chapter 33

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I got out of the car and looked around. Kaneki was no where to be seen, which was strange because I sorta had the feeling he was into me. I began racking my brain for reasons as to why he isn't here. Is he running late? Is he standing me up? Or does he know who I am? I began to think back to the night I found yasuna. The night she killed those people and kaneki thought I did it, then when Sojiro saved me and he saw me. I remember the pure shock riddled on his face. That was it. That's why he isn't here. He knows who I am.
I sit on the kerb and sigh. "I lost you again." I whispered to myself sadly.
"Shiori?" Someone said quietly. I perked up and turned my head around. Kaneki stood there with his hands in his pockets. He took one of them from his pocket, and held it out. I took his hand and stood up.
"I didn't think you were coming." I said nervously.
"I could never stand you up." He smiled and took my hand.
"Uhm." I said as my face went bright red and my eyes shot open.
"Don't you want to hold hands?" He asked. I began stuttering and making weird noises which actually made him laugh. "It's cute that you're embarrassed."
"Im not embarrassed!" I shouted. "Just confused."
"What about?" He asked as we walked down the street.
"Isn't hand holding suppose to be... intimate?"
"Yes? What's your point?"
"Intimacy is for dating, is it not?"
"Where are you going with this?" He asked smiling. He looked at my red face and stopped smiling. "You want to know if we're dating?" He asked. He let go of my hand and put both of his on the side of my face. "This will clear up any concerns." He moved in and kissed me. My eyes shot open, I was confused. Did he love me, or was he playing me because he knew who I really was.
He moved away and held my hand again.
"Let's go." He said pulling me gently.
"O-okay." I said nervously. He walked me into a library and sat me down.
"I hope you don't mind coming here." He said grabbing the book he use to read to me before his hair turned white.
"No, not at all." I said feeling nostalgic. "Why don't you read to me."
He looked up and smiled. His eyes had that very same glint in them they had when I first ever asked him to read to me. "Really?" He asked smiling. I nodded as my eyes welled up with tears.
I love books, I love that moment when you open one and just sink right into it. You can escape from the world and into a story that's more interesting then yours could ever be. You picture yourself as the main character, you put yourself in the book itself. Reading is dreaming with your eyes open, and this particular dream, I was with kaneki, or haise. Whatever he chose to go by. No matter who he is or what he is, I will never stop loving him. I know I shouldn't be doing this to Ayato, it isn't fair so I am going to end it. But for now, I want to be whisked away into a world of my imagination. I know books don't offer a real escape, but they can offer a long enough illusion for a trip out of your world and into another.
Reading can offer me a different body, with different people and to be in a different place, and sometimes that's all I wish for. Sometimes, all I want is this. To be sat in a quiet library with kaneki, reading books, and imagining ourselves elsewhere. Care free, living life with no regret.
Kaneki closed the book and smiled.
"Were you tuning me out the entire time?" He asked as he put the book back on the shelf.
"Honestly, I wasn't. I devoured every word you said."
"Do you like being read to?" He asked sitting back down.
"To be honest, I like being treated like a child. Piggy back rides, being read to, having someone cook for me."
"Because I've never had anyone do that for me. My mum and dad were always busy, my older sister had her daughter. I just raised myself. I'll be honest, I messed up my life terribly. I made more mistakes then anybody could possibly imagine and it's reflected on how I am now. I like to be looked after."
"There's nothing wrong with that." He smiled and held my hand again. "I can do that. I will keep you safe and make you food and when you're sick, I will make your bed or run you a hot bath. I will give you Piggy backs and carry you wherever and whenever you want. When it's dark outside and there's thunder and lightning I'll be there, soothing you. If I'm not there and you're sad or worried or even if you're just a bit lonely, I'll be there, on the phone until I can get to you because there's something about you. Maybe in another life, we were In love, because I feel like I've loved you my whole life. Like there's been something missing, and I realise, it's you."
I smile and turn my head slightly. I can see Ayato and Hinami walking towards the library. I stand up and smile.
"Follow me." I whispered, as I pull him through the back and into the bathroom. I open the window and climb out, as does he.
"Why the window?" He asked confused.
"For the adventure."
"I don't understand you." He said smiling. He bent over, gesturing a Piggy back so I got on.
"I can't stay long today, I just wanted you to know how I felt."
"That's fine. Thank you for telling me."
"Shiori." He said as we approached the café.
"Do you think we could have a future together."
He stopped walking so I got off his back.
"I'd like to think we do."
"So you won't leave me?"
"I can promise you haise, I will never ever leave you." I smiled and hugged him. His phone began ringing so he pulled it out.
"Now? Okay. Okay. Yes I'm with her. No. Okay. I'm coming!" He said. He hung the phone up and put it in his pocket.
"Duty calls." He says getting into his car. I stood on the side walk and waved him off as he drove away. I walked I to the café and pulled the wig off, ruffling my long hair about. I sat at the bar and sighed.
"You're okay." Someone said hugging me.
"Nishiki?" I said confused. I moved away and smiled.
"Oh I forgot you lot didn't know I was okay. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Raiden and yasuna are at Soji's house but I came home."
"Raidens there with Itori." He said pointing. I turned around and Itori saw me. She waved me over so I walked out to her.
"You saved mio. You put my sister into a fridge and saved her life." She said smiling. "I'm so greatful."
"It's fine." I said looking at raiden.
"I'm sorry." He said looking down.
"What was that?" I asked teasingly.
"I'm sorry." He said louder. I smiled and hugged him.
"Taiga!!!!" Someone shouted. I turned around and Yuki ran out. He jumped up and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled.
"Yuki." I said quietly.
"I missed you."

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