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Nialls POV:

I sat down next to her, and her crying was going down. I heard a crunch in my pocket. Had I left some food in there? I hope not. I reached in and pulled out a mushed yellow rose. Oh. I forgot I had that.

"Um.. Caitlin. I meant to give this to you earlier but I forgot and I sat on it and it's crushed you go." I handed it to her and she took it, stuidied it, smiled, and shoved it in her pocket.

"Thanks Ni, you really are the best at making me feel better." she said drowsily, then layed her head on my leg and fell asleep. She's so cute when she sleeps. Her eyes flutter slightly and her knees curl up to her chest. Her arms are held close to her chest. That's the most adorable way I've seen anyone sleep. I sat there and watched her for a bit. Then I recalled that we were sitting in a bush and quickly stood up. I brushed myself off, picked her up, and slung her over my shoulder, so her head was next to my face. Her mouth was open just a little and her feet dangled and kicked me in the back of the legs. I saw Harry and Gill on a bench just having small talk until they saw me.

"Wow Nialler, what happened?" Harry said, standing up. I sighed and explained the whole Brandon thing on the walk back home. We stepped in the door and Zayn was chasing Taylor around the couch, dripping with pool water I assume. Harry and Gill walk past me and go into the kitchen. That reminds me, I haven't eaten in like, three hours. That's a long time for me. Right when I go to walk into the kitchen after them, Zayn slips on the wet floor and Taylor jumps on top of him.

"GOTCHA!" she yelled in his ear. She layed on top of him star fish style, her hands on his hands and her legs on his legs. Zayn tried to escape but Taylor was too strong. I shook my head while laughing and walked past them. I walked into the kitchen and Harry and Gill had disappeared. Weird. Just then I heard whispering from the lounge and poked my head in. Zayn, Harry, Taylor, and Gill were all whispering to each other planning something. I wonder how Harry and Gill even got in there. I lay Caitlin down on the counter and opened the fridge. There was nothing in here! This must be part of that plan..well it's a good thing I brought food with me! I look over at Caitlin and she was awake, scratching her head like she was confused.

"Oh, hi Niall. I think I'm going to go up to my room. Feel free to join, I don't care. I'm just exhausted." she said quietly as if she was still half asleep. She stumbled into her amazing lift and held it open to let me in too. All of a sudden I heard a loud creeking sound and the lift stopped. The lights flickered and now only one was on.

"Oh shit, not again!" she said, slamming her fist on the wall.

"Wait, this has happened before?" I asked surpirsed.

"Yeah. But last time Taylor did it to freak me out because I'm scared of being stuck in an lift. She must've done it again." she said, sighing afterwards. Just then I got a call from Liam.

"Liam, do you gave something to do with this?" I said, annoyed.

"Maybe...but that doesn't matter. The boys, including me, Taylor and Gillian, are all going to go to the other side of London for a week. We thought we'd let you and Caitlin, catch up a bit. Bye, have fun! Oh! And don't forget to use protec-" I hung up and cut him off. Just then the lift jolted and then stopped on the third floor. I followed her to her room. It was humongous! It had a queen sized bed, a 42" flat screen, a couch, a bathroom, and still some extra space. I looked around in awe.

"Amazing isn't it? Oh and I heard everything Liam said on the phone. So..we have a week to ourselves. By the way, while you were staring at the empty fridge, Gill sent me a text saying she hid all the food some where in the house in one spot, and we have to find it. They all must've planned this. Oh, well, we'll find it." she smiled and jumped on to the bed and took a deep breath. I frowned and she looked at me confused. She smiled when she got it.

"Aw, is the little leprechan hungry? Looks like he's gonna work for it. I know where the food is Ni. YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME!!!!!!!!" she screamed, ran past me and pushed me to the ground, then ran some where in the house. Man, she's really, REALLY weird, and that's why I love her. I ran out and heard thumping upstairs. I ran up their stairs on to the fourth floor and saw nothing. I silently walked into my room and saw her trying on my onesie with the American flag on it.

"How the hell does he wear this thing?" she murmured to herself. It was way to big on her! The sleeves ran about two inches past her hands and her feet were covered by the material. The hood covered her eyes and she had to hold it up. She turned around and saw me. Hey eyes widened and she jumped behind the bed.

"I know you're back there, I saw you!" I said and jumped over the bed on to her side. I landed right on top of her.

"Ow Nialler! That hurt! Get off me!" she coughed out, like I was choking her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry love!" I jumped off her on to the bed. She sprung up, and ran out of the room to the stairs.

"SUCKER!!!!!" she screamed behind her. Her Irish accent made it sound cute though, so I laughed. I reached the first floor, where the pool is. She stood on the other side, blocking off a giant pile of food. I wasn't focused on the food right now, I just wanted one of those cute pool moments, and I was gonna get it.

I ran at her and she started running. When I was right behind her she tripped over the over-sized onsie and fell right into the pool. Yes!

I dived in after her and she swam as fast as she could, which wasn't very fast with that onesie on. I caught up to her and grabbed the part of the onsie hanging off her foot. She squired and then reached to her chest. What was she doing? She pushed out of the onesie and came out completely naked. Wait, that means she was naked in my onesie, gross. She pulled herself out of the pool, grabbed a towel so I couldn't see her naked, and sat in front of the food. I smirked and pulled out of the pool and ran and sat in front of her. She smirked back and raised her eye brows.

"Whatcha gonna do Horan, rape me?" she smiled and then frowned, regretting that.

"You meant that as a joke, right?" I said, uneasily. She nodded and looked dazed.

"Whats wrong love?" I asked, putting a hand on her bare shoulder.

"Sorry I just, I''l be upstairs Ni." Her eyes were lined with tears and she ran over to the lift. She stepped in and pressed the third floor button. I tried to catch it in time but it closed. I ran up the stairs. When I finally reached her room, the door was closed and locked. I put my ear to the door and listened. I heard soft crying.

"Hey um, Cait, can I uh, come in?" I heard a pound on the door. I turned the nob and saw the ball she used to hit the button to unlock it.

"Good aim!" I said, but she didn't move. She was under her covers completely, curled up in a ball. I sat on the side of the bed and rubbed where her back was through the sheets. I pulled off my supras, and tugged on the covers. She was under there, in her pajamas. Long plaid pink and black bottoms and a black tank top. Tears were streaming down her face and her eyes were puffy and red.

"Stop Niall, not now." She went to pull up the covers again but I grabbed them. I layed down next to her and then pulled the covers up over us both completely.

"Ni, my dad starting raping me when I was 13." she said, she burrowed her face into my shoulder and I was shocked. Her dad was always so nice to us. And then it turns out he raped her! How could he! I felt horrible.

"Oh, oh Caitlin I'm so sorry! I didn't know all of these years! Why didn't you tell me?" I said softly.

"I was scared to. I didn't want you to be disgusted when you saw me."

"Caitlin, let me tell you. I would never, ever, be disgusted by someone as perfect as you."


Thanx for reading guys! Add this to your library, stay updated. I gotta go so bye!

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