New Beginnings

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Caitlins POV:

I woke up and my head was throbbing. All I remember is Brandon, a bat, and everyone chasing after us. Why was I in my room then...

Just then I heard two Irish accents; Taylor and Niall. I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping when they walked in.

"I'm so glad we got her back. My life wouldn't be complete without her.' Niall said, sighing.

"Yeah. Without her, there would be too much food in the fridge because she eats it all!" Taylor and Niall laughed.

"I wonder where Brandon was planning to take her or do with her." said a deep British accent that sounded like Liam's.

"Well it's a good thing Louis went all ninja on Brandon." Niall said, cracking up.

That's when I realized something. Niall was in here. The person who cheated on me and hurt me with a lame excuse. This sounds pathetic but I am scared of him, because he will just hurt me again. I fluttered my eyes open and Niall and Taylor were only in the room. Niall looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah! She's awake!" he started to walk towards my bed but I sprung up. He looked confused and I dashed out of there, to the lift. Tears were falling as just looking at him reminded me of so much that happened over the, wait what day was it? I pulled out my phone once I was safe in the lift. October 27th. I was sleeping for three days? Wow. Just as the lift doors were about to close, a large hand shot through the middle so the doors would open again. Niall stepped in and I backed up into the corner.

The doors shut and we were all alone. Thank god it would only take like 30 seconds to get to the pool floor where I could cool off. Wait, Taylor knows how to-


Ugh not again. Taylor stopped the lift somehow. I still don't get how she does it. That means I was stuck with my fear, in a lift, for who knows how long. He slowly walked up to me and I sat down in the farthest corner from him, cowering.

"What's wrong? Why do you look terrified?" he asked cautiously. I bit my bottom lip, which I do when I'm scared and don't wanna talk.

"Are you, scared, of me?" he stuttered out. I turned and faced the wall so I don't have to see the person who broke my heart. I heard him sit directly behind me. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, making my heart beat faster.

"I would never hurt you or cheat on you ever. You have to believe me. It was a fan, I swear Caitlin. I would never lie to you." he whispered in my ear which gave me goose bumps. I swallowed and still didn't say a word. Then he began to sing one of my favorite songs of theirs, Nobody Compares. He knew it was one of my favorites too.

You're so pretty when you cry, when you cry

Wasn't ready to hear you say goodbye

Now you're tearing me apart, tearing me apart

You're tearing me apart

You're so London, your own style, your own style

And together we're so good, so girl

Why are you tearing me apart, tearing me apart?

You're tearing me apart

Did I do something stupid?

Yeah girl, if I blew it

Just tell me what I did,

Let's work through it

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