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Louis' POV:

Delilah and I sat on her couch, watching that same show Caitlin and Taylor watch, Regular Show. Some of the characters are creepy in my opinion. There's this gorilla thing named Skips who's a mechanic for the park and he's really, really old. Then there's Pops who's some creepy, old, British lolli pop. The creators of this show much be mad!

"What are you looking at?" she asked. I was staring at her face, which was so perfectly structered.

"Just uh, your face." I said with my face going red. She giggled and went back to watching the show.

I thought about if we were even dating officially. I think we are, right?

"Lilah." I said out loud.


"No, I was just thinking. That's our couple name." I said, revealing a twisted smile.

"Yeah, I guess. If we were dating." she said, smirking. I frowned.

"What do you mean? We kissed and, and, just, we are!" I said flustered.

" never officially asked me out.." she said, holding her mouth in an "o" position.

"Yes I did!" I said.

"Lou, I know. I'm just having a laugh." she said giggling.

'Oh, you got Boobear this time, but next time, oh next time your gonna really get it!" I said.

"Yeah sure..I'm REAL intimidated by someone nicknamed Boobear." she said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and then my phone rang. I answered it and put it on speaker.

"What's up Asian Persuasion?" I said chuckling.

"Not now Louis. Caitlin was hit by a car on the way coming back from a walk Niall sent her on while he set up her present. He feels massively guilty about it but it's not his fault. You need to meet us at the air port and we're all going to go New York and see her and Niall." Zayn said, adding a sniffle at the end. I think he's actually crying! Delilah looked at me with wide eyes and a tear slipped down her face.

"C-caitlin? The one who's my best friend. H-hit by a, c-car? I bet you it was Brandon! That bastard! If I ever see him, he's not going to see the light of day ever again!" she stood up furiously, more tears crashing down now.

"Delilah, is that you? Are you and Louis dating now?" he asked.

"Yes it's me and yes we're dating but that doesn't matter! My best friend was hit by a car and I didn't even get to see her yet ever since I met you guys and, Louis, get up and let's go!" she demanded, taking a hoody off the arm of a chair and pulling it over herself. The line went dead, signaling that Zayn had hung up and I got up. I followed Delilah out to my car, closing and locking her worn down door behind me. She got into the drivers side and patted the passenger seat.

"I thought I would drive since it's my car." I said, being sweet so she wouldn't yell at me in her rage.

"Well, you thought wrong. I'm driving." she said, pulling the car out of the drive.

When we all met up at the air port, we managed to get a jet to fly us there right away. I felt like we were missing something...

"Where's Liam?" I asked, looking around everywhere.

"Oh, he said he doesn't want to come because he can't bare to see Caitlin that way. He was the closest to her besides Niall. You would think they're brohter and sister if you met them for the first time. I don't understand why he wouldn't want to see her though."

"Oh." was all I said.

The whole ride there, the jet was filled with feelings of misery, glumness, and the fear of Caitlin dying. Then, Taylor's phone rung. We all looked at her face, and we could tell by her expression that it was Niall. She answered and put it on speaker.

"What's the news?"

"She's gettin' worse. You guys gotta get down 'ere fast."

"Oh. Well, are you with her now or.."

"I was just in there with her. The car hit 'er really bad. She's losin' too much blood. I really hope she'll be alright. They're doin' everything they can but, I don't know...It's all my fault. If she dies, I'll feel so guilty." he started choking up and crying.

"Oh, Nialler don't cry. It's not your fault! We'll be there soon! Hang in there!" Taylor said in her sympathy voice.

"It is my fault. If I hadn't sent her on a walk and sent her to the arcade like a originally planned cause she's a gamer and all, then she wouldn't be where she is now." There was some talking in the background and then Niall spoke again.

"Guys, she awake! I have to see her now! Bye!" he hung up quickly and we all stared at the phone in silence.

"D-do you think she's g-gonna die?" Harry choked out. Wow, he was really upset about this.

"Harry, don't even say that. She'll be fine." I reassured him, even though we knew she'd never be the same, happy, joyful person that cheered everyone up when they were down. The tables would have to turn now.


What do you think? Will she die? Will she ever be the same? Tell me what you think! Keep reading a voting! I really appreciate you guys reading my story! Thanks! :D <3

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