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Nialls POV:

Caitlin could barely walk. She was still in the effect of being drunk. It was funny though. She kept tripping over nothing. She kept examining her tattoo, and we were debating whether we should keep them or not on the front lawn.

All of a sudden, she started hacking.

"What the hell?" she said between chokes. She spit out glitter. She grinned.

"If only I remembered!" she said, smiling at me. We both laughed.

We got up and I opened the front door. Harry came falling out. He must've been up against the door. He was holding a beer in his hand and his hair was a mess. He was passed out and fell right on Caitlin's shoes, which weren't the same ones she was wearing last time I remember.

"Aren't these Joey's shoes?" she said, ripping them off. She twisted up her mouth and threw the shoes into the mess of the house.

She opened up twitter and there were pictures everywhere, of us.

In one we were on the roof, throwing glitter everywhere. The next one I was half naked with Caitlin on top of me. The next Caitlin was climbing a tree and Liam was trying to get her down but she was clawing at him like a cat. Haha, that's cute.

"Dude, we so need to do another one of these parties." she said, nearly falling over.

"Why don't you sober up for a while first." I said. She frowned.

"BORING!!!" she screamed in my face.

"Caitlin, you're still half drunk." I said, chuckling.

"So what?" she said, putting her arm on my shoulder.

"You love me both ways, don't you?" she said smirking. I laughed.

"Of course. I've never loved anyone more than I love you." she grinned and put her arms around my neck. We were about to kiss when Joey popped up from sleeping on the ground a few feet away.

"Oh hey guys!" he said waving. We're friends now, somehow. He stood up and there was a girl's arm wrapped around his ankle. He shook her arm off lazily and it flopped to the ground since she was sleeping.

"That, was sick!" he said, jumping up. We all laughed. I looked around and there was still a lot of people here. Joey waved us goodbye and just simply walked out the door.

"How are we gonna get these people gone, and this mess?" Caitlin said, leaning on my shoulder. I shurgged and she sat cross-legged on the floor. She puffed her cheeks then blew it out. She layed down in a pile of glitter and put her arms behind her head. She took some glitter and threw it up over her, watching it fall. I smiled at how cute it was and she saw.

"Why are you smiling. Is there something on my face? Is my makeup smudged? Am I fat? Ugly?" I laughed and sat down and put her on my lap.

"No, you're just so cute when ya do that." I said, stroking her hair.

She blushed and looked down, making her hair cover her eyes.

"Stop that Ni, you're embarassing me." she said, putting her hands over her face giggling.

"But it's true! I love you so much!" I laughed. I turned her around and we touched our foreheads, staring into each other's eyes. Her eyes are a burst of green like the grass on a spring morning. They were tinted with a little blue, that was hard to see unless you looked close enough. She's so beautiful, and she doesn't even believe me when I tell her.

"You know you're beautiful right?" I said, pulling her closer, making her more shy, moving her hair over her eyes.

"No I'm not Niall! Stop that!" she said, slapping my arm.

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