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Taylors POV:

I wish Zayn had come out here too. I feel kind of jealous that Niall came. I really wish Zayn was here.

This is the most annoying ringtone, ever.

I quickly picked up Zayn's ringtone and opened his text.

Z- Sorry I'm latee

T- What do you mean...

Z- The boys and I are coming too. Niall just left first, cuz god forbid caitlin gets hurt. Idc tho, cuz he loves caitlin the same way I love you :)

T- Yeah you guys r coming!!!!!

Just then there was a knock on the door. Caitlin and Niall were, off somewhere, I don't even know where, so I answered the door. I opened it and I was grabbed and hugged by a bunch of people. I looked up a little bit and saw the boys hugging me, Zayn the closest to me. After a bit they pulled away and ran into the flat like maniacs, including Zayn. Liam ran to see Oreo, since he has an obsession of him for some odd reason. Louis just ran around chasing Harry up and down the stairs. Zayn was digging through the kitchen. I sighed and went to see Zayn.

"You nee moh foo." he said with a mouth full of Lays.

"We will after you and Niall have raded this place." I said shaking my head and grabbing the Lays bag from him. He reached for it put I just put it away. He whined and begged that he was hungry.

"Well, if you want food so badly, go to the store and buy some." I said, dragging him out the door to outside.

"But, but that's your job!" he whined.

"Not this time. Now here's 40 euros. Go buy us some food." I placed the money in his hand and closed to door. I didn't mean to sound rude but he can't just rade my kitchen. I turned around and saw Louis knock over our vase of yellow roses, sending water, roses, and glass every where. His face went beet red.

"I-I''l pick it u-up. I-I promise." he stuttered. Harry came out holding Oreo with Liam behind him. He nodded at me and I just went upstairs. What is up with them! It's like they've had 10 cups of coffee and 10lbs of candy!

I heard a scream from upstairs and ran up to where it came from. What could possibly be going wrong now. I walked into Niall's room and was expecting to see something...unmentionable.


Niall was crushing Caitlin by sitting on her stomach. He was tickling her, holding down her arms with his feet. I picked up Caitlin's phone slowly off the floor. They didn't even notice I was there. I recorded Caitlin getting tortured by Niall. It was quite a sight to see! Haha,it  was cute. I stopped recording, and left the room, Niall still tickling her. Louis was still cleaning up the mess, and Liam and Harry were in the lounge playing with Oreo.

I'm glad the boys are here, but shouldn't Zayn be back?

Caitlins POV:

Niall wouldn't stop. It was getting to the part where it hurt so bad. No, it's not what you're thinking. He's tickling me. Harshly. It's my one weakness, and he knows it. I heard the door close but I was too busy trying to fight off Niall that I didn't look.

"Will you do what I want now?" he said, laughing at my twitching from being tickled too much. I nodded my head and he stoped. I took a deep breath and he smiled at my reaction.

"What do you want me to do now?" I asked, scratching my head.

"Nothing. Just wanted to tickle my adorable girl friend." I lunged forward and attacked him for revenge. This was going to be a fun night. :)

The boys went back on tour and got their asses kicked by management for leaving.

The tour is now over. It is June, 2013. **I know this tour is really short in the story but I don't want to go too far into the future** Everyone is at the Zaylor wedding. Niall is the best man, and Caitlin is the main bridesmaid.

Zayns POV:

'You may now kiss the bride."

These are the words I've been waiting to hear my whole life. I kissed Taylor and sealed our marrage. I was now married to the most perfect, beautiful, girl in the world. I am so lucky.


I'm gonna have more on the wedding next chapter, ok? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING GUYS OMG SO MANY READS!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH AND KEEP READING ON I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D <3 <3

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