chapter 42.

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I was lay on the ground with Hinami reminiscing over old times when I heard a car door slam. I sat up and a tall, slim woman climbed out wearing only lingerie elements. She had long black hair and when she smiled, she revealed her pointed, teeth dyed completely black.
"Wait here." I whispered. I stood up and walked over.
"Nutcracker." I said smiling.
"Isn't she beautiful." She said stroking my face.
"Thank you." I said looking at yasuna confused.
"Come on. Get off." Yasuna said pulling her away.
"Where is miza." She asked walking around.
She walked off so me and yasuna chased after her and led her inside.
"Miza!" She shouted looking around the place.
"Nutcracker." Miza said jus appearing out of nowhere.
"We need to discuss what is happening."
"What do you mean?"
"Where you will be positioned. Where your new guards with be positioned."
"We'll all just be scattered now please, get some rest, both of you. Tomorrow we will be training and I'm taking you all out for a fresh meal." Miza looked bored of nutcracker already.
"You know what I like and I have half a mind to feast on your beautiful brother. Where is he?"
"Touch him and me and taiga will kill you."
Nutcracker turned to look at me and smiled. "Guess his balls have already been claimed." She said eyeing me playfully.
"Miza?" Soji asked running down the stairs. He saw nutcracker and laughed. "Long time no see." He said shaking his head. "Still don't know how to dress yourself."
"Why are you provoking me? Aren't you suppose to be freakishly clever?" She asked walking over to him. She ran her finger along his arm and smiled. "Will you be there as a guard?" She asked flirting with him.
"What are you doing? Why are you flirting with me."
"You hate me, I love to torture people and this is as much torture as I can inflict on you with your sister and your girlfriend killing me."
"Taiga, let's go to bed." Soji said pushing her away.
"Sojiro you naughty boy." She said smiling.
"Taiga, now." He said getting angry.
"Don't talk to me like that. Im not provoking you." I said walking past him. He chased after me into the bedroom I was using for the time being and closed the door.
"She's fucking nuts." He said sighing. I began laughing so he looked at me confused.
"That's ironic considering nuts are all she wants."
"You're so immature." He said smiling. He sat down on the bed. "Are you sure you don't know anybody with blonde hair?"
"I'm sure. I've known people with that colour hair but they all died."
"These guys could have brought them back, it's not hard."
"No. It doesn't make any sense. They're bluffing so I give them Yuki and it's not happening."
"Maybe they really do have leverage. I doubt they'd lie over something so stupid."
"You never know. They seem sleazy. They'd do whatever to get what they want."
"That's true." Hinami added as she walked inside with Yuki. "Teeth are brushed."She said smiling.
"You two can get in and I'll be inside in a min." I said walking out of the bedroom.
"You know you don't have to share one bed? We're in a mansion."
"A mansion with criminal ghouls all sleazy enough to take Yuki."
"But all loyal enough to respect my sister when she said to not harm you or your family."
I sighed. "I'd feel better with them here with me. It's fine." I hugged him and pulled away.
"Thank you though." I said smiling.
"Just get some sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be hectic." He said walking away. I laughed and walked away. I climbed into bed in between Hinami and Yuki.
"How are you two?" I asked.
"Nervous about the job. I want to do well." Hinami said rolling over, so she could face me.
"You'll do great Hinami chan." Yuki said burying his head into my belly.
"He's right. You'll be fine just do as you're told." I laughed and soon enough fell asleep.

"Wake up!" Someone screamed. I flinched up and Hinami and Yuki started to slowly get up.
I stepped out of bed and rubbed my eyes.
"Look, you two go back to sleep." I said grabbing my suitcase and quietly walking out of my room. I walked down the hall to see an open door and I could hear soji shouting. I walked inside and the nutcracker was on top of him.
"Get out!" He shouted.
"Soji." I said awkwardly. "I need a bathroom."
"Right behind you sweetcheeks." Nutcracker said laughing. I closed the door awkwardly and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth before putting a vest, leggings and some trainers on. I zipped my suitcase up and left it outside of my room. I jogged downstairs whilst tying my hair up and saw miza outside holding a human.
I looked at her confused and jogged over.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Nutcracker killed him. Hope you don't mind dead man." She said taking a bite out of him and handing him over. I looked at the human and took a bite, I needed my strength. I dragged him inside and put him on plastic mat left out. I dusted my hands and walked back outside to do some jogging. I said that my double kagune cancel eachother out, but I meant I don't get as tired as fast. Jogging helps build up stamina, so I ran around the house a couple of times until nutcracker and miza came outside with soji and yasuna.
"Taiga!" Yasuna shouted. I jogged over and smiled.
"We training?" I asked out of breath.
"Yes. But we'll start of one v one. Taiga and soji and me and miza. Sorta like a tournament. The two winners one will fight yasuna, then whoever didn't fight and the winner, will fight, the winner will then take us all on."
"I'll look forward to destroying you all." Soji said smiling.
"No kagune, no nothing just combat. We want to avoid people finding out who we are and we all have distinct kagunes. Five second pin down wins." Nutcracker said as she and miza engaged in combat.
Miza was quite swift in dodging where as nutcracker was full on and intense, which made sense based on how she acted. Miza eventually pinned her down and to her annoyance, she lost. She stood up in a huff and puff and pushed me and soji out in front of her.
"Don't go easy on me." He said smiling.
"I won't. Same goes for you." I smiled so he nodded. He charged for me but I'm jumped in the air, landing behind him. I kicked the back of his legs so when he fell to his knees, I kicked him on his front. I jumped on top of him and held him by the back of the neck.
"Sojiro." Nutcracker said smiling. "Taken out by teenie taiga."
"Shut it." He said angrily. He looked at me and smiled. "You're stronger then you look."
"I've been told that a lot." I said smiling.
"Yasuna." Miza said smiling.
They both started their fight but I turned around.
"The aogiri executives are here with Dr. Kanou. The escort for madam and eto."
"Thank you. Send them out." Miza said as she lost.
"You two carry on." She said walking away.
"You ready to loose T." She said smiling.
"Don't be stupid." I said laughing for her. She jumped out of the way and hit me. I dropped to the floor and rolled away. I jumped up and smiled.
"No fair you can jump." She said smiling.
I landed on the ground and swung my leg under hers, knocking her down.
"Stop!" She shouted smiling.
I climbed on top of her but she rolled me over so she was on top. I quickly headbutted her so she let go of me. I pushed her off me and climbed on top.
"And that's five!" The nutcracker shouted.
I laughed and stood up. I held my hand out for yasuna, to help her up. She laughed and took my hand.
"You three against me." I said laughing. "Bring it on." I said. Nutcracker went to punch me, I caught her fist with one hand and used my other hand to publish her, sending her flying. I kicked soji from the side and dodged yasuna's attack. Nutcracker and soji stood next to yasuna and smiled.
They all ran for me, but something in my brain clicked.
I can slide under yasuna's legs on my belly, roll over on my back and get her from behind. Soji will then go for me, so I just need to backflip behind nutcracker and he'll get her, then I can take him out.
I nodded and did it and it actually worked, all of it, now I was stood facing soji. He went to run at me so I jumped up in the air and spun around, kicking him in the face, sending him flying into the ground. I landed perfectly and smiled. I poked at to see Eto and Ayato clapping with miza and Dr kanou, well I presumed that was the doctor. I walked over and smiled.
"Nice to see you again." I said out of breath.
"The pleasure is mine." Eto smiled. She nodded and looked at the doctor.
"This is akihiro kanou, the doctor responsible for saving kaneki."
"And I'm guessing nashiro and kurona?" I asked looking up.
"I need Hinami." Ayato asked bluntly.
"She needs to analyse some data for me."
"Tatara gave me a message, I passed it on to ayato when I offered him this well paid body guard job for the auction. He knows Naki, miza, you and soji are on a team and he's fine with that, but he needs to clean up after if something shows up. Go talk to Hinami." She said pointing. He nodded and walked off.
"What's it about?" I asked rubbing the beads of sweat from my forehead.
"The floppies."
"The what?"
"My failed experiments. They're extremely powerful and if they show up they need to go. The two girls you mentioned."
"They don't seem like fails to me?" I said confused.
"They left me after I didn't treat shiro. They're fails."
"And you're a-" I said nastily, cut off by eto holding her hand out.
"You're as strong as me, so don't make me fight someone I can't beat, it's a waste of my time." She moved away. "I get you were friends with kaneki and he hated to become a ghoul, you were also friends with Rize and he took her organs without asking her family but calm down. For now, were a team, if you think otherwise, you need to re-think where your loyalties lie." She tilted her head and smiled.
"You invited Hinami to accompany you, right? As her aunt you should want to keep her away from activities concerning issues as such."
"You just said you don't want a fight?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
"Fair enough."
"And isn't it obvious where my loyalties lie given everything I've done for ghouls?"
"Like saving juuzou? Or dating haise sasaki?" She asked tilting her head.
"It's us or them taiga. Don't make me force a decision onto you."
"You don't have to. I'm here aren't I?"
"Good choice." She said smiling.

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