Break Up

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Niall's hand was fitted with a cast and Caitlin is safe, at the moment.

1 week later...

Gills POV:

I don't feel the same about Harry as I used to. I thought I loved him but, no. He's just not my type. H'es kind of rude sometimes. I don't really want to be friends with him either. The girls will hate me after this but, he's just not for me.

"Harry, I'm breaking up with you. We just aren't meant to be and you aren't really my type. And you can be very offensive. Bye, I'm moving out right now. And I thought I loved you, but I don't really. I'm so sorry Harry. Good bye." his eyes got red and her frowned.

"Well, if you think it's best. I love you Gillian."

"Bye Harold."

Harrys POV:

She didn't even use my nickname when she left. I'm heart broken, but I can get over her. I could over hear Caitlin screaming at her for doing such a thing to one of her best friends. The door slammed and Gill's car pulled away for ever. I heard light foot steps come up the stairs. Taylor appeared in my door way. She sat on the bed next to me.

"I'm sorry Haz. You know what, she was a bitch anyway."

"You're just saying that."

"I know I am. She is, make that was, my third best friend. Caitlin my first and Delilah my second. I'm so sorry Harry."

Her arms snaked around me and pulled me in for a hug. She patted me on the back and strutted out of the room.

"SHE WHAT?!" I heard a scream. Oh, no, not Louis.

He ran up to my room with rage.


"Louis everyone hates them."

"I know. Harry it was a joke. I liked Gill and then this, I'm gonna miss her." I frowned.

"Me too Boobear, me too."

2 hours later Niall, Liam, Harry, and Louis went out to see a couple of films and went to a pub, while Delilah had a long day at work so she stayed home.

Taylors POV:

Caitlin and I sat in the bathroom, with the radio on reading magazines.

"Remind me why we have to do this again." I said, flipping a page of the magazine, finding a picture of Zayn and I on our last date. A smile crept on my face.

"Niall said he is going to protect me where ever I go, which I really don't mind! I love it actually because now we spend a lot more time together. But, he said if I wanted to hang out with you or Delilah, we have to come in a bathroom because the windows are blurred so you can't see through them. That way Brandon doesn't know where I am." she said, taking a bite of large chocolate bar she had with her. There was a loud knock on the door and Caitlin spazzed out and fell of the edge on the tub into the empty tub.

"Ugh, shit." she cursed under her breath, pulling herself out. I chuckled and switched off the radio and listened again. Another loud knock.

"It's Zayn, don't worry. Oreo had an accident on the floor and since only the three of us are home, and I refuse to clean it up, one of you can do it. It smells really bad so hurry up!" he whined. I rolled my eyes.

"If you clean it up, I'll give you 10 euros and, *sigh* I'll do whatever you want." I cringed at that last part and Caitlin  cracked up.

"Ok!" he said quickly, and he ran back down stairs.

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