chapter 26.

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I was on Raidens back still looking around. Kimi and Nishiki sat with Hinami and Yuki. Touka and Ayato were together lighting fireworks into the sky and I was with Raiden. "Isn't this fun." I said smiling.
"What? Setting fireworks off in the park?"
"Yeah but take a look around. We are actually a family."
"The most fucked up family ever."
"I have Hinami, Ayato and touka have eachother, then theres kimi and nishiki and then-"
"The leftovers. " He said smiling.
"Hey! You're not leftovers."
"We are. I have Itori, and yuki has that freak show brother but they aren't here. Were just left overs."
"Well I love me a bit of leftovers. Extra goodness." I said smiling.
He laughed and looked up as another firework went off.
"Were fucked up, but lovely."
"Lovely?" He asked before laughing.
"Shut up. We are."
"Mind if I snatch her away for a minute." Ayato said smiling. Raiden nodded so I kissed his cheek and jumped down.
I grabbed ayato's hand and he led me around the corner.
"Nishiki and kimi have assigned us wedding planners."
"Really?" I asked smiling.
"So tomorrow, were going to go out, find a venue for as soon as possible, and get as much stuff out of the way as possible."
"Okay." I said pulling him down by his coat and kissing him.
We walked off and sat on a bench. "What dress are you wearing then?" He asked.
"Whatever dress kimi picks out. Me Touka and Hinami are all bridesmaids."
"Seeing Touka in a nice fancy dress and fancy shoes will make my year."
"Leave her alone. She's nervous about this you know."
"I'm excited to see you. Walking down that aisle in a dress as I'm stood at the altar, with nishiki of course."
"Please don't talk about this again." I sighed.
"We will get married eventually."
"No we won't. We won't be married, were staying like this. I also don't want kids either because of how the world is. I'm not bringing something into the world for it to be hated by most of the population!"
"You seriously don't mean that."
"I do Ayato. I really do. If you want marriage and kids then we can end this now on good terms."
"No. I don't want marriage and kids, I just want it with you. I want a life, a family with you."
"Why me?"
"You're the love of my life."
"How do you know."
He grabbed my hand and put it on his chest. "Feel that?"
"That's beating fast."
"It does that when I'm near you. It's telling me you're the one."
"You say the cutest things but-"
"-but nothing. You don't want to get married, then we'll be happy alone. Just me and you and these freaks." He said hugging me.
I moved away and smiled at Hinami.
"School soon." I said smiling.
"Really?" She asked sadly.
"Yep both of you. Tsukiyama enrolled you." Ayato said wrapping his arm round me.
"He did?" I asked confused.
"Said you were getting stressed and wanted to help."
"When do they start?"
"Three days? What about uniform?"
"Well, he's with a talented deigner as we speak, with a picture of the uniform."
"Uta is designing their uniform."
"Yeah. For free."
I smiled.
"Taiga, Raiden!" Itori shouted.
We turned around.
"I have you a job right now."
"Were busy Itori." Raiden said angrily.
"You'll be dead soon. There's an s rated ghoul around here causing shit for everyone."
"What." I angrily asked sadly.
"I know where she's ending up tonight. Try and recruit her, uta doesn't want her dead, seems like he's taken a liking to her and her killing techniques."
"So basically, you want us to talk to this girl, stop her, take her in, like annoura and run the risk of her killing us all?"
"Annoura was a very challenged ghoul Taiga, you should understand that better then anybody."
"I do. But she killed my friend and wanted me dead."
"Taiga, I put you in charge because you're ruthless, go and do this." Itori said agitated.
"If we dont want to-"
"-we'll go now." I said stopping Raiden.
"Fine." He said nodding.
She walked away leaving us standing there angrily.
We grabbed our masks and ran to the building.
"When is she gonna be here?" I ask sighing.
"Itori said she'd be here at about eight."
"So we wait."
"Are you happy?"
"Are you happy?"
"I guess."
"That's not good enough."
"Well, I've lost everything but Hinami. My family, friends-"
"-you have all of us at hogo-sha"
"I know. I've just lost so much. I've changed."
"You're the same Taiga i met at school a while back."
I smile and hug him. "Thank you. I'm fine, honestly. I'm broken, but things around me are so good that even though I'm broken I don't feel that bad."
"Just associate with people that don't hurt you."
"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you, you just have to find the people worth suffering for."
"Am I worth suffering for?"
"Course you are. Where would I be without the king of friend zone?" I asked smiling.
"Shut up."
I turned around and shook my head. "She's not here?"
"Patience is a virtue."
"And guidence is is nessecary."
"We just wait her out."
"Well she's obviously not here is she? Like come on."
"She will be."
"Maybe Itori got it wrong."
"If there's one thing I know about my sister, it's that she's right. The girl will be here soon."
"Were sitting on a company building waiting for someone to arrive."
"There." He said smiling.
"Who's car is that?" I asked confused.
I looked closely.
"Shit!" I said loudly.
I then heard screaming. "She's already inside." I jumped off the roof and smashed through a window, launching myself into the building. Raiden followed me.
"Be quiet. Split up amd search for her."
He nodded and ran off.
I followed the smell of human blood and found her.

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