asked as strong as I could.
"I come a lot. I needed to leave to figure myself out and now I have to keep running. I don't want the ccg to know I'm here and i didn't want you to know I was here, until I saw you looking at the ring. I missed you taiga." He said sighing. "I haven't come here to get you back even though I want to have you back so bad, i can't because I'd be putting you in danger and I really do love you." He said sadly.
"I love you too. And I will always love you. You're the love of my life Kaneki but you left me at the worst possible moment. I sat there under that tree for two whole days. I would have been there a lot longer if it wasn't for Ayato driving past because I was missing and he found me wet and dirty from mud and rain and you left me. I waited for you! You left me." I said angrily. "I love you and you left me."
"Taiga I'm so sorry."
"I'm finished." I said sitting down. He stood in front of me and sighed. "You know, I always pictured you as my husband. We'd get married outside with all of our family and friends and a really cute reception. Then we'd have kids a couple red heads like me and then one with a little eyepatch and black hair that's obsessed with reading." I let out a small laugh before looking up. "I'm always going to love you. You're my first love and you will always be my first love but please just leave until you can stay here permanently because you can't keep coming and going."
"I know. I'm so sorry."He walked over and grabbed my head before placing a kiss on it. "I will never forget you. Promise."
"Good because we're not through kaneki. We've got so much more left to do."
He smiled and pointed to the ring.
"Don't let that hold you back."
"I wont." I said smiling
I walked Over and handed him the
ring. And just like that, Kaneki was out of my life as quick as he was in my life. I sighed and walked out of my bedroom to see raiden walking out of his.
He smiled then saw the look on my face. His happiness changed to worry. "Are you okay? Did he show up."
I nodded and without have to say a thing raiden got me on his back and carried me upstairs into the living room. He turned the console on and threw a controller at me. "I'm not being rude but human girls can binge eat with chocolate and cake, ghoul girls can't. I have to keep you from going after girls with sugar just floating around In their blood when your sad like this, which is quite remarkable on my behalf."
"You're so big headed sometimes."
"That's why I'm your best friend."
"What? Because you have a big head?"I giggled before being interrupted by Hinami.
"Couldn't sleep." She said sitting next to me. Raiden handed her a controller as she sat on the couch behind me.
"Hey." Touka said walking over. She sat next to Hinami and coughed. I turned around and she pointed at Hinamis controller. I smiled and threw her a controller.
"This is how it should always be." Hinami said smiling. "All of us sat here happily, like a family. I just wish everyone could be here.
"Hope were not intruding." Kimi said, walking inside with Nishiki.
I smiled as nishiki sat on the chair and kimi sat on his knee.
I smiled. "This is what I wanted for the café, everyone spending time together and just being happy. I wish a lot of people were here right now but they can't be. So in honour of everyone that has left or passed, I'd like to re-dedicate hogo-sha to them. May wherever they are, be as warm and happy as this very room." I said smiling.
"Taiga that was really cringey. " Nishiki said wrapping his arms around kimi and resting his chin on her shoulder.
"That was cringe." Hinami said agreeing with nishiki. She threw a pillow at me and laughed.
"I'm glad my heartfelt testament was funny." I said throwing the pillow back.
"Calm down Martin Luther King. " Raiden said sarcastically. Everyone began laughing and as much as I fought the infectious laughter, it overpowered me, and I fell vitim to this emotion.
I looked to the window and my laughing slowed down as all I could see was kaneki watching us all. I smiled tightly and waved discreetly. He waved back and blew a kiss. I pretended to catch it then proceed to put the fake kiss on my heart. He smiled sadly. I couldn't go and hug him or invite him inside because i knew he'd say no and it's hard enough for me to have to deal with seeing him again before he ventures off into the life of a fugitive but I don't want to drag everybody else down with me. He opened the window slightly before closing it on an envelope. He waved before disappearing again. I stood up with broke everyone from their trance or laughter.
"What?" Hinami asked.
"Just gonna open a window" I said smiling. Everyone got back to having fun and joking about so I grabbed the letter and walking into the bathroom, locking the door and sitting on the toilet as I read the letter.

'God T, I don't know where to begin. Seeing the life in your eyes tonight just brought back so many feelings. I have to apologise for the lack of formality on this letter but I wanted you to have this before I leave again. I drop by quite a bit but you're always asleep and you look so peaceful while you're asleep so I left you or occasionally I'd come in and kiss your forehead and just sit next to you for a bit because being around you is like a drug, and I'm hooked, but I guess I'll have to go cold turkey for a bit which will be tough but I'll get through it because i'll still be thinking about you the entire time. You're not the love of my life, because you can always have another, you taiga are my life. My heart belongs to you and I hope one day yours can belong to me... until then my beautiful princess. X"

I wiped the tears from my cheek before hearing someone shout from down stairs.
I folded up the letter before putting it in my bra and running downstairs to see who was shouting.
"No way." I said smiling.
"Yes way" he held his arms out for a hug and I launched myself at him.

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