The Red Carpet

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Sadey's POV:

Harry and I are a thing now. It's all over the place. I can't walk outside without girls screaming at me, asking for autographs. Or they curse at me. Either way, it's a lot.

Caitlin and Taylor, who have come to be my friends, forced me to move in, out from my crappy appartment. I'm quite glad about that part though. 

I'm staying in Harry's room, and it's pretty cool. He's tried to get in my pants more than once...and he has...but I love it. :) 

"You wanna have a party tonight?" Caitlin said, nearly bouncing up and down.

"We can't. We have a red carpet tonight. And management finally agreed to let you guys go." Niall said, putting an arm around Caitlin. She blushed and I couldn't help but laugh a little about how cute they are. Taylor and Zayn are so cute too! I think they were married once, who the hell knows. But they need to be married, now.

"Yeah!" Taylor said, taking Zayn's hand. They looked at each other with sparkles in their eyes, and smiled. How adorable. I looked at Harry and notcied he was staring at me. His face went red and he looked away. How cute.

"Wait, what will we wear?" I asked, nibbling at my horribly kept nails. 

"We can go get some dresses now I guess." Caitlin said, reaching in her pocket. She pulled out 2 euros.

"Ah, I can just use a dress I already have." she shoved the money back in her pocket.

"No, you're gettin' new dresses." Liam scolded.

"'K Daddy." Caitlin said, which made Liam's face go red.

"Let's get going. It's noon and the red carpet is at 6." Taylor said, standing up.We took the van and started driving.

"Where are we going anyways?" I asked, leaning forward to the front seat where the girls were.

"To this boutique Liam gave me the address to." Caitlin said, handing me a slip of paper. It wasn't to far from here. 

We arrived and Taylor smiled. She was nearly drooling over the beautiful dresses. We rushed inside, and I felt like I was in a candy shop for the first time. We browsed for about an hour, and then finally picked out our favorite dress.

I picked a short yellow dress, with a belt and a ring of flowers on the neck line and black heels. Taylor is wearing a peach-pink dress, with a black belt and nude heels. And Caitlin, and I love how she didn't pick something classy, picked an all black dress, with a black bow in the front, and white on top with stones, and black spotted boot heels.

We look amazing. I can't wait until Harry sees me!

We got home with the dresses in the bags.

"Let me see what you got." Harry said, tugging at the bag.

"No Harry, it's a surprise!" I giggled when he gave the puppy dog face. I put the dress on my closet and sat on the bed with Harry. A red carpet, with my boyfriend Harry Styles. Wow, that's a lot to take in. I can't wait.

At the red carpet...

"Zayn and Taylor! Over here!"

"Hey Caitlin, Niall!"

"Harry! Sadey!"

"Liam and Louis! Look over here!"

This is all we could hear from the fans and photographers. It was cool though, knowing that people wanted me, a normal, well, I was normal, girl, paying attention to them. 

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