What's Happening?!

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1 month later...1 week before the Cher Lloyd concert...

Caitlin's POV:

The test results are finally back. It took so long! Niall wasn't here, he was out getting me clothes and food since today was my release date. The doctor came in with a grim look on his face. This certainly can't be good.

"The results are in.." he said suspensfully. What is this, Deal or No Deal?!

"Caitlin, you're pregnant."

"What?!" I nearly screamed. I'm not ready for a baby yet! I'm only 20, I have so much life ahead of me! I was going to wait until I was about 25 to do this!

"B-but Niall uses condoms! He knows I want to wait!" I said, getting nervous. What is he going to think of this?!

"I guess not this time. Now, are you going to have an abortion?"

"Of course not! I would never kill a human!" I said, a little more rude than it was supposed to come out. 

"Ok ok!" the doctor laughed. This made me laugh a little.

"Wait, so I got sick from the baby...isn't it early since I only has sex the day before that?"

"Yes, but you got the tattoos without knowing you're pregnant. That affects the baby." I frowned and thought of the baby. What if it dies now? It'll be my fault!

"Ok. Can I have your number in case I have any questions?" I asked him. **By the way, his name is Doctor Harper. I forgot to mention that**

"Yes, of course!" he said. He's so kind! He scribbled his number down on paper.

"Thank you Doctor Harper."

"Please, call me Paul." haha, his name is Paul too.

"Ok...Paul. I'm gonna go wait in the lobby for Niall to tell him the news." I flashed him a quick smile and went to the lobby. Niall was already there. He ran to me and hugged me tight. He's squishing the baby, or what's forming. I pulled away quickly and he looked confused.

"I'll explain in the car." I said quietly. He frowned and he signed the papers to let me go. We left and went to his car.

"Ok, we're in the car now. Explain." he gave me a cheesy grin and I laughed a bit. I took his hands, showing that this was serious. He swallowed down his fear and looked me in the eye.

"Niall, I'm pregnant." I said, nearly crying. He looked shocked, but then gently hugged me.

"That's not bad! We're going to have a child together!"

"But I wanted to wait a bit! I'm only 20! I thought you used a condom that one day, because I know those other nights you did." I sighed and let go of his hands.

"I guess I forgot ok? I wouldn't do something you're not ready for on purpose." he said, turning my cheek to look at him. He kissed me and I felt as if everything was going to be ok.

We drove home in silence, and I couldn't wait to get home. I just wanted to relax and really think about this. It's so hard to believe that a human is growing inside of my stomach. When you put it in those terms, it sounds outrageous. 

When we got home, I told Niall he could explain to the others, I just need some sleep. I quietly entered the house and snuck up to my room. I would've used to lift but it's too loud. I opened my door and plopped on the bed. I started eating the food Niall got me. Geez, if I eat a lot now, I can imagine myself further into pregnancy! Niall stepped in and told me he told everyone. I let him finish my food and went to sleep. The next 8 months are going to be...interesting.


What do you guys think? I hope you liked it! I'll write more tomorrow. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND KEEP READING ON PLEASE!!!!!! i LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! :D :D <3 <3 

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