It's Planned and Out There

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Nialls POV:

I'm so glad this is finally happening. Ever since I was 16, I've wanted to marry her. Creepy, but she thinks it's cute. I pulled out my phone and thought the world should know. 

NiallOfficial: It's time to let you guys know, Caitlin and I are getting married in August. I'm so happy :)

And...send. It's out there. All of Twitter knows, all the fans know, and I don't care what management thinks of it, because they don't even know. But now they will. :)

Everything is set. The wedding is planned, everyone knows. Life is great.


Ok, this was just sort of a filler chapter. Hope you enjoyed though! I think the next part is the last one.. :'( THANKS FOR READING AND KEEP READING I LOVE YOU ALL! :D :D <3 <3 

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