chapter eight

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"Taiga no!!" Raiden screamed. I looked down to see a hand covered in blood. He pulled it out and I turned around. Tskiyama stood there in shock at Daiki flicked the blood off of his hand.
"You're not the only one that knows how to fight." He said angrily. "Jason taught me stuff too."
"Jason. " I repeated confused.
"You didn't thing you were his only prodigy? Did you?" He asked smiling.
"I thought you were nicer." I said shaking my head.
"Rize, Akio, Jason, annoura. I can see your judge of character isn't as good as what you thought."
"You were good. I could tell."
"No. I was never good. You were vulnerable."
"I saw you at the café that time and you were kind. And what about eiji?"
"What about him?"
"Are you lying about him as well. Do you even care about him."
"Don't you dare bring him into this!" He shouted.
"So as cold as you are, you still find space in that shriveled heart of yours for a human?" I asked provoking him.
"Don't start with me Taiga?"
"You just impaled me with your fist? You think I can let this go? How's about I pay little eiji a visit."
"How about I pay Hinami a little visit."
"No." Tskiyama said holding him back.
"Keep her out of this." He said angrily. He pushed Tskiyama away and walked towards me.
"If you think for one second that I'll hesitate ripping her head off entirely so she can join mummy daddy dearest then you have another thing coming."
I lunged for him when he put his hand around my throat.
"Get off her!" Raiden shouted. I held my hand out stopping him.
"If I kill you now, I don't have to worry about eiji."
"You think killing me won't provoke everyone here. They'll come after you. You and your human friend will be done for"
His eyes softened a touch. "You use to have human friends. What happened."
"They died." I used my thumbs to poke his eyes so he let me go, screaming as he held his face. He moved his hands to reveal blood streaming down his face. He charged at me so I jumped backwards.
"Come here so I can kill you!" He screamed.
"Taiga!" Raiden screamed standing in front of me.
"Leave her alone." He said standing defensively in front of me.
"I'll just kill you both." He activated is kagune.
"I wouldn't." Someone said angrily. Itori walked over and clicked her fingers. Two clowns grabbed Daiki and held him.
"Did I hear right. Are you threatening my brother."
"So what if I am?"
She clicked her fingers and a third member came up from behind him, stabbing him in the back.
"Taiga your decision. Shall I kill him or spare him."
"Kill him." Aoi said walking over.
"Better yet, I'll do it myself." He said. He walked over and pulled Daiki to the ground. Itori grabbed aoi's shoulder and put her foot on Daiki, keeping him on the ground.
"I said it was Taiga's decision."
"This pig killed my best friend."
"I know. My sincerest condolences, but it is her choice. If she says you can do what you want, then I shall allow it. If not, then back the fuck off."
"Why are you doing this?" He asked angrily.
"She is a leader of one of my squads and she needs to be able to make decisions. Decisions that determine her ability as a leader."
I look at aoi and then at Daiki. Daiki looks safe, like I'm too kind to take his life. I look at aoi and see how sincere he is. How much he needs this kill.
"Aoi can do whatever he wants with him so long as his body is burned once he's done."
"Taiga!" Daiki shouted, now nervous.
"I have nothing more to say to you except I hope you suffer a terrible death." He grabbed my ankle gently.
"Please." He begged. Using my other foot, I stamped on his arm. He screamed and let go.
"Stop trying to appeal to my better nature. It's gone."
"What about eiji? What is he gonna think?"
"Hopefully, he'll think clearly and realise ghouls are no match for humans."
"What about Hide?" He shouted.
"Hide died."
"Then Hinami."
"I think you should die." Hinami said standing with Ayato.
They waved me over. I turned back around to face Daiki. "You can have him Aoi, after this." I kicked him straight in the face. I bent down to his level.
"How do you sleep at night?" He whispered.
"I don't. I'll guess I'll sleep when I'm dead."
I walked towards Hinami and Ayato when raiden and itori helped aoi carry Daiki someplace quiet.
Tskiyama stood there awkwardly.
"Taiga." Hinami muttered. She walked towards him so I grabbed her.
She turned around and looked at me sadly.
"Why him?"
"He looked after me when you weren't here he's my friend."
She took a step forward so I pulled her inside.
"Come in." I said to him before walking inside myself.
We all sat in the living room awkwardly.
"Why didn't you do anything when I offended your taste in dining again?" I asked.
"Because of her." He said pointing at Hinami. "The girls put a spell on me." He said laughing awkwardly. "She's really changed me."
"Nobody changes that fast." I said accusingly.
"You did."
I looked up at him and nodded. "Fine."
"I never wanted kaito to die." He said quietly.
"He was an amazing person. Nobody wanted him to die."
Ayato stood up. "I did. He was a fake prick that didn't love you."
"He died for me." I retaliated. "He has been the best thing that happened to me."
"Second best, right below kaneki." Ayato said angrily.
"How do you manage to turn everything on to you?"
"This isn't about me. This is about you. You're fucking tapped. You need psychological help."
I lunged for him and Tskiyama held me back.
"Fuck you and get the hell out!" I screamed.
"You're a fucking psycho! Everyone close to you dies. Look at Hide!"
My chest twitched at that sentence. How could he do that? How could he say that?
I broke free from Tskiyama's grip and went for him but he kicked me into a wall. "Were over." He said walking out. Hinami ran over to hold me back, knowing I wouldn't risk hurting her to break free of her grasp on me.

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