Caitlin's birthday

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Nialls POV:

It's Caitlin's birthday, once again. I can't believe that was already a year ago. Time really flies. I still haven't gotten her anything, and today's her birthday. I decided to let her sleep in, and I just lyed in bed next to her. She stirred a bit, then started mumbling.

"No, stop please. Don't!" her mumbling started getting louder. She was going to start scre-

"AHH! STOP PLEASE NO!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, and she was breathing fast. She suddenly woke up, looking around every where. Once she found me she pulled me into a tight hug.

"It's ok." I said, rubbing her back. She's been having a lot of nightmares lately. She softly cried into my shoulder then stopped.

"They're getting worse." she said quietly.

"Don't worry." I said, making her calm. She nodded and got up to get changed. She changed into baggy gray sweats, and a sweat shirt.

"Lazy day." I said. She nodded.

"I feel too old."

"You're only turning 20!"

"I know.." she sighed. I hugged her.

"You look fine." I said.

"You don't have any wrinkles yet!" I joked.


"No you don't Caitlin."


I piggy-backed her down the stairs, since she was exhausted. She rested her head on my shoulder, so it was right next to mine. I dropped her on the couch and made her breakfast. She fell asleep half way through her breakfast. Louis walked by.

"Is she ok? She's been really sleepy lately."

"I don't know. I'll ask her when I wake up. She told me she wanted to stay home all day last night, so I didn't plan anywhere. I wouldn't take her anywhere anyways. She's too exhausted." Louis shugged and walked into the kitchen. I rubbed her back because she was very restless. She started mumbling again. She didn't scream but looked scared.

Maybe it's her nightmares keeping her up. I feel horrible. I wish I could stop her pain and make ner nightmares go away.

_____To be continued...___________________________________________________________

I'm really tired guys and I need to catch up on a few fanfics so I ended it. I'll be adding more to Caitlin's b-day tomorrow I promise. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING AND PLEASE KEEP READING ON PLEASE THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU!!! :D :D <3 <3

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