Nobody Compares

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Nialls POV:

I have been friends with her since we were 12. She has been the best friend anyone can have. She's sweet, caring, trustworthy, and not to mention cute. Ever since she moved to my town and went to my school back in those years, i knew that Caitlin Smith, was for me.

I havent talked to her in monthes. Ever since we left for the Up All Night tour I havent been able to call or text her. I loved being in One Direction, but it's keeping me away from the person I love.

I hate to say this but it's not like I'd ever have a chance with her. She sees me as a best friend. Plus, she has a jerk of a boyfriend who is not right for her. He is rude, thinks he can control her, and I'm pretty sure he's cheating on her. What I don't understand is how someone could cheat on someone as perfect as her.

I decide to try to call her for the first time in months since I have free time. I really hope she picks up. I dial her number and wait.


Oh, uh hi! It's Niall! You know, your best friend!

She laughed and I could tell she was smiling over the phone.

I haven't talked to you in forever! How's the tour going so far? Find the right girl yet? Haha

 Uh  actually I have...

Oh tell me who it is please!!!!!!!!!


I left an awkward silence so we could get off the subject. I'm still trying to find the right way to tell her that she's the one I have come to love since we were 12. um, where are you right now? If you're close by maybe we could meet up.

Oh actually we're in London. we can't see each other!

Why not? I actually moved to London about two months ago! I moved here with Taylor! Plus it's far away from Brandon!

Wait, did you and Brandon break up?

I jumped out of my seat right as Liam walked in.

"You ok Nialler?" he asked, scrunching his eye brows. I just sat back down slowly...Then I remebered I still have Caitlin on the phone

Well yeah we broke up but he won't accept it.

Wait, what do you mean he doesnt' accept it! Is he gonna hurt you?!

There was a silence and i could hear her start to cry.

Oh no Caitlin don't cry! Has he found you yet?

*sniff* uh *sniff* not yet Nialler but he will soon. He said I better run because if he finds me he's gonna hurt me bad Niall. *sniff* He said he will search for me until he finds me and that I deserve to be beaten for leaving him. *sniff* Niall he's gonna find me eventually and I'll end up dead. I hate to say it but it's true. I'm not safe no matter what country I'm in. *sniff* And Taylor, if she tried to protect me she would get killed too. We're not safe and I told her that but she insisted to move here to London with me. *sniff*

Her crying started to pick up and soon she was balling over the phone.

Well I have the next three months off. It's an unusually long time but the boys and I can come stay at your place and watch over you if you'd like. That is, if your house is big enough. And the boys already know about you because I talk about you all th- I mean, I've mentioned you once or twice.

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