chapter 14

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Ayato's POV
I woke up and looked around before remembering where I was. I looked down at Taiga, sound asleep. Her face was peaceful. I haven't seen her face so relaxed since I met her. She really was beautiful. She gasped and sat up.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah. I had a weird dream."
"What was it?"
"We had a daughter. Ryouko. Raiden and touka had two kids, Hinami was engaged-"
"-Raiden and touka?" I scoffed.
"I know." She began smiling. "Let's go home. It's morning and they'll be wondering where we are."
"Don't you just love it though. No heat or anything just me and you."
"Silence. A quiet getaway." She said smiling.
"Exactly." I said standing up. She stood up and turned around to put her clothes on. I smiled and got dressed myself.
"So this dream, who else was there?"
"If that's your polite way of asking if Kaneki was there, he wasn't." She said smiling. "It was my birthday and you were trying to keep me happy. The baby was beautiful. She was absolutely gorgeous."
"Just like her mummy." I smirked as I focused on the road.
"Do you want a family?"
"Uhm why? Do you?"
The smiled instantly disappeared.
"Because I'm forever getting myself in trouble. Unless I was sure, there were no threats. Hinami is 16 and I'm scared for her safety even though when I was that age I got myself into so much trouble and survived. I couldn't bring a defenseless baby into this world. Not to mention being pregnant with her or him would be hard. I'm always getting stabbed." She sighed. I could tell she wanted a family and to settle down and it killed me that I couldn't give her that.
I pulled into the car Park near the café and got out.
"What if it was by accident. Then what?"
"It's my child Ayato. I'm not a savage. I'd kept it."
"It? " i said holding my hand, smiling.
"You know I didn't mean it like that." We said walking inside the café.
Raiden ran down the stairs looking concerned.
"What's happened now?" She said squeezing my hand. I looked down at her Red finger tips.
"The investigators. They stopped by and-" she let go of my hand and ran out.
"We have to stop her." Raiden said shaking his head.
"Why?" I asked grabbing his arm.
"You'll see." Raiden ran out and tackled her to the ground and anger bubbled inside of me until I understood why he did it. An investigator turned around with black roots and white hair. Raiden picked her up and dragged her inside.
"I can't go through this again!" She shouted "What?" She asked looking at me.
"Nothing. That investigator looked-"
"For taiga." Raiden interrupted. "Go check on Hinami. She doesn't feel well." Raiden said pushing her towards the stairs.
"I can take a hint." She said trying not to laugh.
She disappeared and raiden pulled me into the back room. He turned in the taps and sighed.
"We can't be certain if that was him." He said pacing around.
"I didn't realise kaneki had a twin." I said sarcastically.
"He'd never join the investigators ever. He despises them as much as you!"
"That's why it can't be him!" I shouted. "Look. Until we have solid evidence we don't tell Taiga."
"You don't want to tell her because you know she'll leave you."
"No!" I shouted grabbing him around the neck. "Don't piss me off. She might be your best friend but I'm not. I can kill you and make it look like an accident."
He shoved me away. "Look. I don't want problems. If he comes back, there's no way I'm ever gonna get her. I agree. But if she finds out we kept this from her she'll hate us."
"Who says she has to know?"
Raiden smiled. "Good point."
"What is?" Tsukiyama asked. We both turned around and smiled.
"None of your business." I held my hand out and raiden shook it. I smiled and walked off upstairs.

Taiga's POV
Hinami sat holding Hides jacket when I walked in. "Hey." I said smiling. She turned around and tried to hide the jacket. "I've seen it now mimi." I made a thin smile with my lips and sat next to her. "It's okay to grieve you know."
"I'm not grieving." She said holding the jacket. "I just miss him." She stood up and hung the jacket up. "Hide was so cool. He sorta stood in for kaneki when he went mental."
"What do you mean?"
"Kaneki taught me how to read. When you left and kaneki went weird, hide taught me how to read and maths and stuff. He was really cool and he never had a problem with ghouls."
"He was pretty cool with that. Or should I say pretty ghoul with that." I said winking. She looked at me in utter disgust.
"You shouldn't say that....ever again." She began laughing. "It was clever though, I'll give you that."
"Well thank you." I said standing up.
"You seem really happy today. What's happened." She asked smiling.
"Nothing. I'm just in a good mood." I kissed her head and walked out as Ayato walked up the stairs.
"They gone?" I asked.
"Yeah. They disappeared like two seconds ago. Now let's carry on from last night." He said pulling me off into my bedroom closing the door.
"No. Wait." I said pulling away. "Something's wrong with raiden. He's acting weird."
"He'll be fine. Now come on." I lightly his Ayato.
"You need to stop. I'm worried about him." I said smiling as I gently pushed him away.
"That's understandable, but he's perfectly fine."
"What about Aoi? How is he?" Ayato stayed silent."I'm gonna check on aoi." I said smiling.
"You never talked to me about what happened when they tortured you."
"That's a bit random. I haven't told anyone really."
"I'm your boyfriend. Tell me."
"I have to check on him." I went to walk away when Ayato grabbed me.
"Please. Tell me."
"Why do you feel the need to know all of a sudden?"
"I just want to connect to you. You told kaneki didn't you?"
"Because you could relate."
"I can't relate but I can empathise."
I sighed and held his hands.
"What they did to Kaneki was what they did to me. They beat me, stabbed me, cut my finger tips off and my toes and waited until they grew back. It's what they did to Jason. Makes you stronger. Guess it had a reverse effect on me."
"You're unstoppable."
"Is that because of torture or my genes?"
"A bit of both I guess." He smiled and pulled me into his arms. "Double whammy."
"Is that a good thing?" I asked resting my head on his chest.
"It is taiga. Don't worry." He exhaled, breathing hot hair on the top of my head.
"Thank you." He whispered.
"Why?" I moved away.
"You trusted me. You told me about something you feel really secretive towards."
"It's fine. Can i ask a question now?" I asked smiling.
"When I met you, why did you want to kill me?"
He sighed. "If i couldn't have you nobody else could. I was a bit weird."
I smiled. "Thats weirdly attractive." I pulled him down and kissed the end of his nose. "I'll see you in a minute."
I ran upstairs into aoi's room.
"Aoi?" I shouted.
I heard a bang and something running towards me. He wrapped his hands around my neck and began throwing me around the place.
"Stop." I said as he picked me up again and smashed me into a wall.
"Call Soji!" I screamed. Aoi continued to beat me until he activated his kagune. I rolled out of the way and tried to run off but he grabbed me again. He threw me into the wall so I fell on the ground.
"Help!" I screamed. He kicked me straight in the face and picked me up by my hair. He smashed my face into the wall and threw me on the ground again. He slashed me with his kagune and laughed.
"Ayato!" I screamed. "Anybody, help!" I shouted. His kagune Rosedale, almost like something a scorpion would do with its sting when it was under a threat, so I knew he would stab me, but I was far too weak to move. I closed my eyes as he went to stab me, instead of feeling immense pain, I felt blood spatter on my face. I opened my eyes and saw a blood stained yellow knitted cardigan with small flowers on it. I looked up and realised who it was. Hinami stood in front of me with a blade through her stomach.
"No!" I screamed.

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