chapter 17

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I sat down quietly and watched as a car pulled up. Five people got out. Two girls, one with short green hair and an eyepatch and another with long blue pigtails, she was quite short as well. Then three boys got out. One with yellow hair, one with purple hair and one with black roots and white hair. He turned around and began looking around. I gasped and stood up.
"Kaneki." I whispered. Raiden grabbed me and pulled me down.
"Taiga shut up." He whispered. I pushed him away and jumped down.
I approached them and they all stood there. "You have no business here." The boy with purple hair said.
"Kaneki." I said reaching out. He grabbed my wrist and pulled my mask off and hood down in one swift movement.
"Kill her."
"Are you sure haise. We came to kill him" the girl with blue hair said irratibly.
"Stop being so lazy."
She grunted. "Fine."
"Kaneki." I said confused. "You're working in the ccg?" I asked confused. "What the hell?" I shouted. "You're not one of them!" I shouted.
"Taiga stop!" Raiden shouted. He jumped down and pulled me away. "It's your birthday!" I shouted. "Kaneki come on!"
"You're talking to me like you know me? Stop. I only know your an estranged ghoul that will eventually lose. Just give up now." He said blankly.
"Run." Raiden whispered. I picked ny mask up and ran away.
"Sir." One of the ccg investigators said.
"No. Let them go." He said holding his arm out. "We came for him anyway."

We got back to the café and Ayato saw there was something wrong. "What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.
"Kanekis alive." I said in shock. Touka stopped in her tracks along with Hinami.
"You told her?" Ayato said angrily.
"You knew!" I shouted.
"Taiga!" Itori shouted running inside.
I turned around and she looked pissed. "What the hell were you thinking! You could have been killed!"
"What did she do?" Ayato asked.
"The ccg pulled up and she jumped of the roof to see them."
"Kaneki was there." I whispered.
"No. He wasnt." She said.
"He was!"
"No!" She snapped. "That wasn't him. Haise sasaki. Mentor of the quinx squad."
"The what?" I asked confused.
"It's a squad in the ccg designed to take down the larger threats to humanity. High rated ghouls, groups like aogiri and the clowns." She sat me down.
"The Quinx Squad is a small group consisting of four Quinx's, who are all Ghoul Investigators. Four of the Quinx members are referred to as "humans" with a built-in Quinque in their body, drawing a distinction between them and normal One-Eyed Ghouls. The squad's motive is to eradicate the antagonistic ghouls of Tokyo that threaten the existence of humanity, such as the One-Eyed Owl and One-Eyed King of Aogiri Tree and others ghouls like you. The tasks assigned to Quinx are often monitored and overseen by Haise sasaki, kaneki. Referred to as test subjects, each Quinx member has been surgically modified to use the abilities of a Ghoul but only to a certain extent. They possess a Kagune and single Kakugan, as well as varying degrees of regenerative and enhanced sensory abilities. It is explained that their Kagune is coated with 'Quinque Steel', a frame that is made up of five layers. The frame serves to keep the Kagunes from fully integrating into their bodies as well as acting as power regulators. These layers of protection can be opened to increase the Kagune's power. All Quinx members' Kagune are initially set to the second layer, which gives them a power level of 40%. If they're rc cells stay below a certain amount, they're not seen as threats, and they can eat human food. Kanekis gone taiga. He lost all of his memories. He has no idea who any of us are except for you, because he gets briefed on all dangerous ghouls and you're still on that list. I'm so sorry but he's as good as dead. He will kill you if you get close to him, so stay away from him, please." She begged.
"He was alive this entire time and none of you said a thing. Did you know it's his birthday today? No. You didn't. You're all fucking selfish pricks. Kaneki is a brainwashed robot and we could have helped him!" I turned to face Ayato. "I love you but don't bother coming to check on me. Either of you." I said to him and raiden. "Come upstairs and try to make conversation with me and I will hurt you." I stood up and wiped the tears from my face. "I will talk to you when I feel it is nessecary." I walked upstairs and walked into my bedroom. I pulled the scrap book out and opened it. I began flipping through it shaking my head. "I knew this would happen." I said quietly. "That's why I made this. If I could just get him to read it then he'd remember everything." I closed the book and put it under my bed when I heard someone walk upstairs. Touka opened the door and walked inside.
"Taiga." She said quietly. "I can't believe he's alive."
She turned the light on and walked toward me. She hugged me and began crying.
"I had a weird feeling kaneki would loose himself so I made this." I bent down and pulled the scrap book out again.
"We have to show him this."
"I know. We need to get him back. He isn't gone. We can't still pull him back." I said showing her the book.
"But itori said-"
"-screw what that sour faced bitch said. I don't give a shit. I'm done playing nice. I quit the clowns, she has no hold over me now. I'm stronger then her and smarter. If i want to see kaneki again I will."
I turn to look at touka. "We can't tell Ayato or Raiden about this."
"Taiga. I won't tell a soul. You have my word. I want him back just as much as you do. Let's do this." She said smiling. "Were both quick so if things get hot we can just leave."

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