chapter 20

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Quick authors note;
If you follow tokyo ghoul as much as I do, you may know tokyo ghoul jack; the spinoff, should be showing at the end of September so there will be sites that you can stream it, the bad news is that there are rumours circulating that tokyo ghoul re: might be cancelled because of how the series has drifted from the manga. It could still come on, so keep your fingers crossed! I will keep updating as usual and I will follow the manga as much as possible. The winner of the character competition will be announced in chapter 28/29. For the time being, I'd love it if you guys could submit ideas into the book! I have 37 pre-written chapters already but I didn't ever think every idea submitted to me would be amazing! Message me a scenario or even some more characters! I'll do stuff like this more often because I like to connect with you guys! There will still be a lot of surprises and plot twists ;) Anyway like I said, I will follow the manga as much as possible now. I'm also thinking, maybe when tokyo ghoul jack comes out, I can add in some chapters to the first book about tokyo ghoul jack, put my own little fanfic spin on it? Let me know what you guys think.

I was dressed in knee socks, shorts, a t-shirt, coat, my wig and some kawaii cat ears to complete my outfit. I left early so nobody was awake. I took a lot of money and went our shopping for Yuki. I walked into a shop and was instantly greeted by a shop assistant. "Hi. Need any help?"
"Yeah. I need a lot of outfits for an average sized eleven year old please. Don't worry about the price just pile it all together." I said crossing my arms. The woman ran around with at least five bags full of clothes. I gave her the money, in cash and smiled as she gawked at me in shock. "Seriously?"
"Yeah." I grabbed the bags and struggled out if the shop.
As I did I bumped into someone.
"Sorry miss." The said catching me. I looked up at kaneki.
"Uhm. Thanks." I said pushing away.
"Do you live far?"
"Um no. A couple minutes."
"Then please allow me to walk you back." He said taking a few bags off of me.
"You don't have to do that."
"Oh I do." He smiled at me and my heart melted. It's him. The guy before the torture, the guy before all the shit happened, the guy that saved me!
"Okay." I said confused.
"I'm haise."
"Shiori." I said off the top of my head.
"That's a really nice name."
"Are you ccg?"
"Uhm you're wearing the coat." I said smiling.
"Oh. Yes I am."
"How can you justify killing people."
"Ghouls aren't people. Theyre monsters. What do you do if there's a spider in your house?"
"I kill it."
"Because I'm scared of them"
"Exactly. Were scared of ghouls. The only difference between a spider and a ghoul is that a ghoul is a threat, most spiders aren't."
"Some spiders are a threat."
"That doesn't stop you killing the ones that are innocent and weak, no threat at all."
I looked at him confused. "Never thought of it like that."
"Not a lot of people do. Some are innocent, but they could all snap."
"But isn't that the same as normal humans?"
"True, but humans in high power don't like it when they can't control things. We can't nesecarily control ghouls."
"So you kill them?"
"It's not humane, but yes."
I got to the café door and pushed it open with my foot. Kaneki, or haise, walked inside and put my bags in the table. I then did the same with the bags in was holding.
"Thank you for that." I said smiling.
"It's okay. How about a cup of coffee."
I thought of everyone upstairs.
"No. Let's go for donuts!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him outside.
"Someone's an eager beaver."
"What can I say. I'm an early bird." I said pulling him away.
We walked into a small pastries shop and he ordered it for me.
"Try this." He said handing me something. I bit it and swallowed it.
"Oh my God." I said pretending something was in my mouth. "That's amazing."
"It's all I eat. This little shop is amazing."
"It really is." I took another bite and swallowed it.
"So you work at the café?"
"Yeah. Well, I own it." He turned around and looked at me in shock. "Family member died, left me their fortune, I sold their 'living quaters' and bought the café."
"Pretty impressive. How old did you say you were?"
"Oh. I didn't. I'm nineteen."
"Whoa. Impressive."
"Thanks and thanks for the donut but I really have to go and open up. Coffee run starts around now, just before people head off to work."
"Can I see you again?" He asked smiling. My heart melted. Kaneki was kaneki again, just without the memories despite what i said yesterday.
"Yeah, okay." I smiled.
"Okay, how about I meet you at the café at about three."
"No!" I shouted. I laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of my head. "I'll meet you, at the clothes shop. It's where we met, so it's sorta poetic." I said smiling.
"That's a really cool idea, okay." He nodded and grabbed my hand, kissing the top of it.
"Goodbye Shiori."
He let my small hand slip out of his grasp before walking away. I let out a sigh of relief and turned around, walking back to the café.
"Oneesan!" Someone shouted. I looked down and Yuki was running down the stairs.
"Morning. I got you some stuff." I said putting the bags on the ground. He began rummaging through them.
"I feel bad now."
"Because I'm not doing anything for you. You've done all of this for me and I haven't done anything."
"You don't have to do anything."
"How about i help you today in the café."
"Can you make coffee?"
"No. " He said sadly. I picked him up and carried him into the kitchen. I pulled a chair that was already in the kitchen over to me with my foot and put Yuki on the chair.
"You need coffee beans and water." I said begging to show him how to make coffee.

"How does this taste." He asked holding the coffee up. My stomach started hurting when I remembered what I ate. I ran to the toilet and jammed my fingers down the back of my throat.
"Was it really that bad?" Yuki asked standing behind me. I stood up and flushed the toilet.
"No. I'm just not very well anyway. Let me have some of this coffee then."
I stood up and walked out. He handed me the cup and I took a sip.
"Wow. You have learnt well." I said smiling.
"I had a good teacher."
I ruffled his hair with my hand and smiled.
"Hey." Someone said walking in. I looked up. "Can I please have a coffee." It was the girl with blue hair and the boy with yellow hair and sharp teeth that work with kaneki.
I turn around and look at Yuki.
"Coffees for both of you?" I say nervously.
"Yeah please." The girl says smiling. I nod and walk into the kitchen closing the door.
"The ghoul from the other night is in there. So stay here." I whispered making two coffees. I walked out with the coffees and put the down in front of both ghouls. They handed me money and thanked me. I put the money in the till and observed them.
"Haise was with someone this morning."
"I know." The girl said angrily.
"I hope she's not prettier then me."
"She probably is. You're ugly." The boy began laughing and she necked the coffee down.
"Hurry up because we have to meet haise soon."
I turned around and looked at the door hiding Yuki.

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