Cher Lloyd Concert

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Caitlin's POV:

Today is the day! I get to go see Cher Lloyd with the tickets Gill got us! Niall and I are driving to the arena. I fiddle with my back stage pass, really nervous. What if I get really nervous when I meet her? 

"You excited?" Niall said, taking one of his hands off the wheel and grabbing mine.

"Of course. Just a bit nervous to meet her."

"Don't be. She's really nice!" he assured me. This is the first time he's actually been normal to me in days. He's been acting strange ever since I told him I was pregnant. I don't think he wants a child yet...

We stopped at a very long red light. There's so much traffic, so we'll be here for a while. I looked out the window into the other cars. In one car, there was a couple. They were talking and laughing and looked so happy. In another car, there were two parents in the front, arguing. In the back, we two kids, about 5 years old each, playing with toys. That will be us one day, hopefully not the fighting part. Our car was so quiet, where if it was a few months ago, we would be talking the whole time. In the corner of my eye, I could see Niall looking at my stomach. His eye brows were scrunched, as if he was thinking. I wonder what he's thinking.

I looked over to him and he looked away. Something is wrong, I just don't know what. It's still a red light, so I'm going to ask him.

"Niall, what's wrong. You're staring at my stomach and you never talk to me anymore. Did I do something?" he sighed and took my hand.

"I know you're not ready for a baby yet, and I ruined that. I ruined you being young, and drinking and getting tattoos. I ruined your freedom, all because I forgot to wear a condom. I don't know what I was thinking that night." he sighed, looking me right in the eye. 

"No Niall, it's fine. I can live with it. As long as I have you with me to help and support me, I'll be ok." I gave him a quick kiss, and the light turned green. He smiled to himself and drove on. 

We arrived the the arena and I became even more excited. I didn't want to come because the loudness, but apparently it's some private concert, so it won't be as loud. 

We walked in and fans were so excited to see us. I'm glad they don't know I'm pregnant yet, otherwise they'd all be mobbing me more. We went into the room where Cher was performing, and Cher was sitting in a chair on the stage. She stood up when she saw us and jumped off the stage.

"Niall! So nice to see you again!" she said, giving him a hug.

"And you're Caitlin. I've heard so much about you!" she said, giving me a bright smile. I smiled back and she went back to the stage. Niall smiled at me and we sat in the front row. She did her sound check and I almost wanted to sing along, but I didn't because I don't want fans hearing my voice. 

The conert finally started a quarter of an hour later, and she started with Want U Back. I silently sang along and I knew Niall could hear me. He smirked and nudged me. I laughed and squeezed his hand. I felt sick again. These tattoos are doing this to me and the baby. If only I had known, I wouldn't have gotten them that day. I would've waited. 

The concert finally ended after 2 hours. She was fantastic! On the way home, Ed texted me. I might as well tell him the news.

E- Hey!

C- Hi Ed, I have to tell you something

E- What is it?

C- Ed, I'm pregnant

E-Congrats! When's the baby due?

C- Idk yet..but I got tattoos the day after Niall and I..well..did it, and now its affecting the baby

E-Oh no! Hope everything works out for you guys!

C-Thanks Ed

I hope it does too. I don't want this baby dying because of me.


Ok, I got the Cher Lloyd concert in! Prepare for drama and sadly...sadness coming up! Hope you enjoyed! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND PLEASE KEEP READING ON! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!! :D :D <3 <3 

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