Getting Out

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Caitlins POV:

You know you were really drunk, when you woke up in a tub full of glitter with your fiance next to you. 

"Niall, do you remember why we're here?" I said, shaking him awake. 

"" he said.

I sat up and that's when the hangover it.

"Shit!" I slumped back into the tub holding my aching head. 

"Haha, you have a hangover and I don't! Guess I didn't drink much!" he said, laughing at me. 

"Shut up! You're making it worse!" I said, punching him in the arm.

"Oh, we never told anyone the news." I sighed and slowly got up. I shook off all the glitter, which took ten minutes, and walked slowly downstairs. I looked at the clock, 2:00 pm. 

"Hey, they're finally up!" Liam said, watching Niall stagger in behind me. 

"Shut up." I said, making myself a coffee.

"Oh, someone has a hangover!" Liam teased. I just ignored him and him and Niall laughed at me.  

"Hey,um, we have to tell you guys something so...get everyone." I said, shooing Liam out if the kitchen. After my coffee was done, I sat on the couch and waited. Finally everyone showed up.

I'm surprised none of them noticed the ring on my finger yet...

"Guys, we have great news." Niall said smiling.

"What, that Caitlin so has a hangover, because she never drinks coffee." Louis said laughing.

"Shut the fuck up and listen." I snapped.

"Guys, we're getting married!" Niall said, flashing me a smile. The next five minutes was filled with cheers, congrats, and Louis making weird noises. 

"So, we need to start planning." 

"Ok, me and the guys can go pick out our tuxes, and our wedding color can be..."

"Sky blue!" I shouted.

"What?" Niall asked, giving me a confused look.

"Why not? I want the color of your eyes." I said, then realizing how cheesy that sounded. 

"Uh, ok. Sounds cheesy, but good." he grinned and I felt my face go red. 

"Ok, so let's go!"

"Wait, when should the wedding be? Shouldn't we plan that first."

"How about...sometime in August."

"Ok. Oh, August 25th!"

"Why that day?"

"Because it's the birthday of my friend who moved back in year 1." I said shrugging.

"Oh, ok."

"Now, let's go!" Niall and the guys just got up and left.

"Well, that was random...and quick." I said, sipping my coffee.

"We're not picking dresses today are we." Sadey said.

"Nope. I have a hangover, and I'm not dealing with that." 

All of a sudden a phone went off. It was Liam's, he had left it here. I picked it up and read who the text was from. 

"Who's Lily?" I said, sliding open the text.

"Oh, that's his girlfriend." 

"When was he going to tell us?!"

"Who knows?" Sadey said, sliding next to me to read the text.

L- Hey Liam! What's up?

"I'm calling her." I said, I hit the call button and put her on speaker.

L- Hi Liam!

C- Hi Lily! Actually, this is Caitlin

L- Oh, hi Caitlin!

C-Hi, so um, anyways, I know we've never met but do you want to come over and help us plan my wedding

L-Well this is sudden but...sure I guess. I'll be there in a few

"You don't even know her and you want her to help plan your wedding?! You're mad!" Sadey said, putting Liam's phone on the table.

"Well, we have to meet her eventually. Plus, Liam would bring her to the weddin' anyways." I said. 

About ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door. 

"Wow, that was fast." I got up and answered the door. 

I opened it to a red headed girl with light brown eyes wearing a pink tank top and denim shorts.

"Hi Caitlin! I've always wanted to meet you!" she hugged me and I just nodded. That's a little weird, haha I guess not. 

"Ok, well since you're part of our family now, you get to help us plan. Ok, let's get started."


Louis' POV:

We finally got the suits and ties we would get and were starting to leave. Outside the shop, a girl sat down on the bench. She put on here glasses and read off her Kindle. Her golden brown hair looked familair, the way it rested on her shoulders. Wait, that's... Delilah.

As we walked outside, I tried to hide my face. We successfully snuck by and I turned to take a glance at her. With my luck, of course she was looking at us. She smiled and waved and I just waved. I turned back around and ran after the boys. Well, that was awkward.

We got to the car and I let out a stressful breath. Glad that's over. My phone went off with a text and I pulled out my phone.

From: Delilah

Louis, I'm ready. I'm ready to be commited. When I saw you just now, I knew it. Please, believe me

L- Fine. I'll be there in a second

"Hey guys, I'm going to go meet Delilah. You can go on and drive home." I got out of the car and walked back to the bench where she was waiting. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement.

"Hi Louis." she smiled at me with white teeth. I grinned back, I couldn't help it.

"I still love you Lou."

"I love you too Lilah."

"Do you want to start over?"



Yeah happiness! The story is almost over! :'( But don't forget the prequel! Yeah! THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING AND KEEP READING ON I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BYE! :D :D <3 <3  

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