Is It Over?

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Quick Note: NEVER, EVER, eat half a bag of chocolate chips. You WILL get a horrible stomach ache and will want to rip your guts out. That's how I feel right now. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: IF YOU WANT TO SEE SOME OF THE OUTFITS IN THIS BOOK, GO TO AND SEARCH caitfroz AND YOU WILL GET TO MY PROFILE AND SEE SOME OF THE OUTFITS. Carry on. :)


Taylor's POV:

To get our mind off things, we all decided we would go to a club tonight. I wore a blue crop top with tan fringe, denim short shorts, even though it's November, lace up high heels, black spiked bracelets, and brought a black clutch. Zayn was drooling over me the whole time. It was cute. Here are what the other girls wore:

Caitlin- spiked heels, torn studded high waisted shorts, tight black crop top, bow necklace, spiked bracelet, mustache ring, black spiked phone case 

Gill- pink tank top, pink faded shorts, pink Toms, blue and pink bracelets, teal clutch

Delilah- casual deep blue dress, deep blue heels, blue clutch, blue feather earings

The boys just pulled off jeans, sneakers, and t shirts. They still  look good and they don't try, yet girls have to try hard for something guys achive in two minutes. LOGIC IS MESSED UP!

We arrived at the club and Caitlin ran right out of the car. She tripped, being the clutz she is. Niall helped her up.

"I'm not really a heels person." she said, her face all red. I laughed then went into the club. We were able to get in, because we were "famous". Even though most of us are underaged. This is my first time going to a club, same with Caitlin. The guys and the other girls have gotten into clubs somehow before. We walked in and the first thing I saw was a drunk girl rubbing up a random guy on the dance floor. Gross. 

Zayn grabbed me from behind. He whispered sweet nothings into my ear, which made me smile. He took my hand and we walked in further. We sat at the bar next to Caitlin and Niall. They both already had a beer in front of them. 

"Excuse me!" Caitlin called the bar tender over.

"Do you have anything with chocolate in it?" Niall chuckled and the bar tender looked confused.

"You know, chocolate. C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E. Ever hear of it? It's brown and de-"

"I know what it is." interrupted the bar tender. "I'm just confused at the fact that you came to a bar asking for chocolate." he said, rolling his eyes and walking away.

"Well that was rude." she said before she took a large gulp of her beer. Zayn bought us each a shot and I barely took any sips of mine. He kept ordering them until her was drunk. He didn't really chnage when he was drunk, except his breath stinks of alcohol. 

"Hey Zayn, I'm gonna go run to the loo real quick."

"Ok babe." he gave me an alcohol drenched kiss and I ran to the loo. I fixed my make up and hair and then..did what I had to do... I washed my hand and went back to the club. I looked for Zayn, who wasn't at the bar anymore. I go to the dance floor, where Caitlin and Niall are. They're not drunk! That's a surprise! I wave to them and Caitlin waves from riding on top of Niall's back. How cute!

I found Zayn in the corner. There was a blonde girl, with double d's who was rubbing her ass up against Zayn. He didn't even care. He was even smirking at her and talking to her. I looked in the corner of my eye and I saw that Niall and Caitlin had seen too. I gave Caitlin my clutch and went right up to him. He looked up at me and his eyes went wide. 

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