chapter 64

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Akira's POV

"Why wasn't I called sooner!" Arima shouted, pacing up and down the halls of the hospital.
"Sir, I wasn't even informed. I was on the phone to Ai and it went dead. I didn't want to disturb you for what could have been nothing."
"This isn't nothing is it though! I've lost two of my best investigators and the detention centre has blown up. We've lost nearly twelve prisoners. One High priority because you approved the transfer to a smaller centre because she asked you. You are her boss you should have told her no!"
"Sir, you approved too."
He looked at me angrily but turned around. "How long will she be out for?"
"They're going to give her Rc fluid to help the healing process and then they will drain her when she's healed. Once she has stabilised she can leave."
"You and the rest of the quinx squad can discuss how to get haise back." He turned around and walked away. I rolled my eyes and looked into the window. He didn't even ask how she was. They can only give her the Rc if she stabilises out now, if they give an unstable ghoul extra Rc, she could go crazy and kill everyone and honestly, it doesn't look good. I pushed the door open and sat at her bedside. She was covered in blood still and hooked up to machines helping her breathe and basically keeping her alive. A doctor walked in and smiled.
"Were going to give her the fluid." He nodded and a few nurses walked in.
"That could make this worse?" I stood up and stared at my dying friend.
"She'll die if not." The doctor grabbed a needle and flicked it. He stabbed it into her arm and nothing changed. He waited a few minutes but she was still bad, so he gave her more.
Her eyes show open and she began fighting intubation. She ripped her hands out of the handcuffs keeping her locked to the bed and pulled the tube down her throat out through her mouth.
"Ai, calm down!" I shouted as she looked angry.
She stared at me and picked up a scalpel from her bedside. She pulled the sterile packaging off it and ran at me with it. I covered myself and heard a gun shot. I opened my eyes and she had three darts in her neck. I caught her as she fell and pulled the darts out.
"Help me get her back into the bed." I said to the doctors. They helped me put her in bed and I don't dare leave her side. She means way too much to me to let anything else happen to her.

Ai's POV

I felt extremely dizzy, and extremely woozy as I began to open up my eyes.
"Hey. How you feeling?" Akira whispered sitting up, holding onto my hand.
"Everything... hurts." I whispered.
"They gave you enough Rc fluid to heal you but then they suppressed it again so you're weak and fragile."
"Haise. Where is he?" I sat up but she shook her head.
"We have people trying to find him..." She looked down, unable to face me.
"Or his remains." I answered for her.
She nodded, still unable to look at me. I ripped my hand out of hers and pulled the drip out of my veins. I swung my legs over to the side of the bed and jumped off. Akira caught me just my legs gave in.
"We have every able body out there looking for him. I promise." I pushed her away and fell into the wheel chair nearby. "What are you doing?" She asked staring at me. "There are guards outside making sure nobody comes in or out unless they're authorised and you aren't."
"Distract them." I put my hands on the wheels but she stood in front of me so I couldnt go anywhere.
"You understand that I can lose my job! I didn't call the ccg when the phone went dead for you, I cannot let you escape."
"Have you ever loved anybody?" I asked staring at her. Her face softened a touch. "Well I have. I love him and I'm not going to sit and rot in here while the love of my life gets torn apart by ghouls."
She rolled her eyes and crouched down.
"Then wait. Get back into bed and be quiet. There is a camera, but no microphone in the corner of the room. I'll get the guards out of the way and you can roll on out of here." She helped me into bed and walked out. I waited before pulling myself out of bed. My legs weren't fully awake but I could stand long enough to pull the wheel chair over and fall in it. I grabbed my clothes from the chair by the door and sighed. I opened the door and looked around. She had done her job, and quite well I might add because not even a trace of a guard remained. I wheeled myself to the elevator and when I was in I began to get dressed. By now, my legs were a bit more awake so I folded up the wheelchair and put it in the corner of the elevator. Two people got in, one with a hat and glasses so I waited until we got to the next floor and walked out. Just as the doors began to close and snatched his hat and glasses away and waved as the doors closed. I tucked my hair into the hat and put the glasses on. I walked down a flight of stairs and out of the hospital. Saiko was walking up to the hospital, eating sweets so I grabbed her arm and began pulling her off with me.
"Hey, get off!" She shouted. I let go of her and pulled my glasses down.
"It's me. I need you to drive me home right now."
"Ai? Aren't you in the hospital?"
"Obviously not!" I shouted growing agitated.
"Okay, but I have to go in?" She looked at me and pulled some keys out. "I parked in the staff spaces. Go ahead and take the car, just don't tell anyone."
"I owe you." I snatched the keys and jogged to the car. I started the engine and drove home.

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