chapter 29

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I bit my tongue before turning around.
"Did he find anything?" Yasuna asked.
"Nope. He didn't. Let's get you to itori." I said walking off.
"What?" Yasuna said grabbing my arm. "You just saved his life?"
"He also saved mine. I repaid him." I walked off and yasuna and raiden followed me. I climbed into the van I hot wired and slammed my head against the wheel.
"Move over and let me drive." Raiden said opening the door.
I looked up and moved over. He got in and smiled. He drove us to the café.
"You okay?" He asked gently rubbing my shoulder.
"Hey. Taiga." Yasuna said inquisitively.
"Is that little mimi?" She asked smiling. I looked out of the window and smiled.
"Not so little now hey?" I said smiling.
"She looks just like your sister." She said smiling. She got out of the back of the van happily.
"I'll get rid of the van. You head on inside." Raiden said smiling. "Yuki would have missed you." I smiled and got out of the car.
I walked inside and upstairs. I pulled out a futon and put it on the ground for yasuna to sleep on. I walked into my room and saw Yuki sat up waiting for me.
"Hello." I said taking my jacket off.
"Are you okay?" He asked confused.
"I'm just tired." I slumped on my bed and closed my eyes.
Yuki lay next to me. "Taiga!" Someone shouted.
I groaned and sat up. "What is it."
"Someone's here for you." I walked downstairs and kuraidesu stood there smiling.
"Are you okay?" I asked confused.
"I need to talk to you." He said walking outside. I turned to look at nishiki confused before following the boy.
"Yuki is in danger. Inevitably, you are too. You need to leave."
"I'm not going to up and leave? I'm staying here."
"You will die. You and anyone that stands in your way. I'm fine, they think I'm dead! They know Yukis alive."
"Who are they?"
"The quinx squad. They know you have him. He's a threat."
"Why can you just come out of fucking hiding!"
"As selfish as it sounds, rather him then me."
"You're fucking estranged. You need help. He's your little brother! Grow a pair and help save him right now!"
"No can do." He shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "I don't want him dead but I don't want me dead more.
"Selfish bastard!"
"Rather selfish then self righteous hey Taiga." He smiled.
He looked up before grabbing me.
"We have to go." He said holding me.
"No. What the hell are you doing?"
"We have to run."
"There is no we! Put me the fuck down right now."
"No. Come on."He said pulling me along.
"Nishiki!!" I screamed. He put his hand over my mouth and hid around the corner. I could see in the distance a bunch of people in black hoods walking towards us.
"That's not the quinx squad is it?" I asked pushing him away.
"Theyre after me. Well Yuki because he's the heir to our family's fortune."
"Tell them you're alive." I said as he still held me.
"I don't want to die."
"You need to leave then so I can save Yuki."
"You're gonna let me leave."
"I'm part of a group that can get us out of this mess. Let me go so I can help the situation." He let go of me so I grabbed him. "Here. He's the heir. Take him!" I shouted. Three of them ran over.
"You bitch!" He said angrily.
"Rather you then him." I said handing him over. I watched as they took him away. Nishiki ran outside with yasuna.
"Call Itori. Now." I said running inside.

"Theyre going after rich ghouls. Like Robin Hood. Just a hell of a lot more violent." Itori said pacing. Me, Nishiki, Ayato, Touka and Yomo sat in the café whilst Hinami, kimi and Yuki sat upstairs.
"Got him." Uta said walking in with raiden. He looked up and saw yasuna. She was sat on a table blowing hot air onto the glass, drawing pictures.
I looked back at uta and smiled. He looked at her with such a passionate gaze, like he was astonished by the way she was acting.
"Yasuna." I said smiling. She had her finger on the window as she turned her head. When she realised it was time to talk seriously she smiled sheepishly and rubbed her 'art' off the window. "Sorry." She said slouching down into her seat awkwardly.
"First order of buisness is to welcome yasuna into out ranks." Itori said clapping. Everyone did the same.
"But." Itori said, putting the clapping to a sudden halt. "As we know, them weirdos in the blood capes are back. They've taken Taiga's bi-polar friend and we need him back. He proved to be useful and I want him on my team pronto. Before them aogiri bastards get their mucky hands on him, no offence Ayato."
"Actually, I'm offended, not all-"
"Shh." She said holding her hand out, cutting him off. "Were getting him out. Well, we'll cause a distraction and you'll crawl through the air vents as you're the smallest one here. We'll have uta and yasuna talking you through the vents, guiding you to the cell where they're holding kuraidesu." She threw a small ear piece at me. "Wear it. You'll need it. When you get to him, you tell him it was an act. Were destroying the group from the inside out and we needed to get in somehow. Tell him it was wrong but quite thinking. You couldn't have put Yuki in his shoes because he's only young."
"You'll think he'll actually believe that?"
"He has to. He has no other choice. He wants to get out." She sighed. "So, taiga, you're in the vents. Uta and yasuna in the back of the van, looking at the blue prints, guiding her through to the holding cell. Raiden, you'll help Taiga get into the vent from outside and then you'll be waiting at the doors for Taiga and kuraidesu because they will definitely need help getting out of the building. Me, nishiki, Touka and Ayato will be causing the distraction."

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