chapter 37

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I lay on the roof looking up at the stars, the anniversary of Ryouko's death was coming up soon and I didn't know what to do. Three years since it happened and I'm not anymore over the grief. It's hard when someone you cherish so dearly, is ripped away from you. It's nothing to do with being self righteous, but when someone is diseased, you can prepare for death, it doesn't glorify death in any way, but it does help grieving a little more, instead of someone in your family just being ripped away for no reason. Actually, there was a reason. She was killed for being different. Humans dont like what they cant understand, and what they cant understand they can't control, and if you can be controlled or manipulated or bent to their ways you're dangerous, it's how the humans have worked and how they will remain to work as life moves on. I'm watching humans grow up in a world, rapidly losing its humanity and it isn't pretty.
"Hey." Raiden said climbing up.
"Hey." I said quietly, not moving, just looking up at the stars.
"So today was eventful."
"Kimi and nishiki got married. I'm glad to see one relationship around here work out. One wedding go through without a hitch."
"Maybe, if we're lucky, we'll get our shot eventually."
"I think we deserve it. You definitely deserve it." I said sitting up. "You've waited for me for like two years. That's amazing. I'm stupid for not even trying but...."
"You don't need to feel bad. Everything happens for a reason and the fact our time is now instead of like a year ago proves that. I'm so happy to be with you taiga."
He held my hand and smiled. "You're my dream girl."
I laughed and moved away. "Not that I don't love being up here with you, I'm just really tired and cold. I need my rest for tomorrow."
"Are you excited?"
"Of course. I've never been to a theme park before."
"What?" He asked sarcastically. "I went with Itori when I was like thirteen."
"You two close then?"
"Since our dad despises us and my mother is dead-"
"-I thought she was in a group?"
"I told you that because I didn't want to go into detail about how she died. She was in a group, she was in the clowns. She was set up to kill my father, without even knowing. He obviously defended himself, but she knew one of them had to die, and she sacrificed herself. When he found out me and Itori were in a group, he told us to choose, and we did."
"You picked a group over your father?"
"I picked constant safety for my father over living with him yes. With Itori being so high ranked, she can have our Father safe at all times."
"That, I get. And I agree with it entirely." I looked down at his hand and smiled before looking up. "Thank you for telling me. It must've been hard for you."
"Well, a story for a story right." He said faking a smile. "I want to know how you met Akio. I want to know everything about him."
"Bit random."
I sighed. "I went to school with him. He was the popular cool guy that all the boys worshipped and all the girls loved. I was the weird girl that everyone avoided. They cleared a path of fear for me whenever I walked through the corridor and not because they knew what I was, but because they had no idea who I was. I kept myself to myself until Akio talked to me. He knew I was a ghoul, like I knew he was too and he asked me on a date. By then, I already knew Rize, and he knew how strong I was and he seemed to have fallen in love with the worst part of me. I left home, I got engaged and turned into a monster."
"Seems like he was a dick."
"He wasn't the greatest person, he had his flaws, but don't we all? I mean, don't get me wrong, the guy was a loon." I laughed slightly. "But he really loved me. Well, at least he did for a bit. When he wasn't obsessing over Rize or trying to kill kaneki and kaito."
"I never met kaito. What was he like?"
"Erm. Kaito was kind and sweet and funny. He had the same reaction as most people towards ghouls and when he found out I was one, I knew he was scared, but I also knew he felt safe. He died in front of me, and I held his body in my arms. I got home to everyone hating on him so i faked my death. At the time, it was because I hated them, but after a week or so, I knew it was safer for everyone if i chose to stay away."
"And you met me." He said smiling.
"You asked me two questions though. About Akio amd then kaito. So I get one now."
He smiled. "Go."
"Why do you like me? Like, why did you stick around for so long? I was a bitch to you."
"T. When we're on a mission and we're sitting there, staking out the enemies, ready to attack, I feel this urge to protect you. When we're together and you're down, or cold, or even just just a bit lonely, I get angry because I'm not helping you. I'm not getting you a coat or I'm not being there for you. I love the way you're so selfless and you're kind and beautiful and I love that you're travel sized, you know, that you're attractively vertically challenged."
I gasped sarcastically. "That's so rude."
"I'm just saying, you're insecure about your height, but it's just another bullet point on my list of things that I love about you."
"What's so amazing about being small?"
"It makes you so much more amazing because you're so strong and amazing and powerful and just by looking at you, you look nothing like how you are."
"You seem to know a lot about how you feel towards me."
"I've had a lot of time to think."
I giggled and shook my head.
"You're such a weirdo." He pulled me into his arms and we just looked at the sky together.

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