chapter 51

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I got back to the mansion and sat in the car. I headbutted my hands that were on the steering wheel and broke down in tears. It only just hit me that Hinami is still sat in that place. I then got angry. I elbowed the window, not thinking I would shatter it. I rubbed my elbow and opened the car door. I got out of the car and my suit caught on the glass. I screamed and grabbed the door and ripped it off. I dropped it in shock and looked at my bloody hands that healed straight away. I rubbed my hands and looked at them. There was a bit of blood but no cuts.
"Oneesan!" Someone shouted. Yuki ran over and hugged me. "Where's Hinami?" He asked.
"I couldn't get her." I said still dressed as an investigator. I moved away and sat against the car sadly.
"Why are you dressed like that?" He asked sitting in front of me.
"I used a disguise."
"Did it work?"
I looked at him and smiled slightly. "It did, for a bit."
"Everyone's worried."
"What did you tell them?"
"I said you went to save Hinami alone because you were sad without her and you didn't want to hurt them."
"Thank you." I said smiling. "Go on inside. Don't tell them I'm here though."
"Okay." He stood up looked at me. "Are you going to leave again?"
"No. I'll tell you if I'm going."
"Okay." He said before running off.
"Wow." Someone said. I looked up and kuraidesu stood there.
"I'm not in the mood."
"No. I'm good, Hikari."
He sat next to me and sighed. "How are you?"
"How do you think I am. Hinami's gone and I couldn't get her out."
"Look, I get its tough but we'll get through It. Pinkie promise." He said holding his Pinkie out. I looked up at him and held his Pinkie with mine.
"I like Hikari."
"Well, i can't control who I am. Just like after what happened you can't."
"I haven't changed."
"You have." He said letting my Pinkie go. "Your eyes are normally warm and happy, now they're cold and sad. You're attitude is arrogant and angry. You pulled a car door off for God sake." He said smiling kindly.
"Maybe dying finally pushed me over. You know, haise saved my life. He held me and everything and I couldn't care less."
"Is that good or..."
"Is guess it means I don't really care. Before I died I loved him, now I love myself Yuki and hinami."
He laughed and grabbed my briefcase. He swept me into his arms and carried me inside.
"Taiga!" Raiden said standing up. "I was worried sick."
"Well you shouldn't have been, we're not together anymore it's none of your concern."
"What's gotten into you!" Itori shouted.
"I think we should just-" Touka said.
"Leave her alone, she died!" Soji shouted.
"Don't talk to my sister like that." Raiden said angrily.
"Guys maybe we should-" Touka said again.
"-you're in my house so watch how you speak to my brother." Miza grabbed soji and pushed him behind her.
"Will you all shut the fuck up!" Touka shouted.
Everyone turned to face her. "Where's Hinami?" She asked.
"I didn't get her. Haise told me I was in danger so I left."
"Haise as in kaneki?" Ayato asked.
"He saved my life." I said looking at the ground.
"So are you going to get back together with him?" Raiden asked.
"No because I dont care anymore. I love myself Hinami and Yuki. That's it."
"What about us?" Touka asked upset.
"I care about you lot to a certain extent. I'd die for Yuki and Hinami I'd only kill for you lot." I jumped out of his arms and walked upstairs with my briefcase.
I opened my bedroom door and there were a bouquet of Lillies in a vase on the dresser and a box with a note on. I threw the briefcase on to the bed and looked at the note.

'Put on, and come up.'
I looked at the note confused but opened the box. It was a panda onesie. I pulled my hair out of the hair ties and stripped, then put the onesie on. I opened the window and jumped up, grabbing the roof and pulling myself up.
I looked around and saw a glimmer of light from behind the chimney. I walked over and saw hide.
"Hey." He said smiling.
I sat down next to him and put my head against his shoulder.
"Thank you for the flowers and the onesie."
"No problem. How are you?"
"Well, I had to leave Hinami in that prison all by herself but I guess I'm okay. I know I'll get her out soon."
"Did you see kaneki?"
"Yeah. He helped me." I said confused.
"He did?"
"Yeah. He warned me about the ccg, told me they knew my disguise wasn't as full proof as I assumed."
"So he's definitely in there still?"
"Yeah but he grabbed me as I walked out but the minute he touched me he flinched away. Like he remembered something he didn't want to?"
"Forgetting someone you love is hard. So is sitting idle, watching them be happy."
"Hide..."I said quietly.
"I know you have a lot on your plate so I'll help you with whatever you want." He said smiling.
"I just can't get over the fact that you're alive." I said pulling at his face.
he laughed and pushed my hands away.
"I can't get over the first time I see you in like a year, you're dying."
"That must've been scary."
"I literally walked out and saw this little midget drenched in blood, being held by that boy, Soji i think, and I saw the hair and then the face and I just guessed it was you because I don't know anybody else that still looks gorgeous even when they're dead."
"I wasn't dead."
"Unconcious. Dying. Whatever same difference."
He lay down so I did the same.
"We'll get them back." He said holding my hand.
"Haise and Hinami?"
"No. Kaneki and Hinami."
"Hide, he's gone."
"Stop." He said getting angry. "You all thought I was dead and I was alive all along! He is too! Don't give up just because you can't find him!"
"I'm not helping get him back hide." I stood up and dusted myself off. "If you bought me these gifts to soften me up-"
"-let's get them now." He said looking up.
"What?" I asked confused.
"You want Hinami but you need help? I'll help. I'll be the distraction if you go and get them both for me. I'll use the scrapbook and get him back."
"I don't want you to get your hopes up and have them shattered hide."
"They won't be. Kaneki is family. I'll save him and then I'm taking him home."
"Home as in..."
"Home. yes."
"And me?"
"You can go wherever you want."
"What if I want to go with you."
"I don't think it will be an option." He climbed back into the house. I walked further down the roof and looked around. I jumped off of the building and looked around.
"Are you okay ma'am?" Someone whispered. I smiled and turned around. I walked towards him and grabbed him.
"Rize seemed to influence me a lot more then I thought." I turned him around and pinned him to the wall. I smiled and bit into his shoulder.
He cried out in pain, but I relished in the cry for help. Laughed ripped the sleeve of his suit off. I licked the blood running from his shoulder to his hand and but into his neck. I pulled him away from the wall and threw him on the ground.
"You taste so good." I said smiling.
I ran at him, pinning him on the ground and holding his arms above his head. I bit a chunk out of his throat.
"The least you could do is take your new lover to your room." Raiden said out of his window. I turned around and raiden saw the blood on my face.
"I'll be sure to keep it down." I winked and looked back at the ghoul. Blood was pouring out of his mouth, as he started choking on his blood. I licked his lips and French kissed him, tasting the blood out of his mouth.
"Stop!" Soji shouted running out.
"Spoil sport." I said as he pulled me away. I didn't fight him I just looked at the dead ghoul.
"Taiga!" Raiden shouted running over.
He looked at the dead man in shock.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm hungry. Ever get that feeling when you want something but you don't know what you want?" I began smiling.
"Look, just come here to me." He said holding his hands out.
"I want little brother." I pushed soji away and ran at raiden.
"Get off him now." Someone said. I looked up and Itori held a gun to my head.
"You think that will hurt?" I smiled and shook my head.
"No." She shook her head and just as hide ran out she grabbed him.
"No!" Touka screamed. Ayato held her as they both ran out. "You bitch! Leave him alone!"
I looked at Itori and laughed as I was on top of raiden.
"I'll kill you and raiden and then head after mio if you don't leave him alone." I was smiling when I said it, which didn't make me look any less serious, just less sane.
"She's a little girl." Itori looked taken back by what I said.
"Taiga look at me." Raiden said. I looked down and laughed.
"You don't look scared?" I said as of it was a question.
"I'm not." He answered bluntly. "You won't hurt me."
"If she doesn't let hide go I will."
"I thought you said you didn't love anyone?" Itori said.
I turned my head slightly. "Go ahead and try and kill him. Watch me not love him from your grave."
She cocked the shot gun with one hand and held it to his head.
"I will blow his head straight off his shoulders."
"No you won't. You care about everyone here, even me and hide, you're using leverage. It's an empty threat."
I smiled as she turned around amd shot Ayato in the leg.
"Warning shot. Let him go." She said angrily.
I looked at Ayato in shock as he dropped to the ground.
"You bitch." I hissed.
"Itori stop!" Raiden screamed.
"She'll kill you!" She shouted holding the shotgun to hide again.
"She won't! She'll kill you if you shoot her friends!"
Itori nodded and threw the gun on the ground.
"Taiga?" Yasuna shouted. She ran out followed by uta, who just kind of strolled out.
"Get up." She said pulling me off raiden. "You're like my little sister, you can trust me. Come on." She whispered.
I let go of raiden and she pulled me up.
"Grab her." Yasuna said to soji. He held me and she walked over to itori.
She grabbed the gun and turned it around, using the back of it to smash her nose in. Itori let go of hide and fell to the ground. Yasuna gave the gun to hide and pointed at me and soji. He nodded and ran over. She helped Ayato up and touka and him walked over to me. Miza and Yuki ran over with nishiki.
Itori and raiden, Yomo and uta all stood accross from us.
"Uta, you need to pick." Yasuna said taking charge.
"She's my best friend. The choice is easy." He grabbed Itori's hand and nodded.
"Fine. Leave."
"Fine." Itori said pulling them away.
Raiden looked at me sadly.
"After everything, you're just gonna let me go?" He asked.
Yuki gave me something. I looked at it and laughed. I threw it to Raiden.
"You love something, you let it go." He looked at the key ring and nodded. He walked off with his friends and they were gone.
"Okay. I'm putting myself in charge." Yasuna said turning around, standing in front of us.
"Soji and touka, take Ayato upstairs and help his leg, there is flesh in the cupboard or a guard that will let you have a bite of them if you like it fresh. Nishiki, take Yuki upstairs and get him to bed. Miza and hide, clean up the dead guard and then help the guards that offer their flesh. Stitch them up and give them some food or something. Taiga, we are going to talk about a plan to get Hinami." She sighed and looked at hide. "And kaneki." She added.
She clapped and everyone walked away.

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