Lilah </3 Zaylor <3

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Louis' POV:

I love Delilah so much, and I can't express it enough. She needs to know. That's why I'm proposing to her today on the ferris wheel. I'm having the operator stop at the top so I can do it. It's going to be perfect. We just arrived, and are going on all the rides except the faris wheel. I wanna save it for last. 

Finally, the ferris wheel. I reminded the guy of his job and he gave me a thumbs up. Once we were finally on, I got really nervous.  It stopped and it was my time.

I got down on one knee in the small gondola. She looked at me and looked terrified.

"Delilah Carrey, I love you with all my heart and all I have. I can't live without you. Will you please marry me?" she started crying, hopefully tears of joy.

"No Louis, I can't. I'm not up for commitment and marrage breaks people apart. I thought you were someone like me, without commitment, but I guess not. I don't want to hurt you by not marrying you and still being with you. It's better I..I leave you." she choked out a cry. This is happening because I want to get married. She's right though. If we were together and I wanted to get married and she didn't, it would just hurt me. 

She jumped into my arms and cryed and kept saying she's sorry.

"It's ok. Just promise me one thing. Find a guy who's perfect for you; studious, funny, quiet." I said, giving her a smile. She gave a little laugh and we kissed  one last time. That's it, Lilah is over, all because of my stupidity for rushing in too fast. 


Zayns POV:

I was on the couch, watching a movie, and on Twitter. Life is miserable without Taylor. I miss her so much. I feel so horrible about what happened. I got a text from Caitlin.

C- There's a surprise comin' ur way. btw, i hate to say it but i still dont trust you :/

Z- That's ok. you dont have to. as long as we're friends :)

C-cheesy much? haha and ok

Just then there was a knock at the door. I cautiously got up and opened the door to.....


She jumped right into my arms and hugged me tight. She was sobbing saying she missed me so much and that she still loves me.  

"I love you too Taylor." I realeased her from my grip and pulled her in for a kiss. It was long and sweet. I pulled her inside while still kissing her. I shifted her up on tp the arm of the couch so we would be eye to eye. Her eyes were still pricked with tears. She kissed me again and I smiled. I have the love of my life back. 


Sorry it's so short guys but I had a lot of homework and I feel like shit so..I'll try to write as much as I can I promise! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR OVER 1000 READS I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!! KEEP READING ON PLEASE I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D <3 <3  

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