chapter 15.

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I went to grab Hinami when aoi flung her limp body across the room.
She lay on the ground, blood pooling around her when I ran over to Hinami. "Please." I said crying holding her body. She winced in pain.
"Why did you do that?" I asked rocking her.
"That's what you do for the people you love. Jump in front of psychos." She smiled before something went through me. Aoi flung me at the wall and walked towards Hinami. I got up and jumped on his back. I put my fist through his back. He turned his head completely backwards to look at me, all the bones in his neck cracking.
"What the hell?" I said in shock. He ripped me out of him and held me up again when he was shot in the eye with something. He dropped me and pulled it out. I turned around and Soji stood there with a small gun. He gestured me to move so I rolled out of the way. I stood up and looked at his body. Looked at Hinami slowly sitting up so I ran over to her. "You okay?" I asked sadly.
"Yeah." She smiled.
"I got this." Soji said walking over. I stood up and grabbed him, pinning him up against the wall.
"You did that to her! Your fucking experiment!" I screamed.
"Let me go or i let her die." He whispered. "Remember, leverage." He smiled before panicking. "Taiga please! I don't know what's happening with him just let me go." He said holding his arms up.
"Taiga!" Touka shouted pulling me off.
"You don't understand." I said angrily.
"I think it's you that doesn't understand! You get all the boys and I never kicked up a fuss. Even when I fell in love with hide and he loved you!"
"He's a monster."
"You're the monster! He saved your life. Show him some respect!" She shouted.
"He's the one that endangered it!"
"Taiga, Aoi has been suffering a while now. He had a bad, tortuous past, and now he's having a rough time. He snapped." Soji said.
"You injected him with that project shit!"
"I'm 18 Taiga! I'm not a mastermind!"
"I think you should leave." Touka muttered.
"Yeah so do I." I said angrily.
"I didn't mean him. I meant you."
"This is my house."
"And mine. I want the boy I'm seeing to be safe here."
"He'll never be safe here."
Touka sighed. "Then I'm moving out."
"No. Dont. I just won't come over." Soji said smiling at me.
"Fuck you." I screamed going for him again. Ayato ran in with Tsukiyama. Tsukiyama ran to Hinami and Ayato held me back.
"Touka he's a psycho."
"Oh. I see she's turned you against me!" She shouted.
"I'm your brother. I'm looking out for you."
"He's using you!" I shouted. "Touka belive me."
"Look. I really like you but I'm gonna go." Soji said walking away.
"You can all fuck off." She said angrily. She chased after him.
"Touka!" I shouted.
"Don't." Ayato said holding me. I turned around angrily. "Hinami would be fine if you would have come up when I shouted you!"
"Don't blame this on me!" He shouted back.
"Guys." Hinami muttered.
"Look, don't try this shit on me Ayato! You should have come the minute I shouted you!"
"Guys." Raiden said rushing in.
I turned around and Aoi was stood up.
"Oh fuck." I said nervously. He stabbed me with his kagune and flicked me against the wall like a fly.
"Prick." Ayato said smiling. He went to kick him but Aoi grabbed his foot and pushed him backwards straight towards the window.
"No!" I shouted. I ran and jumped on his back and started trying to pull him down to the floor.
"Tsukiyama, get Hinami out of here!" I shouted. He picked her up and ran away.
I pulled Aoi to the ground and rolled over, so instead of being on the bottom, underneath him, I was on top and he was face down on the ground.
"Find me something to tie him up with!" I shouted.
"No!" Raiden shouted just his kagune sprouted from his back and into me, well I thought it went into me, but Ayato pulled me out of the way in the nick of time.
Ayato put me down and ran beside raiden as he was bleeding. Aoi looked and me and began walking toward me.
"Think of Takasu Aoi! You can fight this shit surging through your veins! I know, its hard but come on! You gotta do something. Don't kill me." I said walking backwards until I bumped into the window.
"Aoi please." I whispered. He smiled before kicking me, shattering the glass and sending me straight out. When I hit the pavement I didn't move, I couldn't move. The pain was extensive and I was winded. My injuries slowly began to heal themselves, so I sat up.
"Taiga?" Itori asked confused.
"Raiden no!" Ayato shouted.
Itori completely ignored me and ran up followed by someone in a mask. I stood up and ran after them.
Ayato was pinned up to the wall like a poster, and the tac holding it to the wall was aoi's kagune. Raiden was on the end of aoi's arm like a kebab.
"Raiden!" I screamed running over. I kicked Aoi away from raiden. Raiden dropped to the floor so I held him.
"Are you okay?" I asked sadly. He smiled weakly at me then his eyes widened. Next thing I know is I'm being thrown at Itori's feet whilst raiden takes on another blow from Aoi.
"You can't handle all of this!" I screamed.
Itori clicked her fingers and the guy she was with held me tightly. She walked over to Aoi and pulled his fist out of her brother and cracking aoi's arm over her leg like a child would break a twig.
Aoi let out a scream which then freed Ayato. "I'll keep you alive for taiga." She muttered looking disgraced. She turned her back and he went for raiden again so she swiftly turned around and pulled his head off. She grabbed his arms and smiled. she got blood on her hand. She licked it off. "Cute and tasty."
"And dead!" I screamed. "He was drugged.
"And he tried to kill you, Hinami, Ayato and raiden? He was a threat. A lost cause. He was already suffering from the loss of the laney prick so I just put him out of his misery.
"Takasu was not a prick!" I shouted still being held back by her friend.
"Fine. He was really nice. But this guy, he deserved to die. I saved your life. Be greatful."
"You killed my friend."
"Like I said lost cause. He was drugged and if it's the same drug a few ghouls have been injected with then you were screwed from the moment he woke up. Whatever this is in his body, is everlasting. It never stops. It was the be all and end all of his life, just be thank full it wasn't yours or Hinamis."

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