You Da One

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I'm sorry I just need to get this out. I KNOW THE TITLE IS NOT GRAMMACTICALLY CORRECT! It's the name of one of Rhinanna's songs. It comes in this part. And have any of you done a glog before on Glogster? We have to do them for reading class and it's dumb. Sorry I just had to say that. Keep calm and keep reading! Lol!


Nialls POV: 

We're now driving back home, after dropping Zayn off of course. Caitlin said she couldn't sleep, but the others were asleep so she couldn't wait till I was home. I unlocked the door and the boys followed me in to the dark house. There was a note by the lift.

Dear Niall,

I am in your room instead of mine, because I didn't want to disturb the others. As you know, you can barely hear anything through the floors unless it's really loud and I want to play the radio so..I'm upstairs. Cya <3 


I quietly went into the lift while the boys took the stairs. I walked down the hallway and heard the radio on with Rhianna's You Da One. I could hear Caitlin singing to it. She must not know I'm home. Her voice was pretty good. I remember her telling me she hates her singing voice but people tell her it's good. And it is. 

I slowly open the door and find her sitting in my closet with the door open, looking through a magazine. Must be comfy in there...

She looked up and spazzed and fell back into my clothes, making the door close, which was being held open by her foot. Oops. 

She closed the door completely and when I tried to open it she tugged back. 

"That wa-" her voice cracked. 

"I'm sorry, my throat closes when I'm nervous or scared." she barely choked out. **When I put - after a letter in this situation, it means her voice cracked.**

"I was tryin' to sa-. That was embarass- ing.I don't wa-nna come ou-t." she said, pulling the door towards herself more. 

"Come on. You're good!" I said, making her pause so I could rip the door open. She covered her face with her arms.

"You on-ly said that so you cou-ld open the do-or." said her muffled voice. 

"No, you're actually good. Now stop being embarassed and come and see me!" I whined. This made her get on all fours, crawl over to me, and hug my legs. 

"Sorry. I just don't feel like gettin' up." she said, leaning against my legs. 

I lifted a leg and she lifted with it, and I got her to the bed and shook her off on to the bed. She groanded and curled into a ball. 

"Mmf cumf." she said through her curled up ball.


"I'm cold!" she screamed.

"And cranky." I teased. She moaned and curled up even tighter. 

"I'm tired, but can't sleep. I've always had this problem." she said, uncurling and going under the covers. 

"What?" I said, getting under the covers next to her.

"Ever since I was little. Insomnia, it's where you can't sleep and it gives you crazy thoughts." she said, closing her eyes trying to sleep.

"Oh, I didn't know you had that." I said.

"I feels like someone is holding my eyes open." she rambled on, not even noticing what I said. 

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