Getting Worse

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Nialls POV:

Caitlin still isn't talking. She said that one sentence to me, but now isn't talking to anyone. I don't get what's wrong. She just sit's at the kitchen table every morning, drinks her tea and has breakfast. Then she sits in her room and plays X-box in there. Sometimes Liam and I play with her but mostly she hides the controllers so she can play alone. Weird, right?  

Today she let me play, and she just sat there, so in to the game. I paused the game and she shot me a look.

"Why won't you talk, or do anything you usually do. You do the same stuff everyday." I said. She went to unpause the game but I snatched her controller.

"I just don't feel like talking really, and I don't really want to do something different." she said quietly. I looked at her scars. All because of me, because I made her go over her limit. She noticed me looking and put a blanket over herself to cover them. 

"Why don't you feel like talking or doing anything?"

"There's nothing to say, and nothing to do."

"Well, you're gonna talk now to me, and we're going to that cafe down the street." I tugged her off the bed and forced her to get dressed. I feel like her parent. 

I pulled her downstairs and she kept complaining. 

"Niall! People are going to see me and look at me in disgust and say mean things to me! It sounds childish but I'm sick of it and now it's getting worse! Everyone is calling me a bitch because of what I said!" she said before we walked outside. She finally came out with it, why she won't talk or do anything.

"So you're afraid to talk because you might say the wrong thing, right?"

She nodded.

"Well, we're still going out so you can get out and we'll see how things go." she sighed and we walked outside. It was a short, quiet walk. She was shaking a little from being so nervous.

"You ok?"

"No Niall, I'm not." she sighed and we finally reached the shop. She pushed open the door and everyone that was in there looked up. Some just looked back to what we were doing, mostly the older people. But the younger people who knew who we were, shot Caitlin an evil look and smiled at me. 

Some girl shouted out, "She's a disgrace to this fandom! What a bitch!" Caitlin got angry and shouted back,

"I was protecting my privacy! Why can't I just live in my house without worrying about people recording my every move!" the girl's face went blank and Caitlin smiled and walked up to the counter and ordered for us. I looked around awkwardly and no one was looking at us anymore. 

She handed me our coffees and she held the bag of our breakfast and she walked out into the cold November air. She smiled with satisfaction.

"Not as bad as I thought." she said, taking her coffee from my hand. She took a large sip and smiled again, which made me smile myself. 

"But now morep people might hate you because you-"

"So what? I realized, I don't care anymore." she said, taking another large sip. After two minutes she had downed the whole cup.

"That was fast." I said, taking her cup and throwing it away in a can near by. 

"I really needed a wake up call." she said smirking. We passed a little shop on the corner and Caitlin walked inside. She came out with the latest issue of a magazine. She raised an eye brow at the cover then flipped to a page. She started reading the article. 

Just recently, One Direction's Niall Horan's girlfriend, Caitlin Smith, has had an outrage. When some paparazzi came to her door just to get some pictures, she freaked out. Saying things such as she need her privacy, and that she's tired of them "stalking" her. Niall then came out, acting like nothing happened, and pulled his distraught girlfriend away. Will this be the last of her outrages? Or is she becoming a bi-polar phyco?

"First of all, I'm already bi-polar, if they didn't already figure that out. And, they made me sound like a mad man. I just needed privacy! This is redonkulous!"


"Redoknluous, it's rediculous but changed. Never mind that now Niall! They are twisting me! You know what, never mind. The real fans of us will understand." she said, taking the bag of food then my free hand. 

We got home, and everyone was up, looking at us when we walked through the door.

"You fixed her!" Louis said, running to her then tackling her.

"Louis, I can't breath!" she squealed. This made him hug her tighter. Harry ran over and went on top of them. They were all laughing nad I couldn't help it either. I joined the pile and Caitlin was no laughing so hard she was crying. Soon everyone was in one..awkward pile with Caitlin and Louis at the very bottom. I got up and so did everyone else. Caitlin surfaced and took a huge breath.

"Well, that was fun but sort of awkard."

"Agreed." Taylor said, fixing her hair. We all laughed at her comment. This day was going great. no matter how bad the outside world is making everything. 

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