chapter 57

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"Squad one, are we in position?" I asked looking at them stood in the cameras.
"Yeah. Were good." Juuzou said. He saw the camera and waved.
"Squad two?"
"Were good to go Ai." Tooru said confidently.
"Okay. Have we got eyes on the target."
"Ai, I don't think any body's here?" Juuzou said confused.
"I see someone." I said confused.
I looked at the screen in the van. "I have eyes on the black rabbit. East of squad one."
They all turned and he waved.
"Where's the girl?" Ayato shouted.
"Safe. Why?"
"I would feel more comfortable with her here."
I grabbed my phone and rang juuzou.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Give the ghoul the phone." I said. Juuzou threw him the phone.
"So you are safe while your friends are to die?" My mouth threatened to drop but I held it in check.
"I'm Co ordinating them." I answered confidently.
"To their early deaths?" He laughed. "Team two are to die in three seconds."
I looked at the camera and saw people surrounding them.
"Team two, move now!" I shouted.
Tooru looked around and the camera shut off.
"Get out and come to me or team one die."
"What do we do boss?" Juuzou asked.
"Fall back to the van." I hung up and got out.
"Ma'am!" The tech guy shouted.
"Team one are on their way back! Don't worry! If Arima calls you need to stall!" I ran off towards where Ayato was and he let team one go.
"I'm not leaving you." Juuzou said standing by me.
"You have to. Arima will call soon, tell him were fine."
"You need to guide your squad safely to the van. Hurry and go." I said pushing him.
He walked away and I turned my attention to ayato.
I inhaled and smiled. "Just me and you? Confident much."
"I'm not trying to pull a fast one on you. I wouldn't have people jump out on you." He held out a file. "This is what you wanted?"
"You actually came with the file?"
"The two people you have mean a lot to me and are important in getting someone I love back."
"Taiga right?" I asked smiling.
"How'd you know?"
"Well, I had the same conversation with soji and yasuna. She's dead. I killed her."
"You're lying."
"She was a great sport but I was just stronger."
He lunged for me but I dodged. "Don't try it! I'll have you killed quicker then you can cry help."
He went for me again and I pulled my gun out. I held it to his Junk and smiled.
"Unless you want your family jewels scattered around I suggest you move away from me right now."
He slowly moved away and went to run off so I shot him in the foot.
He dropped to the floor screaming.
I picked the file that he dropped and moved away from him.
"Business was great. We should do it again sometime." I winked and turned around, ready to walk off. I looked at my gun and sighed.
"I'm sorry, I can't have people following me." I turned around and shot him a few times in the leg before running off to the van.
"Where's squad one?" I asked.
"They didn't come back."
"What? I saw them."
I pressed my earpiece. "Squad one?"
"Ai run we got away but they hooked the van up!" Tooru shouted.
"It's rigged." I said shaking my head. I grabbed the man and jumped out of the van. He stood on the pavement.
"My laptop!" He shouted.
I sighed and ran back inside. I disconnected his laptop and grabbed my phone. I ran back out and ran to the side of it. I looked around forgetting the van was rigged to blow, trying to search for the guy but he was gone.
The van then exploded. I turned around and it flipped, heading straight for me. I stumbled back but something wrapped around my waist and ripped me out of the way.
I was dragged on to the floor but when I looked up, tooru stood there with one person and the tech guy.
"Oh thank God!" I said smiling.
He pulled the whip off of me and helped me up.
"You okay?" Juuzou asked running over with all four of his squad members.
I handed the tech guy his laptop and scratched my head.
"Were sitting ducks here." I shook my head and looked around the deserted Street. "Let's get inside."
I gathered the remaining people and gathered them in the basement.
I opened the file and it was all blank.
"Fuck!" I shouted.
"Calm down." Tooru said holding me.
"I got three people killed and they're death was for nothing! I'm suppose to be helping people but I can't even help myself."
"Hey, you've done a great job, apart from nearly getting yourself killed." Juuzou said smiling.
"Thanks I guess. Call Arima and tell him we need to be picked up."
"He won't be happy."
"I don't care. I don't want to be here any longer. The group is using explosives, meaning they've evolved."
"How so?"
"They're no longer just killing us by eating us, they're killing us by explosions. Makes them more of a threat."
"Also shows us they're not after eating us at all. Maybe they're like vigilantes for the ghoul community. I mean, they can't eat exploded people can they?"
"You have a point." I shook my head when I heard someone shouting.
"Stay here and stay hidden." I ran up to the road and Arima was there in a van.
"You got here fast." I said angrily.
"I gave you a chance but I knew something would happen so I made sure I was close by."
"You set me up for failure?"
"A lesson. I set you up for a lesson." He pointed to the sky. "That's taking us home. Not the truck. Do not get in its dangerous."
"Fine whatever."
Arima ran inside the building but I couldn't help myself. I climbed into the van and looked around. It wasn't the same as last time, this van was empty.
"Why would he bring an empty tech van?" I asked myself. "Unless he knew this group was using explosives and decided to have this here as bait." I went to get out when something or other blew up, flipping the van with me inside. I tried my hardest not to bounce around in it like a ragdoll, but I was tossed left right and centre.
The van eventually stopped spinning. I was lay down in the van, bruised and bloody and I pushed myself up, using my arms when I heard a crunch. I started screaming but I knew I had to stop so I did.
I climbed out of the van and the helicopter lowered a ladder.
"How am I suppose to climb on that?" I asked looking at my broken arm.
"You got in didn't you!" Arima shouted.
"I wanted to see the cameras but there were none."
"It's a decoy van! Ai I told you-"
"-I know but we have to go now."
Tooru And his survivor and the tech guy climbed up. The four survivors from squad one climbed up, then juuzou and arima tried to make me go next.
"I can't climb up, I think I broke my arm."
Arima grabbed me, slung me over his shoulder and climbed up the ladder. He put me in the helicopter, pulled the ladder up, shut the door and we made our way back to the ghoul detention centre.

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