chapter 35

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I lay on the roof looking up at the stars in a bed a made. I say bed but it was a pillow and a blanket underneath me. I sighed and sat up.
"Hey." Someone sad climbing up.
"Raiden." I said shocked.
He walked over and sat next to me. "I spoke to yasuna." He said smiling.
"Ignore her." I scoffed and lay back down, facing the sky.
"She told me that she spoke some sense into you."
"About dating you? She tried. It would just cause arguments."
"Or you don't want to let go of kaneki?"
I turned my head, still lying down and smiled at him cheekily.
"It's not that. I just broke up with ayato."
"See, the thing is I don't mind being a rebound."
"Raiden...." I said slowly sitting up.
"I really don't mind. It's you." He smiled and took my hand.
"You shouldn't ever have to offer to be a rebound."
"It's the girl of my dreams, I would offer to be anything for you."
I moved my hands and cupped his cheeks. "How about a date, for the wedding tomorrow."
"Wait, seriously?" He asked smiling.
"Well yeah. You've waited long enough. You know me like no tomorrow and you're my best friend."
"Oh. Friends." He smiled slightly and moved my hands.
"No. A date. Potential boyfriend kind of date?" I said smiling.
He looked at me with rosey cheeks and smiled. "Really?"
I sighed and kissed him on the lips. It was a passionate kiss and I'm genuinely surprised at how nice it felt. I moved away. "I'm tired and I'm head bridesmaid. I need some sleep. "
I stood up and jumped off the building, holding on to the gutter and swung inside the window. I climbed into bed, next to Yuki and smiled as he was snoring.
"Sweet dreams."

"What is this!" Kimi screamed hours later, now we were all dressed and ready and helping kimi get ready.
"Theyre flowers." Hinami said nervously.
"These are not what I wanted! I wanted Lillies!" She shouted.
"Lillies stain." I said. She turned around angrily and growled at me.
"I will run to the florist and grab another bunch." I said standing up. I looked at Touka and Hinami but they boy looked away.
"Fine I'll go by myself." I grabbed my purse on the way out of my apartment and bumped into Yuki and Raiden on the way out.
"Where you off to?" Raiden asked with Yuki on his back.
"Kimi wanted Lillies and she has white roses." I said smiling.
"Can we come?" Yuki asked.
I looked at him then back at Raiden. "I could do with the company." He smiled and nodded then carried Yuki behind me, following me out of the café and down the road.
"Tomorrow, after the wedding and after nishiki and kimi leave-"
"-leave?" I interrupted.
"Yes. They're leaving to go to France for a week. Anyway, after they leave how about I take you out on a date, just the two of us?"
I looked at him and smiled. "I really want to, I do, it's just Ayato. What's he going to think or say?"
"Well I'm hoping when I ask him he says it's okay?"
"You can't ask him!" I shouted in confusion.
"I don't want you to get hurt." I leant against the door to the florist and pushed it open lazily.
"Hello my dear. What can I do for you?"
"I need Lillies. A nice bunch of them with a red ribbon tied around it."
"Red?" Raiden asked.
"Yes. That's the colour she asked us to wear. Anything red."
"So you're wearing that dress?"
"Yes. Is something wrong with said dress?" I asked folding my arms and tilting my head.
"Here." The woman said smiling handing me the flowers.
"How much?"I said opening my purse.
"Theyre free. You two will be back here soon enough."
"Thank you for your kindness but I want to pay."
"Oh but my child, I must insist." The old lady said delicately holding them out.
I zipped my purse up and smiled. "Thank you." I grabbed the bouquet and smelt them.
"I love Lillies." I said looking at the woman. "Have a nice day." I nodded my head.
She did the same farewell nod as I vacated the premises.
With Yuki on his back, Raiden reached for my free hand and as we walked down the street people began smiling, they thought we were a family and I didn't mind.
"Let's make this last forever." I said smiling.
"I'd like that."
We walked down the street and back into the café when a car pulled up.
"Guys! The men's car is here!" I shouted. Ayato and nishiki ran down happily but Ayato saw me and stopped smiling. I quickly let go of Raidens hand out of respect for Ayato. He grunted and stormed out so I turned around and took Yuki off Raidens back and hugged him.
"You stay close to Raiden yeah?" I asked smiling.
"I will." He kissed my cheek so I put him down and hugged raiden. He kissed my head and took a deep breath in.
"What are you doing?" I asked pulling away.
"You smell like strawberries."
I laughed and poked him.
"Just go. I'll see you there." I smiled and kissed his check efore running upstairs with the flowers.
"Here we are." I said handing them to kimi.
"You really a life saver! Thank you so much!" She shouted smiling.
"It really wasn't a big deal." She sat down sadly so I sat next to her.
"Hinami, let's go down and wait for the car." Touka said awkwardly. They both left.
"Kaito isn't it?" I asked sadly.
"I just wish he was here. He was really love to have been. He was so big on family."
"I know he was. He truly loved you." I said holding her hand.
"I know. He loved you too. A lot."
"I know. He was a really good guy."
We both began to get teary so I smiled and stood up.
"Cars here!" Touka shouted.
Kimi stood up and took a deep breath.
"You ready?" I asked smiling.
She took my hand tightly and nodded.

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