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Zayns POV:

"Zayn, can you go down the that little shop on the corner and get us some tea please." Taylor said sleepily.

"Sure love." I kissed her on the cheek and decided to walk there. It was a five minute walk. When I walked in there, there was an old couple in the corner, and some hipster with large glasses, a beanie, and a laptap sitting on one of those high chairs. I went to the counter and a girl turned around. She had little bags under her eyes and her brown hair was in a messy bun. I recognized her from somewhere...Gill.

She looked up and smirked at me.

"Hey Zayn. Surprised to see me? I just got a job here yesterday. I need to talk to you for a sec." she pulled me outside around to the back. I was uneasy because I no longer trusted her.

"So..how serious are you and Taylor?" she asked, smiling.

"Really serious. Like, as serious as like, college." Ok that was bad and not very convincing. But it was true.

She pushed me up against the wall and took me by the collar of my shirt.

"You deserve someone better than her." she said, moving her face closer to mine. She forced a kiss on my lips and I pushed her off.

"What the hell are you doing!" I screamed. I stomped to the front of the store and turned around. She was standing in the door way, smirking at me. I shook my head at her and ran back to the house. Should I tell Taylor? Yes, I should,  Before Gill twists it into something else, which Harry says she does a lot.

I got home and everyone was gone except Taylor. Before I could ask, she explained.

"Niall and Caitlin went to some fair down town, Louis is at Delilah's, and Harry and Liam went on a "guys day." she made air quotes on "guys day".

"So..we have the house to ourself!" she exclaimed, ploping down on the couch.

"Taylor, I have to tell you what happened at the cafe, hence me having no tea." I sat on the couch next to her.

"Ok." she shrugged like it was nothing.

"Gill works there, and she pulled me aside. I shouldn't have let her and I feel so dumb. She kissed me and said you don't deserve me, she does." I expected Taylor to be all calm like she usually is about this stuff.

"She said I didn't deserve you?! You are mine! Not her's! I don't want anyone else! I don't know about you, but you are my life and I do deserve you!" she said, standing up and storming out the open door.

Wow. I did not expect that.

Wait, did she say she doesn't want anyone else? I feel the same way, and she doesn't even know.

I have to go through with my plan. I just have to notify the others...

Taylor's POV:

She is going down! She thinks I don't deserve Zayn but she does! What the hell! She's in-zayn! Haha, see what I did there, no..ok.

I burst open the shop door and she looked up quickly.

"Oh hey Tay!"

"Don't you dare call me that! I know what you did!" she smirked.

"I didn't do anything! Zayn kissed me!" she said, and I didn't believe her at all.

"Yeah sure." I rolled my eyes and took her shirt collar, pulling her outside. I slammed her against the wall, holding her so she couldn't move. She tried to get out of my grip, but I was too strong for her. I reeled back my arm and thrust it forward, digging it into her cheek. She whined in pain, and I punched her again. Soon, her nose was bleeding. I didn't care anymore. I no longer had compassion for her. She tried to steal the only boyfriend I've had that I ever truly loved. Not this time.I kicked her in the shin and shelet out a cry. I then punched her in the stomach and she doubled over. I heard footsteps in the alley behind the shop and I stopped. A figure stepped out with a gray hoodie, sweat pants, and black Jordans. He was smoking a cigarette.

It was Brandon.

"Taylor! How could you do that to such a pretty girl!" he said, pushing me on to the ground and grabbing her hands. Ugh, he remembers me. She put on a puppy dog face. Puh-lease! If he believed that face he must be the dumbest person in the world.

"She made out with my boyfriend!" I said, which made her glare at me.

"Your point is..I cheated on Caitlin all the time." she said, looking over at Gill. I forgot that this was the first time he's met her, since we met her in England, and he's from England too but moved to Ireland, so I wonder how he doesn't know her from somewhere...I finally came back to my senses.

"He wasn't cheating on me! He didn't like it!" I screamed, pulling myself off the ground. I had scrathces up my legs. Bad day for wearing short-shorts, huh? My legs were bleeding like crazy and were were starting to go numb from so much impact.

"Whatever. Now leave. You're lucky I'm not reporting you to the police." Gill said, then locking her eyes on Brandon. Ugh, I think I'm going to throw up. That's pathetic.

When I finally got home, Zayn was in the shower. There was a note on the table, probably Zayn telling me he was in there, even though I could hear the shower going. I picked up the note. Oh shit.

Hello again. Brandon here. I am leaving this note at 10:30. Since I'm hungry, I'm heading to the shop down the street. Not that you guys care because you hate me, but I just wanted to warn you not to do anything eventful while I'm gone! Don't wanna miss a thing! Taylor, looks like I'll be seeing you down there though! Bye now, be stalking you again soon!

Love, Brandon xoxoxoxo

It's10:40 right now so he was in our house 10 minutes ago. How the hell does he get in here. I have to tell Niall. If Caitlin finds out though, she will go insane again like last time. She's been really unstable since the hospital.

T- Niall I have something to tell you and its important

Ten mintues later I finally got a response.

N- Sorry, caitlin and i were riding all the kiddy rides together :) and shes getting us food so whats wrong! and hurry!

T- Theres another note..

N- Ugh not again! Caitlin cant find out ok! Text me what it says, k?

T- k

I texted him what is says, and told him about what happened at the shop, and he said they would be home in two hours. Zayn came out of the shower, dressed in a simple varsity jacket and jeans, and he stared in awe at my legs. I forgot about that. I now explained to him what happened. He bit his bottom lip and got up to get some tissues and band aids. I have to say, he did a good job washing it up! He even offered to do it.

"There we go, all better. It's all gone." he still didn't look happy.

"What's wrong?" I said, snuggling up to him on the couch.

"I saw the note on the table while I was washing you up. I skimmed over it. This isn't good. Does Niall know?" he sighed and rubbed his fore head.

"Yes babe, I told him everything that happened, don't worry about it." I kissed his cheek and we sat in silence. Just then, the front door burst open and in walked a distraut Liam and Harry.

"Niall texted us everything that happened. Is everyone ok?" Liam said, looking around, finding we were the only ones home.

"Yeah, for now." I quietly said. Brandon, and now possibly Gill, could ruin us and break us all apart, and possibly murder my best friend like he planned.


DRAMA, SOOOOOOOOO MUCH DRAMA! Thank you for reading guys! I really appreciate it and never thought my story would get so many reads! Thank you so much for reading and keep reading on! Thank you so much and I love you!!!!!! :D :D <3 <3

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