chapter 53

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I got showered off and dressed. I tied my hair up, put my mask on and opened the window.
"You leaving?" Soji asked from behind me.
"I have to. Make sure you save Hinami... please." I hung on to the side of the window, ready to jump out and I turned my head.
"Why do you have to?"
"I'm a risk to everyone here. The first time in my life I feel like this is what I'm meant to do. I'm gonna leave with no regrets."
"You're going to leave everyone here? No words said, just pure and utter abandonment."
"Yes." I then jumped, and I didn't look back.

Two months later
Soji's POV
"Yasuna!" I shouted.
"Yes!" She said smiling as she appeared next to me.
"Is everyone ready to move out?" I asked putting my mask on.
"Yes sir. Everyone is ready to leave. Just waiting on your say so."
"Okay. Well, let's get going then."
She smiled and nodded running off. I sighed and shook my head. "God sake taiga, why'd you leave us in the mist like this." I said to myself.
Me, Miza, yasuna, Ayato and touka all arrived outside. Eto and Takizawa appeared.
"Who's with me again?" She asked.
"Miza, Ayato and Touka."
"Wait for my signal." Yasuna said nodding. They put their earpieces in and nodded. I took her hand and walked inside with her. We got in pretty easily but they were doing security checks.
"I'll handle the guards." Yasuna whispered.
She pulled a knife from behind me and slit her arm.
"How'd you do that?" I asked confused.
"Rc suppressant." She threw the knife in a plant pot and held her arm.
"There are ghouls outside!" She screamed holding her arm. The guards and some investigators ran out.
She nodded and walked inside.
A short girl with long dark purple hair appeared. She was being followed to the elevator by kaneki.
"Come on." I said. We ran to the elevator shouting hold it, and they did. The minute we walked in the expressionless girl looked angry.
"What is it Ai?" He asked.
"Nothing." She croaked. Her bright purple eyes shook me, definitely leaving an impression I couldn't shake off easily. The elevator closed and opened up on the next floor.
She whispered something into Kanekis ear and then walked out. The elevator closed just as she was turning to face us.
"No." I whispered. The elevator went up a bit then stopped.
"Oh no." Kaneki said, sounding worried.
"What's wrong sir?" Yasuna asked.
"The elevator's stuck. I can't be in confined spaces." He turned to face us looking worried.
"I'm sure they'll find a way to speed along the process of getting us out." Yasuna put her hand on his shoulder. "Talking sometimes helps fear." She smiled sweetly, but something felt off.
"I'm severely claustrophobic. I can't cope! I need to get out." He said nervously.
"No need to act like such a wreck." I sighed and walked towards the door. I tried to pull them open but they were closed tight, and I didn't want him to suspect me so I didn't use too much strength. I sighed and pressed the alarm button.
"Think you could help?" Yasuna asked irritated.
"Help with what? We'll get out soon."
"We need to hug him, if we squeeze him it'll control his breathing."
"Erm. No." I raised an eyebrow and looked at the doors when there was a loud bang on the top of the elevator.
Kanekis breathing was now fine and the safety door was torn off.
"Haise give me your hand!" The girl shouted. He smiled and jumped up. She caught him and pulled him up.
"Ghouls." She hissed. She put a grenade to her mouth and pulled the pin out. She dropped it in and closed the safety door.
"They know we're here!" I shouted, holding the button down on my earpiece.
"Soji just hang on, were working on it." Miza was trying to be as calm as possible, but she was scared.
The elevator opened up revealing Ai and haise stood there behind armed guards.
"I have a nose like a hound." She walked past some of the investigators and shook her head.
"Why come here? Did you think you could get in like your old friend? The many faced binge eating tiger?"
"See she's added to that title of hers." Yasuna said sarcastically.
Ai held out her hand.
"I want the ear piece you're using to communicate with your leader please."
Yasuna took it out and gave it to her.
she put it in and sighed.
"Who am I speaking with?" She asked. "Ah. The silent treatment. Well, the pink haired lady and her lap dog are about to be slaughtered like lambs so unless you want to speak up, they will both die."
"No!" Miza screamed, through my earpiece as well as Ai's.
"And your name please." Ai asked smiling.
"It's miza! Don't hurt him!"
"The three blade right? Well miss knife wielding scum bag, your brother and his pink haired pixie friend are a lesson to learn from. Don't try and infiltrate the ghoul detention centre again or the next of your group I see, will be ghosts not ghouls and I'm sure you wouldn't want brother dearest to become a supernatural entity?"
"What are you going to do?" She asked sadly.
"Hmm. I don't know what sounds more appealing. Torture them for information or lock them up until they desiccate."
"Let them go!"
"Ha. You're funny, and lucky that I'm not killing them where they stand." She held her hand out and haise put a gun in her hand.
"Can your brother regenerate like his friend taiga?"
"Yes! Don't hurt him!" She shouted.
"I won't kill him, but I'll make it so he wishes I had." She held the gun up to me and shot the side of my face. I dropped to the floor screaming and held my hand to my fresh wound, noticing she shot off a piece of my ear, taking the earpiece with it.
"What did you do!" Miza shouted.
"Call off the attack on here or they both die!" Ai retorted.
"I'm not the boss! I'm not running this! The pink haired girl is."
"Ah. Pinkie, call off the attack." She walked over to yasuna, completely fearless.
"Miza, tell everybody to fall back." She whispered sadly.
She walked away and smiled.
"Bye miza." She pulled the ear piece out of her ear and threw it on the ground. She shot it and held the gun behind her. A guard took it off her.
she dusted her hands off.
"Search these two thoroughly and take their belongings away. I want them in prison attire right now."
She walked away with haise and all I could do was fret about how precise she was. She could have shot me in the face or the head, but she aimed for my ear and got it? She was a threat and someone I've never even heard of before...

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