chapter 38

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I stood waiting impatiently at the entrance to the café for raiden. I began to start shaking and moving around when I could hear someone snigger. I looked up and say Hinami.
I froze and stared at her until she walked towards me. "What the hell was that?" She asked smiling.
"Oh that. It was nothing." I waved my hands and laughed awkwardly.
"To me it looked like you were dancing."
"Well I wasn't."
"Well that's what I saw."
"Well you need your eyes tested because I was not dancing."
I folded my arms and turned around to see soji. I walked out and ran over to him.
"What are you doing here?"
"I need to talk to you." He said trying to pull me away. I pulled my hand away from him and took a step back.
"I'm going on a date soji, I don't have time for this."
"You do! I swear you're gonna wanna know!"
"Soji I don't care. I want to go and have fun and not be put off by whatever you want to tell me. If it's still bad when I get home and you still want to tell me, then and only then can you tell me."
"-sojiro!" I shouted pointing at him.
"Everything okay?" Raiden asked as he walked out of the café.
"Everything is fine." I said staring at soji. He sighed and faked a smile.
"Yeah. Sorry to disturb the two of you. It won't happen again. Have fun." He waved and got back into his car.
"The urgency of this won't change so I'll be over here tonight at 8. Make sure you're ready to listen."
I nodded wearily and watched as he drove away.
"Are you getting cold feet? We were best friends so I know this could be awkward for you."
"No. I'm not." I turned around and smiled. "I'm excited." I walked towards his car and got into the passenger seat. He got in and started the car.
"How long is the drive?" I asked as he drove off.
"About half an hour."
"Let's play a game." I said clapping.
"Really?" He asked smiling. "Wow. You're never short of an idea are you."
"Nope. Right." I said turning my body around slightly. "It's called red car. Whenever either of us see a red car, we shout 'red car' and punch the other person on the arm."
"Taiga i'm driving."
"Lighten up sulky sal, it'll be fun." I looked forwards and saw a red car.
"Red car!" I shouted hitting him.
"Oh god." He whimpered being his arm. "I wasn't ready."
"Well ready up car!" I shouted again hitting him.
"What other games do you have in mind."
"The number plate game."
"How do you play that?"
"If there's double numbers or letters next to eachother in a number plate you shout 'double plate' and hit them."
"You know what, let's not play anything and just soak up the ambience."
"The boring ambience." I muttered crossing my arms and sitting back.
"What was that?"
"Nothing dear." I said sarcastically. I began to click my tongue to the beat of the song I was playing in my head which made raiden sigh in annoyance so I tapped the door of the car which made him sigh even louder.
I stopped and looked around. There was nothing to do so I turned on the radio and a song that I liked came on so I started dancing and singing along to it but, he turned the radio off. I groaned and began humming a song.
"Are you always this annoying?" He asked.
"Are you always this boring."
I sat back again and put my hand on the window button. I started pushing it down and up, over and over again, opening and closing the window.
"How about we just talk!" He said leaning over, keeping one hand on the steering wheel and using his other hand to hold my hand, on the window button, still.
"Talk about what?" I asked as he sat back in his seat.
"The theme park. Are you excited?"
"Yeah I am. I don't mind heights or anything so yeah. Can we get a picture or something?"
"You mean like buy one the roller coaster takes?"
"Yes! One of those little key ring thingies. I can show people and be like 'this is my boyfriend, relationship goals right?' And everyone will be so jealous."
"T?" He said smiling.
"You realise you just called me your boyfriend?"
"Well, yes, seeing as though I'm the one that said it? It doesn't freak you out?"
"Well yeah, but not in a bad way! Just kinda like, I'm shocked I finally get the girl. It's rare the boy that's friend zoned will ever get the girl."
"Were not in a relationship yet, but give it time and we will be. What's Ayato said about all of this anyway?"
"Nothing really. I haven't spoken to him about any of it. He loves you."
"He cheated."
"So did you? I'm not judging. I never thought you two would work out."
"I just, got so wrapped up in my little world. There was happiness and marriage and just everything so I guess it was pretty fun while it lasted but all good things must end, but just so you can make room for the amazing things." I said smiling.
"That's sweet. I really love you."
"You do?"
"Yes. I would genuinely die for you. When that building blew up and I couldn't find you I was so scared. I thought I'd have lost you before I even had a chance to have you."
"From the moment i met you, you had me."
We eventually got to the theme park so we parked the car, showed the staff our tickets and we're free to roam around.
"Right." Raiden said pulling out a map of the theme park. I snatched it off him and ripped it in half. "Taiga!" He shouted.
"No! Today is spontaneous. I want to walk around the corner and be surprised, not plan it out! Stop being such a control freak and let's go." I said dragging him along with me.
"You don't even know where you're going." He said with attitude.
"Wow." I said stopping and seeing a huge rollercoaster. "This is the one where we get our picture. It's my first rollercoaster so lets go."

The line wasn't even even a line, because the weather wasn't amazing, the theme park was like a ghost town so we waited for the carriage to come back and then we were put on. The ride attendants made sure we were fastened in before sending the ride up.
"Raiden were so high!" I shouted.
"That's the point!" He shouted back laughing. I looked down and just as I leant forward the ride flew off.
I was consumed by laughter, unable to breathe through the hysterical fits caused by the adreneline. The ride came to a halt at the start and the harnesses flew up.
We climbed out and I ran down to the photos. I looked around and found our picture. My eyes are open and I'm laughing, Raiden's are closed, but he's laughing too. We don't look too terrible, we look happy...
"Get it!" I said looking at the picture.
Raiden pulled out his wallet and asked for the picture on a key ring. They printed it off and put it in a plastic key ring case. They exchanged it for Raidens money so he gave it to me.
"Happy?" He asked smiling.
"Very." I put the key ring into my pocket and held his hand as we walked away.

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