Thank You

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I want to thank you, for everything. For all the votes and reads. I still remember writing the first chapter of this story like it was yesterday. I was home alone and eating soup, and I had just finished my homework. I actually did have another story on here, but deleted it after the first chapter of N.C. was up, because it was really bad, haha. 

I honestly, never thought I would get this far; 1,488 reads. You guys have given me so much confidence in my writing. When things are bad at home, which is nearly 24/7, I get to the computer and write. It really makes everything else disappear, and when I see you guys reading it, it makes me feel a lot better.

So, thank you so much. I don't think I can thank you enough, for everything. You are great fans/readers, and I can't thank you enough. Ok, I'm going to go write another part now so..see you soon!!

                                                -Caitlin :D <3 

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