Good Girl Goes Bad

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Caitlin's POV:

Liam kissed me. Ew..

"Liam, please, this never happened. Please, stop liking me for your own good." I put a hand on his shoulder and he nodded.

"I'll do my best." I smiled and gave him a hug. 

2 weeks later...

Caitlins POV..still :):

For the past week, paparzzi decide they can randomly show up at my house. They've barely showed up  in the past year, and all of a sudden, we're very interesting. There's some outside my door right now, trying to look in through the windows. Luckily, the curtains didn't leave any gaps. 

There's pounding on the door and they are screaming my name. 

"Niall, how long will this last!" I yelled at him, which made him jump. 

"I don't know Cait. They should be gone soon." he said, pouring some tea for both of us. He handed me a mug and I took a huge sip. We sat on the couch and the pounding and yelling got louder. 

"Niall I can't take this anymore." I set my mug down and angrily went to the door. Niall tried to pull me away but I resisted. I opened the door and cameras flashed and people started video taping me. 

"Listen, all of you, shut up!" they stopped talking and all looked at me with surprised faces.

"Why the fuck are you on my property?! How would you like it if I stalked you? Huh? I am sick of you, and your games of twisting everything! You have to know every detail! We can't just live one day without something happening. We like to be normal you know! I'm sick of this, of you, and all your stupidity! Fuck off and never come back!" I screamed in their faces. I could feel my face hot with rage. I'm sick of this. Niall pulled me away, and slowly closed the door. Once it was closed, he freaked out on me.  

"What were you thinking! Management is going to kill you for making yourself look bad!" he screamed. He was being so harsh. This is the first time he's ever, in my whole life, yelled at me. I could feel tears in my eyes. Why does he care so much about this one little thing. 

"I don't care anout your dumb management! They ruin everything! Look what they've done to you! All you care about is our image!" I said, gesturing my hand to him. I could feel the tears falling. His face softened. He began to talk but I continued my rant.

"I thought you were a different kind of person. I guess not. All you care about is making the paparazzi happy. Choose Niall, either me or what your management wants." I left him with that and ran upstairs. He never used to care about what the others said. He's changed. Usually he would help me out there with the paps. I'm tired of him being fake and all celebrity with me. If I'm not good enough to keep this "image" then it might as well be over. 

There was a knock on the door. I'm not answering it. He tried the door but its locked. 

"I didn't mean it that way Cait. Please." i went under the covers, completely ignoring him. I heard him sit down in front of the door. Shit, I'm trapped. 

I'm so stressed. All this fame. I want a normal life again. I love being with Niall but it's everything else. I feel like letting it out, but how...I'm going to have to resort to the old days. 

I pulled out the razor I still had from when I was dating Brandon. I sliced my wrist, just like old times. I winced and cried out in pain.

"Caitlin? Are you ok?" Niall said through the door. I didn't answer and sliced even deeper, making me cry out louder in pain.

"Caitlin stop doing that and tell me what's wrong!" he said pounding on the door. I ignored him and sliced more, causing more blood to saturate my clothing. I was now crying hard. I forgot how badly this hurt. I dropped the razor back into the drawer and fell to the floor in pain. I think I cut too much.

The blood seeped into the carpet but I didn't care. All of my stress was coming out through that blood. Tomorrow it will be ok.

I feel dizzy. Just then Niall bursts through the door and kneels down next to me, pulling back my hair and talking to me. I can't hear him though. I'm too busy losing stress, right?

Nialls POV:

I fianlly got in and she's lying on the floor bleeding from her wrists. I thouht she stopped cutting! I tried to talk to her but she didn't respond. She was just smiling slightly, staring off into space. I took a shirt off from the pile of the floor and wrapped it around both her wrists. I'll buy her a new shirt.  

She finally woke up a bit more when she had stopped bleeding. 

"" she tried to say my name but is too weak.

"Shhh..." I made her quiet and she just looked into my eyes emotionless.

"I didn't mean it like that. I just don't want people thinking you're a bad person." I kissed her nose and she was still emotionless. I stroked her cheek and they got a little red in embarassment, but her expression didn't change. 

"I'm so sorry I broke you." she still didn't move, but concentrated on my eyes more. She finally moved and leaned in and hugged me. I pulled her close and she cried into my shoulder. 

"I'm sorry Niall. I just hate how everything is changing." she muffled into my shoulder.

"It's ok. Just know that my love for you will never change."


I actually did used to cut. Then I didn't want the scars so I just scratched the surface of my skin you it would hurt but go away. I related that to me, because well, the character Caitlin is me. Hope you enjoyed this personal note even though you don't read them. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING GUYS! PLEASE KEEP READING ON! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!! :D :D <3 <3 

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