chapter 21

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"Wow Taiga, where you off to?" Hinami asked smiling.
"Uhm. Just out and about."
"But you're wearing your good perfume?"
"I just want to smell nice."
"But who for?"
"Myself. Look I need you to look after Yuki for a moment."
"Taiga." She said as her face slowly went from happy to nutral.
"Hinami." I said sarcastically. "I'm just going out. I'm not cheating or anything, just meeting someone."
"None of your buisness. Just look after Yuki. Make him something to drink nd send him to bed."
"Please tell me you're not doing anything stupid."
"Depends what you mean by stupid." I rubbed her head and ran off zipping my coat up.

I stood outside of the clothes shop for twenty minutes. I had my arms crossed restlessly before deciding to walk off.
"Shiori!" Someone shouted. I turned around and saw kaneki running towards me. "I'm so sorry but so greatful you stayed for a bit longer."
"I just presumed that with you being an investigator you got kept behind."
"Thank god for initiative." He looked up and smiled. "The moon looks so beautiful tonight." He said looking up. He slowly moved his head down. "Just like you....moon girl."
"Moon girl?" I asked smiling.
"Yeah. Your eyes glow like the moon. I've never seen anything like it. You're also full of imperfections, but they make you so much more beautiful, so much more human." He held his hand out and smiled. "Come on moon girl. I have an idea."

"Haise, a beach?" I asked confused.
"Shh." He said pulling me towards the tide.
"Look at that." He said smiling.
"At what?"
He sighed and pulled me in front of him. He put his hands on my hips and hoisted me into the air. I saw what he was talking about. The moon, and how it bounced off of the sea.
"Whoa. That's amazing."
He put me down and turned me around. "The view was amazing." I said smiling.
"I think my view is a lot better." He smiled before picking me up bridal style.
"What are you doing?" I asked confused.
He kicked his shoes off and walked out into the sea. "Please don't drop me!" I said clinging to him.
"I might just have to drop you now."
"No!" I squealed. I began pulling on him and he just fell, dropping me into the sea. He looked at me in shock.
I began laughing, as did he.
"I'm so sorry."
"It's fine just stand up so you can help me up."
He stood up and pulled me up.
"Let's get you home then." He said holding my hand as we both walked out of the sea.
We walked me near the café. "How about you come over tomorrow. You can meet my friends?"
"Wow. Meeting the friends already?"
"Well, they wanted to meet the girl that had me smitten so I said I'd arrange something."
"Where do you live."
"In he first ward. You know what, I'll come fetch you tomorrow. Make sure you have some things packed for your stay."
"I'm glad you've made the decision for me."
"So am i. I'll see you tomorrow, here, at eight moon girl." He winked before walking away.
I sighed before walking inside.
"That wasn't very long." Hinami said sitting on the stairs. "You can't be falling for him again surely."
"He hates taiga, wants her dead but if I help him remember him?"
"If you're not Taiga who are you?"
"Shiori. He seems to have taken a liking to me."
"And I can tell you like him." She said smiling at the fact I was wet.
"Hinami that's vile! It was the sea." I said smiling.
"Sorry moon girl." She said sarcastically. "Why didn't you just tell me. I would have loved it if you were trying to help him! I wouldn't have gotten involved or told anyone. The fact you kept it so secret is cause for concern. Its like you're falling in love with him again."
"I never fell out of love with him mimi. But that doesn't mean i don't love Ayato any less."
"It just means you're settling for second best."
"What? It's true. I really want you to be happy, that's my dream. The day you walk over to me, looking sincerely happy, when your eyes aren't filled with hatred and pain, when your face relaxed and your aura is peaceful, that's the day my life will be complete but I don't condone you messing with people's heads. It isn't fair to string Ayato along like this. If you like him, great, if not, you you love kaneki, love him enough to forget about Ayato the break up with him before it's too late."
She grabbed my hand and rubbed it with her thumb. "Just don't get caught up in this either. Kaneki isn't kaneki anymore, he's haise and when he finds out who and what you are, be prepared for him to hate you." She kissed my cheek and walked upstairs.
I sat in the dark café before walking to the door and locking it. Just as I looked up, I could see something, or someone lurking around. I tried to look closer when the silouette disappeared. I shrugged off the feeling of being watched and walked upstairs. I got dried and changed into a long t-shirt and climbed Into bed with Yuki.
"Taiga." He whispered with with a croaky voice, as if he'd been crying."
"What? Are you okay." I asked worriedly.
"Are you going to die and leave me?"
"Honestly, I don't think I'll die for for a very long time, but death is a peculiar thing. It's unpredictable so I can't promise I won't die, but I do promise I'll never leave you. I'll always be with you."
He hugged me and sobbed quietly into my chest. "You're my new family. You're nicer then my other family ever were and I'm scared I'm gonna be all alone."
I pull away and cup his cheeks, whipping his tears away with my thumbs. "Do you know how many people live here? And every single one of them are lovely and would be happy to look after you."
"But none of them are you."
"That doesn't matter. I'm honestly not that great Yuki. I have flaws, pretty big ones as well."
"I don't care Oneesan."

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