chapter 50

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"Taiga." Someone whispered. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"Hello?" I asked. Hide walked in with some coffee and smiled.
"Don't worry I didn't make it." He added handing it over to me. He sat next to me and wrapped the blanket around us both.
I took a sip and sighed. "This is so nice."
"Miza made some for everybody. She wants to speak with you about Hinami as soon as you're ready."
"Yeah." I said standing up. I kissed hide on the cheek and walked downstairs to miza. I sat on touka's knee and let her have a sip of my coffee.
"Hinami is a big part of this group." Eto said walking around. Hide walked downstairs and nishiki choked on his coffee.
"Excuse me." He said rubbing his chest. "That looks like-"
"-hide." I said raising my eyebrow. "It's him." I said nodding.
He stood up and hugged hide. "It's good to have you back kid." He said actually happy to see hide.
"Wow. Married and sincere?" I said sarcastically.
"Married?" Hide asked confused.
"Guys!" Miza shouted. I looked around the room. There was Miza, Soji, Ayato, Nishiki, Naki, torso, yasuna, hide, Raiden, Itori, Uta and Yomo all standing around.
"I think saving her Is too risky. They'll be on high alert after the auction." Yomo added.
"Were saving her or I'm going alone." I said angrily.
"You won't go alone." Raiden added. "I'm going with her no matter what."
"So am i." Yasuna said nodding.
"Me too." Touka said putting her hand up.
"I'm one hundred percent on getting Hinami back." Soji added.
"I'm wouldn't let taiga go and kill herself alone." Ayato said smirking.
"I'm wouldn't let my brother go on a suicide mission without me helping him." Itori laughed.
"Neither would I." Miza said wrapping her arm around soji.
"I'm wouldn't let my best friend and girlfriend go alone Yomo." Uta whispered, meaning Itori and yasuna.
"Boss' friend is my friend too." Naki stood up and bowed before me.
"Hina' is a sweet girl. That place will damage her if she's left there for too long." Eto said looking at everyone.
"She's right." I agreed. "I've been there and Hinami won't handle it all alone."
"Maybe she's not alone." Ayato looked up at me.
"Haise, or kaneki, when I saw him with her, he was protecting her. He detained her because he watched you be taken away and he wanted to help Hinami."
"So he's still there." Hide smiled.
"Hide..." I held his hand and looked up at him. "Don't get your hopes up, please."
"I won't, but come on!" He shouted. He pulled away from me and smiled. "There's hope! Come on people."
"You haven't seen him." Touka spoke up. "He isn't kaneki anymore."
"You all gave up on me, don't do the same to him." Hide added.
"You died! We saw you die! Don't you fucking dare say that!" I shouted. "I was suicidal and fucking messed up after that! I saw your cold dead body with my own eyes. It destroyed me, it destroyed everyone! We threw a fucking funeral for you! And i haven't given up on him!" I shout.
"What?" Raiden asked sounding shocked.
"Did you really believe me? I'd never give up on him! I'd never give up on any of my friends!"
"Taiga!" Touka whispers.
"No!" I scream moving away from her. "How dare you say that hide!"
"Do you still love him?" Raiden asked.
"Screw you. Screw all of you. Got to hell the lot of you." I said angrily.
"So death really did screw you up." Raiden said looking down.
"Being together was such a bad idea." I said walking away slowly.
"Are you joking."
"No. I'm screwed up." I ran upstairs and locked my bedroom door. I changed into a skirt, tights and a shirt. I tied half of my hair into two pigtails and left the rest down. I grabbed a bag and put my mask and scrapbook in it. I kept the tiger necklace on but I left a small note. I opened the curtains and squinted at the light. I opened the window and jumped out. I landed safely and climbed into a car. I hot wired it and smiled when I heard the engine turn on. I looked at the house and saw someone in my bedroom window. He waved and I realised it was Yuki.
I blew a kiss and he held up the note and nodded. He understood, which was so grown up of him. I started the car and drove off towards the detention centre. I looked around and saw a woman that had similar hair to me, not the style but the colour and length so I got out of the car and ran over to her. I snapped her neck and slung her body over my shoulder. I dragged her around the corner and threw on her suit over my clothes. I put her glasses on and grabbed her name tag.
"Hatsuki." I nodded and tied my hair up. I emptied out her brief case and stuffed my small black boots and bag inside.
I sighed and stood up. "Oh. I'm taller." I said smiling. I looked back at her name tag and smiled.
"Rank one senior investigator. Go girl." I said looking at her body. "Sorry you had to die, if it makes it any better, you were a pretty cool person but I need to save my niece.
I walked around the corner and scanned my key card. The door opened and I walked inside, nonchalantly.
I knew Hinami would be on the first or second floor.
I looked around and saw haise. I kept my distance but I watched him step into the elevator. I walked over and watched the floor number stop at two.
I got in the other elevator and pressed level two.
"Hold it!" Someone shouted. I stuck my brief case in as the doors closed and juuzou ran in. He smiled at me and pressed number 4.
He slowly turned his head to face me so I raised the briefcase to the side of my face.
"Please tell me you didn't." He said shaking his head.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said tapping my foot.
"Taiga." He said angrily. I moved the brief case and pressed the stop button on the elevator.
"If you blow my cover I will rip your throat out and I actually quite like you so please shut up."
"You changed?" He said shocked by how I spoke to him.
"I was tortured to the point of death where I saw my dead boyfriend and sister and was revived by a serum that turns ghouls crazy." The doors opened so I turned around and smiled. "Have a good day now." I said putting my hands together and bowing. I looked up as the doors closed and juuzou looked at me in shock. I sighed and turned around. The second floor was huge how could I ever find hinami here. I looked around and saw haise Scan his card and walk into a room. I walked towards the room but someone stopped me.
"Hatsuki, baby." I sighed and looked at the man approaching me.
"I'm a bit busy." I said trying to walk past him but he stood in the way.
"You weren't too busy last night." He said winking. He moved in to kiss me so I slapped him accross the face.
"What have I told you about kissing me at work." I said straightening up my suit.
"I can't keep my hands off you."
"Well you better start learning." I said nodding.
he laughed and shook his head. "Where are you off to?"
I looked at his tag and saw it said level one junior investigator.
"You know I can't tell you that.." I stared at his name tag. "Yuuta."
"Are you okay? You seem distracted."
"I am busy. Now please, if you go down a floor and stay there I will make tonight the best night you've ever had." I said walking my index finger and middle finger up his torso to the top of his shirt and then weaving my index finger through the buttons down his shirt.
I looked up at him and he smiled. "Yes ma'am."
He practically ran to the elevator. I looked at the elevator and just as the doors closed he blew me a kiss. I pretended to catch it and smiled sarcastically. The doors closed so I gagged and threw the pretend kiss on the ground, rubbing my hand on my suit.
I walked towards the room I saw haise walk into and scanned my card. I walked inside and looked around. I could see haise's head through glass and smiled as I knew Hinami was in there. I put my hand on the door and sighed. I was nervous but happy at the same time. I walked in and haise looked at me confused.
"Hatsuki? Why are you here?" He asked.
"They want me to interview her because of the information she knows." I slammed the briefcase on the table and looked a Hinami angrily. She looked scared.
"Haise I'll have to ask you to leave." I said with my back turned.
"I have higher authorisation then you?" He said confused. I closed my eyes and held my hand up.
"Haise. If you don't mind." I said arrogantly. He sighed.
"I'll be just outside." He then walked out.
"You okay?" I whispered.
"I wondered how long it'd take you." She said standing up. "Where's everybody else?"
"I'm alone."
"What?" She asked angrily.
"They wanted to wait and I couldn't."
"Taiga how the hell did you get in?"
"I'm using a disguise."
"And it worked?" She said smiling.
"Right now, we need to get you out of here, we'll discuss my Oscar worthy talent later."
"What is wrong with you?" She asked worriedly. "You're not yourself."
"I'll explain it all later don't worry." I held her hand and sighed.
"Tell them you're taking me out for an activity."
"They do that?" I asked turning around.
"Yeah." She said smiling.
I shrugged my shoulders and turned around again. Haise walked in and pushed me down to the floor.
"You need to leave." He said looking worried.
"Haise get off."
"I know it's not Hatsuki and now they do too. An alarms been triggered. You need to go."
"I'm not leaving without Hinami."
"You have to!" He shouted.
He stood up and helped me up.
"You know who I am don't you?" I asked.
"Taiga. Yeah. You need to go now. I'll make sure she's okay."
I looked at him and gave Hinami my tiger necklace.
"I promise I'll get you out of here."
She grabbed it and smiled. She put it on and tucked it under her t-shirt.
"I know." She said sitting down. I looked at haise and nodded. I went to walk off and am he grabbed my arm. The minute our bodies touched he pulled away. I looked at him blankly and walked out. I looked around and ran to the elevator.
"They know you're here." Juuzou said behind me.
"I know."
"I'll help you get out if you'd like."
I turned around and laughed. "Why?"
"Because I like you." The doors opened and juuzou threw himself on the ground. He started screaming which drew people to him.
He winked at me and carried on screaming. I managed to run out and get in my car. I drove away and laughed at how easy it was to get in and out.

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